Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 664: finally tell the truth

Shen Yanhong groaned, and fell to the ground in pain, covering her heart, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth, and her face as white as a dead man.

Ye Qingqing covered Ye Tong's eyes, preventing him from seeing these dirty things.

Ye Hua was trembling with fear, is the world war about to break out again?

He would rather eat green vegetables and tofu every day than see his parents fighting!

"What's the matter? What did this **** do?"

The old lady rushed out of the kitchen, thinking that Shen Yanhong had done something to anger Ye Zhiguo.

"Dad... I'm your daughter..." Ye Lan cried.

Ye Qingqing said angrily, "You are a dragging oil bottle, and the blood on your body is not from the Ye family!"

Ye Lan's heart was bitter, she was clearly Ye Zhiguo's biological daughter, with the blood of the Ye family flowing on her body, but Ye Qingqing was not!

"I am the daughter of the Ye family, you are not..."

Ye Lan couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted at Ye Qingqing.

But after roaring halfway, he was slapped by Ye Zhiguo.

" hit me?"

Ye Lan looked at Ye Zhiguo in disbelief, because she was not in good health. Ever since she was a child, Ye Zhiguo never even touched her with a finger.

Although she is not as good as Ye Qingqing, she is also a little princess who grew up in a honey pot, and she has never tasted what a slap is like!

But now...

The person who beat her was actually Ye Zhiguo!

The old lady was also taken aback. Her son has always loved these two children. Even when she was beating and scolding, her son was very dissatisfied, and now he actually beat half his life?

The old lady was so excited that her triangular eyes flashed, she closed her mouth and went to the corner, watching the big play just like Ye Qingqing.

"Ye Zhiguo, Lan'er is your daughter, she is your biological daughter, and tiger poison doesn't eat children, you are worse than tigers!"

Shen Yanhong on the ground finally couldn't help it and told the truth that she had held back for 20 years.

The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!

Ye Qingqing was overjoyed, and finally forced this woman's words out!

"What does she mean? Why is Ye Lan your biological daughter? Ye Lan is a year older than me. Are you messing with the sassy widow behind your mother's back?"

Ye Qingqing questioned Ye Zhiguo with a look of grief and anger.

Ye Zhiguo was so angry that he wanted to strangle Shen Yanhong to death, but it was important to appease Ye Qingqing, Shen Yanhong would treat her later!

"Don't listen to her nonsense, how could Ye Lan be my biological daughter, I have nothing to do with her!"

Ye Zhiguo was righteous and straightforward, and his expression was magnanimous.

This is the truth.

The paternity test result book clearly stated that Ye Lan was not related to him at all.

Ye Hua and he were 99.9% blood relatives, as he expected.

Ye Qingqing pretended to be It really doesn't matter? "

"How could it be okay? Laner and Ye Hua are both your father's biological children. If they are not biological, why should your father be so kind to them?"

Shen Yanhong sneered again and again, and every time she said a word, a mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth.

She has already given it up. If she doesn't say it again, Ye Zhiguo, this beast, will definitely attack her secretly.

It's easy to hide with open guns, and hard to defend against dark arrows. She might as well tell the truth and let Ye Zhiguo and Ye Qingqing go to the dog to bite the dog. She is so breathless!

"Bitch dares to talk nonsense!"

Ye Zhiguo angrily grabbed Shen Yanhong's neck, his expression grim, and murderous intent shot in his eyes.

No one would doubt that he really wanted to kill Shen Yanhong!

Shen Yanhong panted heavily and looked at Ye Qingqing.

. m.

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