Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 679: so close

The night was getting late, the Ye family was very quiet, and the old lady had already slept.

Ye Qingqing didn't dare to fall asleep too fast, her room was separated from Ye Lan's one floor by one floor, and she had to be very alert to detect any movement.

It's a pity that Pippi is not at home, otherwise with Pippi staring at her, she will be able to sleep soundly.

In the middle of the night, Ye Qingqing couldn't hold it anymore and fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly, a jolt woke up, Ye Qingqing's mind was abnormally clear, although she didn't hear any movement, she always felt that something was wrong, put on her coat and went out the door.

She went to Ye Lan's room first, the door was open, and Shen Yanhong was not on the bed.

Ye Qingqing's back was cold, and Ye Zhiguo couldn't wait for a whole night.

In fact, Ye Zhiguo didn't plan to do it tonight. He wanted to make a few more days, but Shen Yanhong's resistance made Ye Zhiguo very dissatisfied.

"It is very likely that you will fall and die..."

Lu Mo's words echoed in Ye Qingqing's mind.

Ye Qingqing suddenly became clear and ran towards the roof.

This bungalow is actually three and a half stories, the roof is a half-story attic, and there is a large terrace.

The railing of the terrace is not high, only halfway up, if you are not careful, it is likely to fall.

Ye Qingqing quickly ran to the top of the building. The cold wind in the middle of the night was freezing and she couldn't stop shivering.

The door to the attic was open, Ye Qingqing's heart was in her throat, she was very nervous and a little excited.

Lu Mo guessed correctly.

Ye Zhiguo really wanted Shen Yanhong to slip and fall to her death.

What a cruel heart!

Ye Qingqing pushed the door open a little and walked to the terrace. At this time, Ye Zhiguo was about to push Shen Yanhong down.

But when he heard Ye Qingqing's movement, Ye Zhiguo turned his head alertly and was very surprised to see Ye Qingqing.

"What are you doing here?"

Ye Zhiguo secretly scolded Ye Qingqing for bad things, but he almost succeeded.

"I'm having a nightmare, I want to come up and breathe, Dad, what are you doing up with her?"

Ye Qingqing pretended to be surprised.

The desperate Shen Yanhong breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Ye Qingqing's voice, her body was still shaking.

If Ye Qingqing was a second late, she would be pushed down by Ye Zhiguo.

Shen Yanhong was terrified and grateful to Ye Qingqing.

So far, Ye Qingqing has saved her twice.

Ye Zhiguo gritted his teeth and said with a smile, "Your Aunt Shen was sleepwalking again and almost jumped off. Fortunately, I caught it in time!"

"Jump down and jump down, if you die, you will fall down!"

Ye Qingqing deliberately said something angry, Ye Zhiguo smiled slightly, and his suspicion of Ye Qingqing's sudden appearance was relieved.

It must be just a coincidence!

Ye Qingqing hated Shen Yanhong deeply, how could she come to save her?

"It's windy on the roof, Qingqing, go back to your room to sleep, you've caught a cold!"

Ye Zhiguo gave up the idea of ​​getting rid of Shen Yanhong and prepared to do it again in a few days, dragged Shen Yanhong back, and also acted as a loving father, asking Ye Qingqing to return to the room earlier.

"I know, I'll be back in a while!"

Ye Qingqing pretended to be impatient, and felt a little scared in her heart.

Fortunately, I suddenly woke up just now, otherwise Shen Yanhong was really dead, who would accuse Ye Zhiguo in the future?

Not long after Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong left, Ye Qingqing also returned to the room and fell asleep.

The next morning, Ye Zhiguo went to work. The old lady went to the vegetable market to pick up vegetable leaves as usual. Shen Yanhong packed her simple luggage and looked a little hesitant.

She misses her son.

But no matter how reluctant you are, you can only leave, otherwise your life will not be saved!

Shen Yanhong left Ye's house resolutely, and saw Tie Dan at the intersection.

. m.

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