Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 69: Xiaotong is a genius

Ye Qingqing understood. Although Tie Dan is not good at arithmetic, he still knows the basic numbers. Xiao Tong should have learned from Tie Dan, but... Is Xiao Tong so smart?

Not only can you learn quickly, but also draw inferences from one case?

Lu Mo glanced at Xiaotong, who was obediently eating the cake. His mouth was full of red jujube cakes, drumming like a hamster and as cute as his sister. He said to Ye Qingqing, "Try it a little harder."

Ye Qingqing thought for a while and asked, "Xiaotong, elder sister asks you, twenty-five pieces of cake, elder sister ate eight pieces, how many pieces are left?"

Ye Tong blinked, wondering why her sister asked him such a childish question, but he still answered, "Seventeen yuan."

Putting a piece of cake in his mouth, Ye Tong added, "I ate six pieces of cake, and there are nineteen pieces left."

He sympathetically glanced at Ye Qingqing, who had a stunned expression on his face, stretched out his chubby hand, and patted her on the head lightly, all the pastry residues fell on her hair, "Sister is stupid!"

"Hahahaha..." Tie Dan burst out laughing, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

Xiaotong said the same about him just now. Although he doesn't mind others calling him stupid, but being rejected by a little brat, Tie Dan is still a little sullen, and it's all right now.

My sister-in-law has been despised!

Lu Mo looked at Ye Qingqing's feces-like expression, twitched the corners of his mouth, and quickly turned his head.

Ye Qingqing was so angry that she pinched Ye Tong's face and stole the cake in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. The little boy dared to despise her for being stupid, but Ye Tong's sensitivity to numbers was beyond her. Unexpectedly, is her family Xiaotong a genius with great wisdom?

Lu Mo said to the iron egg: "Call my mother."

Before his mother retired, she was an excellent teacher, so she should be able to understand Xiaotong's situation.

Lin Shufang came over in a hurry. After hearing what Ye Qingqing said, she asked Xiaotong a few more questions, including language and numbers, as well as logical thinking. She had a rough idea.

"Xiaotong is only sensitive to numbers, and he is not as good as an ordinary child in other respects. He is a math genius." Lin Shufang beamed.

Ye Qingqing swallowed hard and repeated the question in disbelief, "Is Xiaotong really a genius?"

"Yes, 100% is a genius. Fortunately, I found out early, and I can cultivate Xiaotong well. I will definitely have a future." Lin Shufang is very sure. She has taught countless students, and Xiaotong is the best mathematician she has ever seen. Talented people, as long as they are well guided, their future is limitless.

Ye Qingqing's eyes became hot, and tears flowed involuntarily, regretting more than surprise.

How blind she had to be in her previous life, to bury Xiaotong, and to die inexplicably, it was all her fault.

"I'm's all my fault..." Ye Qingqing hugged Xiaotong and sobbed, wishing she could slap herself again.

Everyone was startled, but I didn't expect Ye Qingqing to cry. Lin Shufang was deeply touched, the corners of her eyes were wet, she took out a handkerchief to wipe Ye Qingqing's tears, and comforted: "Put Xiaotong with me in the future, it's simple. I can still teach the entry, and when Xiaotong has a foundation, I will send him to a regular school, we Xiaotong will definitely have a future in the future, don’t cry anymore…”


Ye Qingqing was a little embarrassed, how could she cry in front of Lu Mo!

But just now I really couldn't hold back, thinking of Xiaotong's tragic past life, the tears couldn't stop.

"Sister doesn't cry... It doesn't hurt anymore."

Ye Tong thought Ye Qingqing's wound was hurting, so she stood on tiptoe and blew a few breaths on her neck, looking worried.

Ye Qingqing burst into laughter and kissed Xiaotong on the face, "It doesn't hurt anymore, Xiaotong won't hurt after blowing it, let's eat cake!"

Lin Shufang sighed lightly and touched the heads of her sister and brother, a child without a mother is the worst offender!


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