Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 807: frightening darkness

Ye Qingqing's diet pills have not been fully researched. From ancient times to the present, most diet pills are actually laxatives.

Eating too much is definitely harmful to the body. The body of glutinous rice **** is not good. Of course, this kind of medicine cannot be used.

That's why Ye Qingqing wanted to find another way. Other diet pills were leaking, but she had to support them instead.

In fact, the human body itself is a very delicate machine. It has a rigorous self-regulation function, which will make the body try to reach a balance point.

People who are too fat or too thin actually have a problem with their body and cannot self-regulate, so they will cause imbalance.

Tang Yuan Yuan is like this, taking chocolate energy bars all the year round, ingesting too much hormones and energy, causing her body endocrine disorders.

Even if she doesn't eat or drink, her body can't lose weight.

Many obese patients actually have some endocrine disorders. Staying up late and excessive fatigue can lead to problems with body functions, so losing weight is not simply diarrhea.

The first premise is to take good care of your body.

As long as your body is well nourished, your body's own self-regulation ability will make you lose weight naturally.

But the idea is good, but the reality is not so good.

Although Ye Qingqing has some clues, it is still far from a finished drug, and it is still in the experimental stage.

Tang Yuan Yuan volunteered to be a test product. I have taken two batches of diet pills, and the effect is not too obvious, but it has no side effects on the body.

However, Ye Qingqing is confident that the weight loss drug will definitely be successfully developed, and it will not take too long!

She did her homework for a while and felt a little hungry, so she was going to go to the kitchen to make dinner. She didn't go to Sang's house for dinner today, Ye Qingqing planned to cook some noodles!

Of course, I have to make two meat bones for Xiaomei, she can deal with it casually, but Xiaomei can't!

Xiaorou Tuanzi followed Ye Qingqing, she followed wherever she went, it was very clingy!

Ye Qingqing's heart was as soft as water, so she cooked meat and bones for Xiaomei first. The little guy happily nibbled at the bones. After nibbling on the bones a few times, he glanced at Ye Qingqing, which was very interesting.

"Eat more, I'll buy you beef bones tomorrow!"

Ye Qingqing touched Xiaomei's head lightly, and was about to cook noodles for herself.

But just standing up, the eyes suddenly darkened, and the whole person sat on the ground.

The back also hit a sharp object, and Ye Qingqing was in pain, sweating coldly. This time it was dark for a long time.

Ye Qingqing was a little With her hands touching all around, she touched the fleshy Xiaomei, Xiaomei seemed to feel the panic of her master, she stuck out her tongue and kept licking on her hands, Ye Qingqing Not so scared anymore.

She sat on the ground with Xiaomei in her arms, and after a while, light gradually appeared in front of her eyes.

Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, she had never felt how happy it was to see it before, but the sudden darkness just now made her finally understand Helen's mood when she wrote that book—

"If You Give Me Three Days of Light".

What a blessing to be able to see this beautiful world clearly!

Ye Qingqing would not be willing to transfer the right to see the light to others, even if it was exchanged for a huge amount of property that could not be spent in dozens of lifetimes!

She rubbed her eyes, and had doubts in her heart. In the past, when she squatted down and stood up, her eyes would turn black, but it didn't take so long.

Could it be that you have been studying too hard recently and your anemia is serious?

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