Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 809: collective exclusion

The dumplings fed Yu Moli three chocolates at a time, and beat her stomach several times, which was helpful for the chocolate to quickly enter the stomach and be digested as soon as possible.

These are all learned from Ye Qingqing, and the ability to apply what they have learned to Tangyuanyuan children's shoes is still very good!

"Go back to class, darling!"

Tang Yuan Yuan patted Yu Jasmine's head with tears and snot on her face, like a puppy, very queen.

There is absolutely no obedience from half a year ago, as if reborn.

The resentment in Yu Moli's eyes deepened, but she couldn't do anything.

I don't know where Tang Yuanyuan learned the kung fu, she couldn't beat it at all, she could only obey obediently.

She went to the teacher to complain, but the teacher criticized her after getting to know her classmates.

She said that her vanity was too strong, and her mind was useless in her studies. She also said that she did not get along with her classmates, so she should reflect on it.

Yu Moli felt that she was more wronged than Dou E. It was obvious that someone else had bullied her, but the teacher not only did not decide for her, but also said that she caused trouble.

Yu Moli, who was extremely aggrieved, went home and complained to Yu Wuwei, but Yu Wuwei was so busy herself that she didn't have the heart to take care of her daughter's troubles, so she also scolded Yu Moli.

Yu Moli, who had no way to ask for help, was disheartened and felt the deep malice in this world.

It also made her unable to resist!

Just obediently obey.

Just like the dumplings back then.

After returning to the classroom, Yu Moli wanted to return to her seat, but after walking a few steps, she suddenly leaned forward and fell to the ground.

The classmates burst into laughter and looked at Yu Moli, who was in a state of embarrassment on the ground.

A certain classmate silently retracted his feet, and followed the other classmates to appreciate Yu Moli's embarrassment.

How dare you say they are poor?

What kind of golden onion do you think you are!

What Ye Qingqing and Tang Yuanyuan said that day made all the classmates hate Yu Moli. If Yu Moli had a better personality and was a person with her tail between her legs, her life would not be so miserable now.

But Yu Moli is usually bossy at home and looks up at the sky, how could she have a good face for the poor classmate she thought?

This time, the hornet's nest has been stabbed, and the arrogant Yu Moli has received revenge from all her classmates!

Even the classmates who used to have some grudges were united because of Yu Moli and united to suppress her!

"I'm going to tell the teacher!"

Yu Moli was ashamed, angry and painful, tears streaming down her cheeks, staring at her classmates angrily.

"You can only wrestle when you are blind, and it has nothing to do with us!"

"You tripped me!"

Yu Moli pointed at the female classmate who shrank just now and yelled angrily.

"Which eye did you see me tripping you? Did you see it?" The female classmate was not in a hurry.

"We didn't see anything, and Yu Moli even slandered others when she fell. In the future, everyone should stay three meters away from her. If she falls again in the future, we poor people can't afford it!"

"That's We are civilians, and Yu Moli is the daughter of a daughter. Everyone's house is carpeted. It's fine to walk with your eyes closed!"

"Since she is Miss Qianjin, why do you want to go to school with us poor people? The family is bankrupt, so what are you pretending to be!"


The classmates were talking all over the place, you and I said every sentence, and demoted Yu Moli into the mud!

Yu Moli got up from the ground, sat back in the corner, lowered her head and cried in pain.

Why did she come to this broken school?

It's all dumplings!

And her friend!

The extreme-minded Yu Moli did not reflect on herself, but blamed all the grievances and pains on Tang Yuanyuan and Ye Qingqing, and hated them both!

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