Ye Susu gritted her teeth and comforted herself secretly, Ye Qingqing would be punished immediately!

I don't know anything like this wild girl!

The driver of the hotel was very conscientious and had been waiting outside the restaurant. When he saw Ye Qingqing coming out, he hurriedly drove out of the car, opened the door for her diligently, and helped her into the car with the waiter.

The waiter nodded slightly to the driver, who smiled.

Ye Susu also came out. When she got in the car, the car slowly left, and the waiter went to the public phone booth next to her.

"Everything is going well, it's in progress!"

"Continue, I must ensure the safety of my granddaughter, and if there are more men, I will give you more money!" The old lady's tone was cold.

She never makes it easy.

Once the shot is made, it must be the ultimate move, and it will never give the opponent a chance to turn over!

If Huaiyuan was not the deputy mayor of Pingjiang City, and Ye Susu was from HK, if he lost his life in Pingjiang City, he would have affected his son.

Taking this into consideration, the old lady spared Ye Susu's life, but she wanted to let her live in pain for the rest of her life!

"Okay, don't worry, the purpose of our service is to satisfy our customers!"

The waiter complied, Ye Susu, that woman, she looked very disgusting, and made a few more men to shun that woman's temper!

"Take a photo for a certificate, try to take it as clearly as possible!" The old lady instructed again.

"Rest assured, it must be 365 degrees in all directions."

"very good!"

The old lady is very satisfied with the detective agency she found, and it is very reliable!

In the car, Ye Susu instructed the driver: "The scenery over there is not bad. I want to take a few pictures when I drive over there."

"Isn't Miss Ye going to talk about business?" Ye Qingqing mocked.

"Not less than a few minutes away."

Ye Sususu urged a few more words, and the driver turned around and drove towards the construction site.

At this time, Lu Qingquan took the fifteen men he hired and waited on a remote hillside.

It was the first time that the fifteen men were in high spirits and offered money to sleep with women!

Even if the woman was ugly like a pig, they recognized it!

Anyway, no matter how beautiful or ugly a woman is, the following is the same, as long as she can be cool!

What's more, you can earn money and sleep for 100 yuan a time!

It's like a pie from the sky!

The car drove over from a distance, and Lu Qingquan was full of energy, and shouted at the men, "Hurry up and hide!"

After a while, all 15 men hid behind the soil slope, and Lu Qingquan also touched the grass.

Ye Susu instructed the driver to stop at the **** where she and Lu Qingquan had an appointment.

"The scenery here is really nice. I'll take a few pictures. Would Miss Ye want to come down and get some air?"

Ye Susu didn't want to get out of the car at first, but she didn't know what was going on, her body was so she was sweating in the car.

She had to get out of the car and blow the air, otherwise she couldn't stand it.

"No, Miss Ye, please hurry up and take pictures, don't waste my time!" Ye Qingqing said coldly.

"It's coming soon... hiccup..."

Ye Susu couldn't help fanning the wind with her hands. Now not only is her skin itchy, she feels itchy everywhere, especially...

She groaned involuntarily, clamped her legs, and slowly twisted her body.

Although Ye Qingqing couldn't see it, he could hear Ye Susu's moan and sneered secretly.

The medicinal effect of this woman is quite strong, and she can't stand it because she is so skilled!


Ye Susu's moan became louder and louder, charming and charming, her body twisted like a water snake, but her mind was still a little clear.

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