Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 885: inhumane request


Ye Qingqing was startled, but she quickly realized that she was secretly delighted, and the big wood finally came to her senses.

Lu Mo, who had been suppressed for a long time, once the ban was lifted, the tide would surge out, and he could no longer control it.

He hugged Ye Qingqing tightly and used a lot of strength, trying to rub the other party into his body, and his tongue sucked the honey from the other party's mouth.

But this was far from enough. Lu Mo hesitated for a while, and finally he couldn't hold out his hand...

The temperature in the bathroom is getting so hot that it can almost boil the water in the bathtub.

The iron egg downstairs was sleepy and his head was like a chicken pecking at rice. He really wanted to go to bed, but why didn't the battalion commander and his sister-in-law cook the meat yet?

Obviously the scent is gone.

Tiedan, who was extremely sleepy, finally couldn't bear it any longer. He lay down on the table and fell asleep, and soon fell asleep, eating stewed meat in his dreams.

I don't know how long it took, the two people who were tightly entangled became more and more dizzy, and they didn't know what they were doing. They just continued with the instinct of the body...

Even Lu Mo, who was always proud of his self-control, couldn't control himself.

"What spring is happening in the daytime... Hurry up and get dressed and practice the exercises!"

Pippi arrived at the right time, and when she saw the scene in front of her, she couldn't help but feel excited, and she thought of the thrush that had been neglected for a long time.

Tonight, I'm going to find Thrush Bird Xiaobiesheng for the newlyweds.

The two people who were awakened by Pippi's flat roar were all awake, and they just wanted to bury themselves in the water.

Lu Mo secretly scolded himself for being so useless, how can he become strong in the future with such poor self-control!

"You can't break your body now, otherwise how will you practice!" Pippi flew a few times above the two of them and told them the bad news.

"You must have a great success in order to consummate the house!"

Ye Qingqing was suddenly dumbfounded, "How long does it take to achieve great feats?"

"Looking at your personal qualifications, it's estimated that you're like this for more than ten years!"

Pippi's words made Ye Qingqing fall into an ice cellar and her heart was cold.

She hasn't been able to eat meat for more than ten years, what is she doing here?

"Then I might as well be a nun!" Ye Qingqing protested loudly.

This requirement is too inhumane, it is also lustful, how can one control people's lust?

"You can't practice hard and strive to achieve great achievements in advance. Look at how useless you are!"

Pippi was so angry that she cursed and couldn't help it for more than ten years.

How to carry forward the Xu family?

Ye Qingqing sighed angrily, not daring to talk back, and secretly made up her mind that she must practice magic as soon as possible.

She didn't want to be widowed for more than ten years.

Moreover, Lu Mo's beauty is in front, it's hard to say whether she can hold it!

"Still hugging each other? Hurry up and put clothes on for Lao Tzu, it's not ridiculous!"

Pippi gave him a training session and had a unique sense of accomplishment. Seeing that the two were still hugging each other tightly, he scolded him again.

Only then did Lu Mo realize that his hand was still on Ye Qingqing's body, so he hurriedly retracted his face, blushing to the point of bleeding.

The two of them were like students who had done something wrong, obediently letting Pippi teach him a lesson, and Lu Mo hurriedly left the bathroom. Thinking of Xiang Yan just now, his face turned even redder.

He secretly scolded himself for being too unworthy, how could he not be able to control it!

I still have too much energy, so I will increase the amount of training in the future!

After Ye Qingqing dried her body, she put on her own clothes, and Pippi was still thinking.

"The most important thing right now is to practice the exercises and learn your skills well, don't think about other things... When you achieve great success, even if you sleep 18 times a day, I don't care about you..."

Ye Qingqing pouted and slept 18 times a day, no matter how fertile the land was, she would have to plough it badly.



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