Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 970: While hooking up

"Go down...don't mess around..."

Lu Mo coaxed in a good voice, hoping that Ye Qingqing could stop her horse in time and turn her head around, this girl has no idea what she is doing!

Doesn't she know that men can't be teased?

"Don't... bro... your abs are so hard, touch them well..."

Ye Qingqing originally just wanted to seduce Lu Mo, but as soon as she touched her firm but soft abdominal muscles, she fell first, touching, pinching, and licking from time to time.

She completely ignored Lu Mo's increasingly tense body, indulged in those eight abdominal muscles, unable to extricate herself...

And the charming narrow waist and mermaid line, although she can't see it clearly, she can touch it...

Ye Qingqing's hand moved further and further down. Lu Mo, who had resisted originally, had more and more desire in his eyes, and his breathing became heavy. He watched Ye Qingqing unbutton his clothes, revealing his honey-colored chest.

This girl is on fire...

Even more annoyed, he was reluctant to throw this girl out.

Those cool little hands touched his body, and he enjoyed it more than the most advanced masseuse. He just wanted to indulge in it, not thinking about anything...

However, Lu Mo still had a little sanity, knowing that if he continued, something would really happen.

He has absolutely no confidence in his self-control right now.

"Let go..." Lu Mo said in a hoarse voice, and was about to throw Ye Qingqing off.

For him, it was actually quite easy.


Ye Qingqing's hand moved further and further down, because she couldn't see, so she didn't know what she was doing at all. She thought she was touching the mermaid line, but the goose...but she touched...

Lu Mo seemed to have been stung by a bee, his whole body was about to bounce, the fire was completely ignited, the gods were rational, the gods shouldn't... go to hell!

Ye Qingqing realized something was wrong, what was she touching just now?

The feel is completely different from the abdominal muscles!

Before she could react, her body was swept by a force and came to Lu Mo's arms, and was greeted with a kiss like a storm, giving her no time to breathe.

"Um... bro..."

Ye Qingqing wanted Lu Mo to be gentle, but she is a delicate flower!

But her words suppressed Lu Mo's kiss, and in exchange for a more violent storm, Lu Mo closed all the windows of the car before his reason was overwhelmed, so that people outside could not see what was inside.

Tiedan and Wuchen, who were probing their brains in the corner, sighed in unison as they watched the car window closed and turned pitch black.

They are all kissed!

"What do you think they will do in the car? Will they take off their clothes and fight like Widow Wang and Niu Dandan?" Wuchen guessed curiously.

Tie Dan was stunned for a Widow Wang is recognized as a virtuous woman in the village. She was a widow at the age of 20, and she has been a widow for 15 years without any scandal.

Niu Dan is also a famous person in the village. He is very courageous. He made a bet with others that he slept in the mass grave for three days and three nights, but nothing happened. After that, the villagers called him Niu Dan.

But Niu Dan has a wife and children, and he is also the brother-in-law of the widow Wang.

"How do you know that Widow Wang and Niu Dan took off their clothes to fight?" Tie Dan didn't quite believe it.

"I saw it with my own eyes. The two of them always took off their clothes and fought at night. The fight was fierce. Widow Wang screamed like a dead father and a dead mother, and she even called Niu Dan's father!"

Wuchen really can't understand, since it hurts so much, why do you always fight with Niu Daran, if you don't fight, you can't do it!

Although Tie Dan is also ignorant when it comes to matters of men and women, he is better than Wuchen, knowing that he is definitely not doing a good thing if he takes off his clothes and fights. I really did not expect that Widow Wang is such a person!

Tie Dan immediately decided to withdraw his respect for Widow Wang and Niu Daran!

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