“It’s good that you are fine, good.” Pei Siyan hugged him tightly again, his voice full of sorrow.

“Ouch, ouch, it hurts. You are hugging me way too f**king hard, Pei Siyan.”

Jiang Sheng complained; he was immediately in high spirits, and his throat was no longer hoarse.

“Goddamn it, do you need to hug me so tightly? I’m not gonna run away.” Jiang Sheng muttered again, but instead of pushing Pei Siyan away, he hugged him back and rested his head on his shoulder while taking a deep breath.

‘It’s Pei Siyan’s smell. He smells so good and comforting.’

Jiang Sheng rubbed himself against Pei Siyan’s chest, and then a smile showed up on his face again.

Because he knew Pei Siyan was worried about him. Though he didn’t know who Pei Siyan liked more, he or Lan Yuan, he was sure that if Pei Siyan knew Lan Yuan’s true colors, he would definitely choose him.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Why don’t you say something? Pei Siyan?”

Pei Siyan was holding him without saying anything, so Jiang Sheng poked him on his waist and asked.

“Let me hold you for a while. Just a short while will do.” Pei Siyan’s voice was hoarse, and the relief of getting something back after losing it was obvious.

“Okay, I’ll let you hug me until your arms are numb.” Jiang Sheng smiled so happily and even patted Pei Siyan on the back to comfort him.

Jiang Sheng’s action made Pei Siyan feel familiar.

He felt like he used to have been hugged like this before and was gently comforted by the man who hugged him.

The man’s voice was soft; his palm was not big, but very warm.

‘Was it Lan Yuan who hugged me like this at night?’ Pei Siyan pondered.

But he was lost again, because Lan Yuan was not the type of man who would do that.

Lan Yuan wouldn’t do anything to comfort others at all. He would only vent his anger and hurt him.

Pei Siyan didn’t know since when Lan Yuan had become strange to him, and the distance between them just got wider, and he seldom slept with Lan Yuan at night..

But he had seen Lan Yuan crying before. Back then, he only went home once in a long time, and Lan Yuan just sat in bed waiting for him and kept shedding tears whenever he saw him.

From then on, his heart began to soften again.

But whenever it was at daytime, they would have quarrels again. Lan Yuan was always willful and didn’t listen to him.

But he would apologize to Pei Siyan, comfort him and give him a gentle hug at night.

Pei Siyan told himself that this might be the reason why he couldn’t forget Lan Yuan.

Because of Lan Yuan’s occasional gentleness, he just couldn’t let him go.

He knew that he shouldn’t have compared Jiang Sheng with the Lan Yuan he knew at night.

But they were so alike! He was way too familiar with the way Jiang Sheng was acting that he even wanted to cry.

“What’s wrong with you, Pei Siyan? Something’s not right about you! ”

Jiang Sheng was worried about Pei Siyan. He pushed him away and looked up at his face.

Pei Siyan hurriedly turned his head; he seemed to wipe his tears. Then he turned to Jiang Sheng and replied, “I’m fine.”

However, Pei Siyan’s eyes reddened.

Jiang Sheng didn’t ask too much. He just got up, kissed Pei Siyan’s eyes lightly, and then blew on them gently.

“You are just having problems with your eyes. I know.” Jiang Sheng held Pei Siyan’s face, grinned and made up an excuse for Pei Siyan, so that he would not be embarrassed.

Jiang Sheng’s smile was so charming and dazzling in Pei Siyan’s eyes.

He had only seen this smile once before; it was the night when Lan Yuan smiled at him.

At that time, he bought a present for Lan Yuan. Lan Yuan smiled very happily but then cried again. Lan Yuan told him that this was the most precious gift he had received, the one and only.

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