Pushing myself out of the ventilation systems, I dropped to the floor and looked around quickly.

I stuck my proboscis out and tasted the air, and smelled different pheromones, I'd  guessed that's what they were, and followed the trail.

Coming across a human in black body armor, he aimed at me and fired a short burst of his gun, which looked futuristic.

I leapt aside, but one bullet found it's way into my body and burned like hell.

Hissing, I charged at him, slashing the light with my tail, making the hallway fall into darkness.

"Damn aliens are getting smarter, this bastard took out the light." I heard him muttering to himself in the darkness while looking around alertly.

"Silly thing, I can still see with my night vision headset, it'll only be a matter of time before -ahhhh"

His voice turned into a scream as another Xenomorph crept up behind him and impaled him on it's tail.

It hissed at me and then dragged the body away, probably to consume...

I followed the scent, and didn't run into any more humans, only their bodies littered the floor, some in pieces.

I followed the tug and came out into a chamber with a Xenomorph that stood twenty feet tall and commanded respect.

'Child, why are you here?' I looked up and saw the Xenomorph with it's head tilted while looking down at me.

'I felt the pull, so I came, is there anything I can do?' I asked, for some reason wanting to be of use to it.

'They branded you, evolve some more and then you can be of use.' Then my mind blanked.

When I could see again, the twenty foot tall Xenomorph was gone, and the area deserted, no human or Xenomorph alike.

'How do I evolve? What do I do?' I looked up and saw a hole in the ceiling, about twenty feet wide at the largest part, and I realized that probably how it left.

I heard a hiss and a Xenomorph trotted out of the darkness and clicked a few times.

Then I felt something pushing into my mind and then I heard it.

'Come, food, grow' I looked as it nodded it's head and walked off into the darkness.

Though the base, or whatever we were in had sunken into darkness, I could still see as clear as day.

We continued for about five minutes before coming to a stop, inside were a variety of scents that belonged to Xenomorphs, somehow I just knew.

I watched as it strode inside and pushed a smaller Xenomorph aside.

Then I saw what they were doing and nearly fled in fright.

It was an all out melee, and bladed tails were flying around, severing body parts as they repeatedly clashed.

I then saw a smaller Xenomorph advancing towards me and I took a step back.

Feeling emboldened, it lunged at me and I acted on pure reflex and stabbed my tail out, I watched as it fell to the floor, burning a hole beneath it with the blood that seeped out of it's head.

My tail swung around and whipped another Xenomorph, yet it didn't die, though it did lose focus for a second, then the others pounced on it and tore it apart.

Then they started to circle me slowly, as I watched them alertly, wishing I was back in the simulation.

Then one of them leapt at me, claws extended as it tried to grab me and pierce me through with it's tail.

I leapt back, tail slashing out at another Xenomorph, yet it blocked with a lazy flick of its tail, then it crawled to the side and watched us.

I shivered at it's gaze, then felt a burst of agony as a tail drew itself along my head.

I hissed and through myself forward, stabbing down on the offender with my claws.

Blood splashed my face as I raked the Xenomorph's face with my claws until it stopped moving.

Shaking slightly, I looked up, only to see the other Xenomorphs slink away or bow their head.

Then I felt a burst of agony and then I slept.

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