I watched as it flipped a switch and the ship powered on.

'Whenever you're ready, we can launch at any time.'

'Launch.' I looked as the ship started to hover, and the Xenomorphs within started hissing, feeling caged.

The ship rose to a few hundred feet in height, then shot towards the sky, engines roaring as it resisted the gravitational pull of the moon.

Soon we were in space, soaring past asteroids and space junk.

[En route to Epilson 3 has been charted, have a wonderful flight.] A voice rang over the intercom, but I chuckled as the Xenomorphs all looked at the speaker with hostility.

'Relax, it's just a machine...' I trailed off as a ship tried to flag us down, but the little Xenomorph who piloted the ship swerved between two cruisers, giant was ships that made the one we were on look small.

"This is Epilson Defense Alpha Team, why is a ship from Epilson 3's Moon going planetside?"

We all just had a moment of silence before the little xeno turned the thrusters all the way up.

Shooting forward, we passed the crusier who had turned to us and started pursuing.

"This is Epilson Alpha Unit, we have an unidentified scout ship heading planetside, we request permission to engage."

I hissed in fury, as getting shot out of the sky wasn't something on my bucket list.

'This is Epilson Planetside Control, you have permission to fire." 

The cruiser banked to the side and a beam of plasma charged up in their main cannon.

'Will the ship hold out?' I asked the little xeno, only for her to shake her head quickly.

'Then dive!' I flicked the joystick with my tail and the ship plummeted down.

"They are approaching the planet, and we haven't verified them, all ships target the intruder."

The outside of the ship started to burn as we entered the atmosphere.

Then the clouds parted and I saw a city standing tall, even from our height.

"This is Planetside Control, we have an unregistered aircraft landing within the city, dispatch armed forces to clean them up."

I watched as the little Xenomorph started hitting random buttons, at least random to me as the ship slowed down and started to descend.

Then I saw helicopters, if you could even call them that approaching us.

They looked like jets, save for the helicopter blades they had on the top.

"Come out quietly, and we will take you into custody, resist and you will not be dealt with leniently."

I shrugged and opened the airlock, feeling a cool breeze blow across my skin.

'Let's go, this world isn't going to change itself...'

I leapt from the ship and landed softly in a densely wooded area.

I heard branches break and Xenomorphs rained from the sky.

They landed, some better than others, then I gestured for them to move.

And they were gone within a few seconds, searching for prey.

[You have successfully made it to Epilson 3, you have gained the shop function.]

I looked at the screen and sighed.

'You call it a shop function, and it only sells one thing?!' I asked while running through the woods.

Following the scent of numerous Xenomorphs.

I strode to a stop besides a hole in the ground, then I climbed into it and was instantly delighted.

'This is big enough to form another Hive, I just need to produce eggs and let them hatch.'

I grinned as I hunkered down and started to buy eggs from the shop.

'Seems my balance from the Secondary Omniverse carried over...'

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