When Lin is about to give the child to his daughter, he pulls Deng into his study. Two people had a secret talk in the study for a long time, and Deng left the Lin family with an iron face.

The next day, the Military Commission once again ordered the logistics department to transport two trains of ammunition to supplement the front line. In the two places where Lin Wan'er's father and mother died, continuous gunfire broke out that night. According to statistics afterwards, a total of 100000 shells were dropped in two places less than five square kilometers, with an average of 20 shells per square meter. As a result, the whole battlefield was cut three meters.

In the subsequent war, the Yue army, which had besieged Lin Wan'er's father, became the target of all the troops, and only three of them survived. However, after the three men retreated to the rear, they still had to die. Thousands of people in the regiment became the funeral objects of Lin Wan'er's father.

Although he avenged Wan'er's parents, he always felt ashamed of Wan'er and left her by himself. It is precisely because of the absence of her parents that although Lin Wan'er grew up doting by her grandparents, uncles and aunts, she still has an iceberg like personality. Lin, of course, sees all these things in his eyes, but he is, after all, a grandfather. He is a generation away from Wan'er. He can't talk to her like his parents, and he can't change her personality.

So at ordinary times, master Lin will be obedient to Wan'er, just want to compensate her. But this time, Wan'er suffered such a big loss under Mr. Lin's eyes. How can he not be like a volcano explosion?

After listening to Li Zhongguo's story, Xu Li has a better understanding of Lin's mood. Originally, Lin was very fond of Wan'er, otherwise he would not have left all Lin's affairs to Wan'er. But it was such a beautiful girl who fell in love with her husband. How could Mr. Lin accept it?

Li Zhongguo then said: "this time Wan'er and Xiao Lei told us that they would go to Europe together to have fun. We didn't think much about it, but they left for more than half a month without any news. Not only are we in a hurry, but Lin is even more anxious. He calls them but doesn't answer them. Lin even finds out the whereabouts of Wan'er and Xiao Lei through embassies in Europe, but there is still no news. Finally, he mobilizes the strength of the National Security Bureau to find out that they are in Britain. Moreover, according to the report of the National Security Bureau, Xiao Rou was with them, but the three of them lived in the home of Ji Chunmei, an overseas Chinese. "

When Li Zhongguo said this, he took a look at Xu Li intentionally. Xu Li felt a blush, since the National Security Bureau has been out, the relationship between Ji Chunmei and herself, I'm afraid these people have already understood.

Li Zhong saw Xu's face turned red and didn't mention Ji Chunmei. Instead, he said, "I didn't expect that the results of the investigation by the National Security Bureau were beyond all our expectations. Wan'er and Li Lei once lived in the British women's Hospital, and according to the case, they were pregnant, and you also appeared in the hospital! When Mr. Lin heard the news, he was very angry. If you were not still abroad, I'm afraid he would send someone to escort you to the capital immediately. But Mr. Lin didn't plan to let you go at that time. He immediately found us and prepared to send someone to escort you back to China immediately. But with Wan'er and Li Lei, there is Xiao Rou of the Qi family, so Mr. Lin took our husband and wife to the Qi family to listen to their opinions.

At that time, in the Qi family, Mr. Lin was dragged into his study by Mr. Qi and talked alone for a long time. He came out with an iron face and finally did not summarize the matter of escorting you back home. After you returned home, Mr. Tang went to Helian again. Mr. Lin should also know that it was not easy to do so. Only when he returned to the capital from Helian, could he suppress his anger, He can't wait to bring us to Helian to settle with you! "

Xu Lixin wipes the cold sweat off his head. It seems that Qi has helped him a lot in this matter. If he hadn't helped stabilize Lin, he would have been arrested by Lin when he was still in France. If you are really arrested by Mr. Lin, you will not be able to hide it if you want to. It will be out of control for a long time. Will you allow yourself to have a detailed discussion with Mr. and Mrs. Li Zhongguo here? As for the fact that Mr. Lin had asked Guoan people to help him investigate, Xu Li was not worried that these people would leak secrets. On the one hand, these people had strict professional ethics when they were able to enter the Guoan department. On the other hand, with the power of Mr. Lin, he wants these people to shut up. Even if they are rotten in their stomachs and brought into the coffin, no one will dare to say it.

"Uncle Li, I'll call Xiaolei and ask them to go back to China as soon as possible."

Li Zhongguo nodded and said, "go quickly. If Wan'er doesn't come back for a day, it's useless for you to see old Lin. when Wan'er comes back, let her persuade old Lin, and you will get twice the result with half the effort."

Xu Li got up and said, "Uncle Li and aunt Duan, have a rest. I'll go back first." Xu Li leaves Li Zhongguo and his wife. When he gets home, he looks at his watch. It's about 11:30 in the middle of the night. According to the time difference with Britain, it's supposed to be more than 7:00 in the morning in Britain on the other side of the ocean. Xu Li estimates that Ji Chunmei and others should get up, and immediately takes the handset to dial Ji Chunmei's phone.

After a while, I heard Ji Chunmei's familiar voice on the phone, but it was a bit lazy“ Honey, why are you calling so early today? Oh, no, it's still midnight. Why don't you sleep? Are you thinking of your little ones

"I'm thinking about you, big baby!" Although Xu Li is anxious, he also knows how to cajole women. Otherwise, once a woman feels that you don't love him, she will be jealous. Maybe something will happen.

"Well, I didn't know you! Big sex wolf! Come on, who do you want to answer the phone? I'll call you! "

"It's really troublesome this time. Now the families of Wan'er, Xiao Lei and Xiao Rou are all here. Helian wants to settle with me. I've just come back from the State Guesthouse."

Ji Chunmei was also a little anxious. "How can they know these things? And they're coming? They're not hard on you, are they? " Of course, Ji Chunmei also knows that none of the Lin, Qi and Li families can speak well. What's more, Xu Li has abducted other people's daughters. Of course, they won't go around Xu Li lightly. They are afraid that Xu Li will suffer a loss. ro

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