This time, Chen Yanfeng raised the question about the selection of the director of the Department of finance. He didn't want Wei guangbin to take the initiative. Without waiting for other people to speak, he said, "there's one more thing we need to study!"

All the Standing Committee members present immediately knew that the real opera meat was coming. They all became serious, straightened up their posture and looked at Chen Yanfeng.

Chen Yanfeng also put down his notepad and straightened his back, saying: "Ying Jun Hanzhi, former director of the Provincial Department of finance, has been transferred for more than a month. During this period, Ge Minsheng, executive deputy director of the Department of finance, has been in charge of the work. However, GE Minsheng is too old to do the complicated work of the Department of finance, This has seriously affected the normal work of the Department of Finance and even the whole province. I suggest to Secretary Wei that Jun Hanzhi, who has rich experience, be concurrently the director of the Department of finance, and Wang Mingfa, Secretary of the Communist Youth League and provincial Party committee, be the executive deputy director of the Department of finance, so as to straighten out the work of the Department of finance as soon as possible and ensure the smooth development of all work. "

Chen Yanfeng's words are also very meaningful. He just said that he had proposed to Wei guangbin, but did not mention that Wei guangbin had explicitly rejected his proposal. In this way, it is easy to mislead other people into thinking that they have reached a tacit agreement, and it is even worse to raise objections.

But Wei guangbin won't let Chen Yanfeng's plot succeed. He immediately said, "governor Yan Feng has indeed suggested to me that the Department of finance is the key department of our province, which can't be presided over by Comrade Ge Minsheng all the time. However, junhanzhi has just been the vice governor for more than a month and is in charge of the work of science, education, culture and health of the whole province. The work of science, education, culture and health seems to be simple, but it is a major event related to the vital interests of the people of the whole province. I'm afraid junhanzhi is still familiar with it when he just took over. If junhanzhi is allowed to hold the post of director of the Department of Finance again, junhanzhi is afraid that he has more heart than strength! "

Wei guangbin's words can be said to be a direct denial of Chen Yanfeng's proposal, which makes all standing committee members here feel uneasy. Is today the beginning of the duel between Wei guangbin and Chen Yanfeng? How do you stand in the duel? We should know that this kind of high-level struggle will affect our official career in the future.

When Chen Yanfeng heard that Wei guangbin directly denied his proposal, his face was also tight. Wei guangbin did not give himself any face at this time. Does he really want to turn a face with himself in this matter?

"Secretary Wei, I still insist on my point of view. Although Liaohai has many comrades who are capable of holding this position, I think junhanzhi is more suitable. After all, junhanzhi worked in the Department of Finance for a period of time. A better understanding of the situation can make the Department of finance run normally faster! "

Since Wei guangbin had already spoken, he certainly would not flinch back. He shook his head and said, "Comrade Yan Feng, as far as I know, junhanzhi left after only a few months in the Department of finance. What's more, to let junhanzhi go to the Department of finance is also a disadvantage to the work of the provincial government. The poor coordination of all aspects has also brought some inconvenience to Comrade Wu Wei's work. I think Zhang Deyong from the Department of water resources is more suitable in terms of age, experience and ability! "

Wei guangbin finished and looked at the other people in the room. Someone supported him.

But today is the first time for Wei guangbin and Chen Yanfeng to face each other head-on. Everyone here is not familiar with both of them. How dare they speak easily? That's not to offend people. Even Xu Li kept silent for a while.

When Chen Yanfeng saw that Wei guangbin had also proposed his own candidate, he was worried. "Since Secretary Wei proposed Zhang Deyong, vote and choose one of the two people," he said

Wei guangbin didn't expect Chen Yanfeng to be so worried. Looking at Chen Yanfeng again, his face relaxed a little. He immediately knew that it was not good. It seems that Chen Yanfeng has won the support of some members of the Standing Committee, otherwise he would not have such a strong foundation. And the biggest possibility is to obtain the alliance of Xu Li. After all, Ying Junhai is also a member of Xu Li's family. Wei guangbin secretly calculated that if all members of Xu Li's family support Chen Yanfeng, they will have six votes in the Standing Committee. In addition, other people with unclear attitude will not have an advantage at all.

What annoys Wei guangbin most is not that he is the leader of the Liao skeleton Committee. If everything has to be decided by vote, how can he show his authority? Does this not equate itself with a general standing committee member? Moreover, if this personnel adjustment is really carried out according to Chen Yanfeng's intention, I'm afraid that no one will listen to his speech in Liaohai in the future!

"Comrade Yan Feng, you are too anxious!" As a leader of Liaohai, Wei guangbin is certainly very angry. As long as they do not agree to vote, no one dare to force a show of hands to vote. They can even show the courage of a leader and force the appointment. But Wei guangbin certainly will not do so, if really to this step, can only say that he too failed in Liaohai! Besides, Ying Jun, a member of Xu Li's family, has completely offended Xu Li since then, and it will be more difficult to win them over in the future.

Xu Li didn't expect that Chen Yanfeng would directly ask for a vote, which is really a bit too hasty. He didn't rush to make a statement just now, but he wanted to paralyze Wei guangbin and make him think that he didn't reach a tacit agreement with Chen Yanfeng. The two sides bickered. When the final vote was over, he launched the last strike. But now it seems that Wei guangbin has been on guard against this. I'm afraid he won't let you vote by show of hands unless he has to.

"I don't need to say more about the importance of the Provincial Department of finance. The selection of the head of the Provincial Department of finance will directly affect the operation of the Provincial Department of Finance in the future. Of course, we need to brainstorm on such an important appointment. Let's talk about our own opinions!" Wei guangbin said with a smile.

However, at this time, no one will want to be an outsider. No matter who you support, you are bound to offend the other party, and the venue will be cold again.

"Comrade Guoquan, talk about it first!" When Wei guangbin saw that no one spoke, he could only point the generals.

Although Zhao Guoquan was not willing to participate in such a dispute, Wei guangbin called his name. He had no choice but to put down his tea cup and said, "I was deeply inspired by what Secretary Wei and Governor Chen said just now. The financial department is our money bag. There is no doubt about its importance. We should strictly control this leader, But I don't have many opportunities to deal with junhanzhi and Deyong. Without investigation, I have no right to speak... "

As soon as Zhao Guoquan said this, we all know that Zhao Guoqing is ready to make peace.

As expected, Zhao Guoquan said a lot of rubbish, but he didn't formally support anyone until the end of his speech. It seems that he is ready to be a spectator on this matter,.

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