"How to deal with it? If these people are not sentenced for a few years, I don't think the atmosphere in the capital will be better! " Although the central leadership concerned about this matter, but old Lin did not care about it, caught also caught, who let them dare to provoke Wan'er!

However, Xu Li was not satisfied with Lin's answer. He said, "it's OK for others to give a warning. However, Gao Peng is the culprit. Today, he is responsible for the whole incident. I think his family is also involved in the incident. Otherwise, Tianyue's score will not fail. As a famous university in China, this kind of thing happened, How can students study at school? No matter how well you learn, you can't resist people moving their fingers. This will have a very bad impact on our country's reputation all over the world! "

Of course, Mr. Lin heard what Xu Li meant. It seems that Xu Li is not satisfied with only dealing with Gao Peng, but wants to uproot the forces he relies on. However, Mr. Lin was not angry about this. Instead, he agreed with Xu Li. This is in line with Mr. Lin's character.

"I don't think his parents are good people to teach such a son! To stay in Jingcheng university is to make trouble for Jingcheng University! " Old Lin snorted coldly.

Because of Mr. Lin's words, the results of the Gaopeng family can be imagined. However, Gao Peng's father is, after all, the vice president of Jingcheng University and a cadre at the principal level. It is not a simple matter to investigate Gao Quanwu. We should always seize some facts of his violation of discipline. Gaopeng and Li Xueli, who were detained in the garrison camp in Beijing, soon confessed their conspiracy to tamper with the results of Tianyue examination. Gaopeng's mother played an important role in it, and this one alone was enough to expel Gaopeng's mother from public service.

In the evening, Chen Da, the president of Beijing University, also got the news and rushed back from abroad to visit Mr. Lin in person.

Although Chen Da is also a deputy provincial leader, if he wants to meet Mr. Lin at ordinary times, he really doesn't have the qualification. Today, however, Mr. Lin made an exception to meet Chen Da. After all, in order to investigate Gao Quanwu this time, he has to communicate with Chen Da. It's better to win Chen Da's support. To get twice the result with half the effort. Moreover, it's not too good to continue to study in Jingcheng University in the future.

When Chen Da saw Lin Lao, he was still worried. He never thought that a student's examination results would cause so much trouble. And it's not only Qi's granddaughter Xiao Rou who called him, but now Lin comes out in person, and if it's not handled properly. I'm afraid I can't work as a headmaster for a long time!

"Old Lin. Chen Da had already thought about it before he came here. When he came to see Mr. Lin this time, he must take the initiative to admit his mistakes. And the result of treatment must satisfy Mr. Lin.

After listening to Chen Da's words, Mr. Lin waved his hand and said, "you really have some responsibility for this matter, but the main responsibility is not you. I think you are the president of Jingcheng University. It's impossible to do everything by yourself. It's just that the people below are doing something wrong! "

Lin's words seem to give Chen Da a reassurance. It seems that Lin doesn't mean to clean up himself. Chen Da's face suddenly improved a lot, even said: "thank you for your understanding!"

But then he said, "but this unhealthy trend of the university can't be allowed to develop any more, or the brand of Jingcheng University will be destroyed! You must seriously deal with the relevant personnel, especially the main responsible person. You must not be soft handed! "

"Yes, yes! Mr. Lin, you are right! I've asked the school to expel Gao Peng from school. At the same time, I've suspended his mother. We'll have to wait for the relevant departments to investigate the specific treatment methods before we study them! "

"I heard that Gaopeng's father is the vice principal of your school? It was his father's power that enabled him to act recklessly in school. For such a person, I don't think it's suitable to continue to hold this leading position, do you think? " Mr. Lin's sentence is equivalent to the death penalty for Gao Quanwu's official career.

In fact, Chen Da doesn't like Gao Quanwu. Gao Quanwu is in charge of the school's logistics and infrastructure. Sometimes even Chen Da can't get involved. As the head of the school, Chen Da certainly doesn't want the school to have such a person to divide its power. However, on the one hand, Gao Quanwu's wind rating in the school has always been good. Although he is in charge of logistics and infrastructure, which is the place with the most oil and water, there has never been any rumor about his bribery. Moreover, although Chen Da is the president, he has no right to decide the candidate of vice president. At least the Ministry of education should follow.

"Mr. Lin, Gao Quanwu has always been good at school. Moreover, he will subsidize the poor students of the school free of charge every year, and has won the support of some students. Moreover, I have no right to decide the candidate of vice president. Please forgive me

Old Lin frowned. He could see that Chen Da was just describing a fact, but he didn't mean to intercede for Gao Quanwu. However, it was the most strange thing for him! Judging from Gao Peng and his mother's behavior, Lin thinks Gao Quanwu is not a good person either. Moreover, according to the following reports, Gao Quanwu is responsible for the infrastructure work in the school, so he must have a lot of money. Is he really wrong? How can Gao Quanwu be a good cadre with clean hands? It's just that the family education is not strict?

Sitting on one side, Xu Li suddenly interjected: "headmaster Chen, although Gaopeng's parents are both school teachers, the salary is not low, but they can't afford to buy a sports car for Gaopeng."

"This is..." Chen Da saw that Xu Li was so young, but if he could sit beside him and dare to insert him, he must not be an ordinary person. He didn't blame neglect and asked.

"Hello, I'm with Lian Xuli!" Xu Li just said his name. Chen Da immediately stood up, held Xu Li's hand tightly and said, "Secretary Xu, Hello! I have long heard that you are one of the most outstanding students in our school, and also the pride of our capital university. But I didn't get to see you. I finally met you today! " Xu Li has not only heard of Chen Da, but also the leading cadres at all levels in the country. Although Chen Da met Xu Li for the first time today, Xu Li was even with him when he was young. Of course, Chen Da should show enough respect.

"President Chen, you are very kind. I graduated from Jingcheng University, and you are also my teacher." Xu Li said with a smile.

"Dare not, dare not!" Chen Da waved his hand. Although he is also trying his best to establish a relationship with Xu Li, he was transferred from other universities to Beijing University as president after Xu Li graduated. He does not dare to be Xu Li's teacher. If this makes Xu Li unhappy, he won't feel better.


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