. Since Jin Shencheng and Xu Li became enemies and then opposed Wen Tian. All the people in the province are divided into Liu and Jin Shencheng. They are basically discounted here. Let alone the power of personnel, it's hard for them to do some work. At the last Northeast Asia Expo, although Zhang Jinrui was one of the members of the leading group, because of Jin Shencheng's order, among all the counties and cities in the province, the Korean Autonomous Prefecture could be said to be the most uncooperative one. "At the conference, the prefecture only sent a group of five people to build a booth of less than five square meters to cope with the situation.

This time something happened in the Autonomous Prefecture. Of course, we all see it in our eyes and are happy in our hearts. If he doesn't work well in this matter, he will have a reason to attack him and even win him at one stroke.

However, Wen Tian's idea is just a second thought. After all, Jin Shencheng is only the Secretary of the State Party committee, and he is the governor himself. If this matter really gets out of hand, he may not be able to explain it to the central government and the people of the whole province.

"In a moment, the Standing Committee will be convened at 9:30 and you will be called here just to hear your opinions. What do you think of this matter? What should we do with the people who march and demonstrate? "

After hearing Wen Tian's question, several people were silent for a moment. Ge Bing said: "I think we must be careful in handling this matter. Of course, we must punish the murderer severely. We must solve the case within a limited time, catch the murderer and calm the intense emotions of the masses. For the masses in the procession, we can consider giving priority to persuasion, so as not to cause major contradictions. But for their demands, I think they should be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws, and the Korean people who smuggled into our country should be repatriated! "

Sun Jieli fully agreed with Ge Bing's opinion and said, "I think governor Ge is right. This incident was caused by his lax enforcement of laws in jinshencheng. Jinshencheng should be held primarily responsible for pacifying the local people and giving a satisfactory explanation to the provincial Party committee and the provincial government.".

Wen Tian frowned at what GE Bing and sun Jieli said, then looked at Xu Li, indicating that Xu Li would also say his opinion.

Xu Li nodded and said, "there is no outsider here, so I'll talk about my opinion! As for the murderer, I think he should have no way to escape. He can even consider killing him on the spot under some pretext, so as not to fight a diplomatic lawsuit with North Korea in the future. If the murderer is really extradited back to China, even if the death penalty comes at the end, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among the local people. "

Xu Li finished looking at other people's expressions, Wen Tian and others are thinking about Xu Li's opinions. The murderer this time can be said to be extremely vicious, but with the strength of the Autonomous Prefecture, it will not be difficult to arrest him. After all, both the local Han people and the Korean people hate the murderer very much, and there is no place for him to hide in the local area. But what if the murderer gives up resistance and even voluntarily turns himself in? According to his crime, let alone being shot, it is not too much to cut a thousand pieces. However, there has been no public execution of a foreigner in China for many years. Most of them are extradited to China after being tried in accordance with relevant laws, and then detained and dealt with in their own country.

But if the killers were not shot in front of the people in the Autonomous Prefecture, would the local people be satisfied? Can you promise? Xu Li's opinion is really worth considering, but it can't be discussed in public in the Standing Committee. Otherwise, Ma Junsong will catch hold of it. He is afraid that he will go to Beijing to report his imperial edict. Fortunately, shack, Secretary of the political and Legal Committee and director of Public Security Bureau, is also one of his own. This can be told in private.

After Wen Tian thought about it, he motioned to Xu Li to go on. Xu then said, "as for the local marchers, I'm afraid it won't help to appease them. Without giving them a clear answer, they won't be willing to rest. But it's not right to sneak all the North Korean people who have fled back to China. After all, some of these people have fled to our country for more than ten years and have already integrated into the local families. If they really sneak back to China and leave their wives and children, I'm afraid the trouble will be even worse! Moreover, we have all heard about the policies of the opposite country. As long as people who abscond to other countries return home, they should be executed. We can't bear to let them go back to die! "

"Not bad!" Wen Tian nodded: "and this situation does not exist only in the Korean Autonomous Prefecture. This kind of situation exists all over the province, and even some people make profits by introducing their runaway lesbians to them. Even if we are at least a few, there may be thousands or even tens of thousands of people in our province, which directly involves the stability of tens of thousands of families. We can't beat them to death with one blow! "

Xibing and sun Jieli also nodded bitterly. If they don't handle it well, they are afraid to cause more conflicts, which is very unfavorable to Songjiang province! However, the state also has clear legal provisions for such foreign personnel who abscond to the country and must be repatriated, and no one dares to openly violate the law. What's more, today's situation in Songjiang is complicated. The Party committee and the government are not united in mind, and even have fierce internal strife. If Wen Tian easily violates the relevant laws and makes a flexible decision, he is afraid that it will cause a strong rebound from the other party.

Seeing several people's sad faces, Xu Li said with a smile: "it seems that we don't have to worry here! Now it's Ma Junsong and Jin Shencheng who should worry. If we don't give them dirty hands, they will have fun. We have no obligation to give them advice! If this matter is really not handled properly, Jin Shencheng is directly responsible, while Ma Junsong is the main leader. After all, he is the Secretary of the Songjiang provincial Party committee! "

"Ha, ha, we've really got our horns! Well, let's just be a spectator. Let's let Ma Junsong and Jin Shencheng do the rest! " Wen Tian also figured it out and said with a smile.

Today, Xu Li's status in Wentian's heart is not only a little brother, but also his lucky star. Otherwise, he would not form an alliance with the Qi family. What's more important is that Qi Tian has a clear mind, comprehensive thinking, and is regarded as his own think tank by Wentian. Otherwise, he would not be left in the provincial capital by Wentian. Today, he would not specially call Xu Li to listen to his opinions“ Well, it's almost time, Lao Ge. Let's go to a meeting first. You'll go back to the office first. After a while, we'll meet again. ". Wen Tian has made up his mind and is no longer busy. He takes Ge Bing and goes to see Ma Junsong and Jin Shencheng.

At 9:30, the Zhuo Committee was held on time.

The Standing Committee originally decided to hold an emergency meeting on a temporary basis, so there was no other topic. Its only purpose was to study and solve the current predicament of the Korean Autonomous Prefecture., If you want to know what will happen, more chapters, support the author, support the legitimate reading!

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