Chapter 192 Alice, be elegant, don’t. . .

“Miss Alice, where are we going?”

“Go find the guy who defeated Liang Jun you, Liang Jun, don’t you want to have a halberd with the other party? Don’t you want to defeat the other party?”

Kurokuba Ryo looked at Nakiri Alice listlessly and said, “Miss Alice, although I would like to have a halberd with each other, but that is not now!”

Although Kurokichang Ryo didn’t admit defeat, he was not a fool. Knowing the gap between himself and Xiao Cheng, he didn’t want to look for abuse before he could bring the gap back!

If the strengths are similar, or weaker, then Kurokiba Ryo will definitely think of ways every day to entangle Xiao “Three Three Seven” Makoto and his halberd, and then win back, but now Kurokiba Ryo and Xiao Cheng are two. Human strength is completely incomparable!

“What, Liang Jun, as my follower, confidant, how can you give up now, gather your energy, and then teach that guy severely!”

Nakiri Alice has always remembered that the last time she was scared and crying, this revenge, anyway, Nakiri Alice must retaliate.

“Miss Alice…”

Kurokiba Ryo stared at Nakiri Alice with those eyes.

“What, what, why do you keep staring at me, it’s very impolite to look like this, Liang Jun!”

“Ms. Alice wanted to get revenge because she was scared to cry last time?”

Suddenly, Nakiri Alice’s whole body is not well, she resorted to frantic pats, slapped her hands on Kurokuba Ryo’s back.

“What is being scared to cry, I didn’t cry, nor was I scared to cry, Liang Jun, you talk nonsense like this, I’m going to get angry!”

Kurokiba Ryo looked at Nakiri Alice with indifferent expressions in his eyes!

“Hi hi!”

In Kurokiba Ryo’s eyes, Nakiri Alice, a child who likes to be awkward, has a temper. Kurokiba Ryo has long understood that he can’t understand it!

“This is the place!”

The vehicle stopped in front of a store, but that store did not open at all!

“Rangjun, hurry up and knock on the door!”

Kurokiba Ryo responded, and then knocked on the door, but no one responded after a while.

“Aren’t you at home?”

Nakiri Alice looked at the closed door with a look of dissatisfaction in her eyes!

“It’s too much, I came here specifically, but I didn’t open the door. I was so angry!”

Nakiri Alice said angrily, without realizing that this so-called deliberate visit was simply a temporary intention of her own!

“Ms. Alice, what shall we do next?”

Nakiri Alice looked at Kurokiba Ryo, and said unhappily: “Decision, I’ll just wait here, and wait until he comes back!”

Kurokiba Ryo looked at Nakiri Alice, and wisely stopped talking, you just want to be happy!

Then, one hour, two hours, three hours. . . .

I waited from noon to sunset, and waited from sunset to dark!

Nakiri Alice’s whole person is bad!

Nakiri Alice feels irritable.

Nakiri Alice was in a frantic mood.

Nakiri Alice is crazy!

Nakiri Alice’s mentality exploded!

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

Waving a small fist and knocking on the shutter door, Nakiri Alice didn’t look like a lady at all, just like that, knocking on the door madly!

“Ha, I said, if the door is broken by you, you have to compensate!”

From behind Nakiri Alice, a lazy voice came!

“You guy!!!”

Nakiri Alice turned her head, and then ran towards Xiao Cheng in front of her with her footsteps. She grabbed Xiao Cheng by the collar with both hands and shouted at Xiao Cheng, “Where have you been? , I have been waiting for you for several hours in this place!”

Looking at the girl in front of him, Xiao Cheng gently placed a hand on Nakiri Alice’s head, and then touched his head to kill!

“Hi, I’m really sorry, but, can I trouble you to let me go? As the second lady of Nakiri’s family, you have to be elegant, and you have to deepen the elegance to your bones!”

Without speaking, Xiao Cheng took Nakiri Alice’s hand from his collar!


Alice was taken aback for a moment, and then she pursed her mouth unhappily…

“I don’t care, I don’t care, I am angry!”

Seeing Nakiri Alice’s appearance, Xiao Cheng helplessly stroked his chin and said, “Oh, then you 3.1 go home!”

“Oh, good… Why am I going home when I am angry! You shouldn’t let me vent my anger?”

“This sentence is strange, your anger has nothing to do with me!”

“Who said it doesn’t matter, it’s because of you that I’m angry!”


“It’s because you don’t know where you went, so I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, and I’m angry!”

Xiao Cheng looked at Nakiri Alice indifferently, and then said, “Did I make you wait?”

Nakiri Alice was shocked, then. . .

“I don’t care, I don’t care!”.

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