Chapter 20 Editor’s battle

The editor of Machida Yuanzi Undeekawa Bunko closed the page in front of him. Machida Yuanzi made a deep decision, that is, it is necessary to sign the author who wrote this novel. This is a super newcomer, Makoto Shinkai, The author’s style of writing is definitely not any one who is already familiar with sitting, that is to say, the other party is a newcomer.

If this newcomer can be discovered, then there is no doubt that this year’s newcomer king is definitely this person, Xin Haicheng!

As long as the person in front of you is dealt with, then. . .

Thinking about the future happiness, Machida Yuanzi decisively began to contact the blogger TAKI-kun.

“Hello, I am Machida Sonko, the editor of Fushikawa Bunko. Can I meet the author who is five centimeters per second?”

Machida Yuanzi, who had sent the message, just sent it out, and saw another message similar to her.

“I am Kagurazaka Ayame from Dengeki Bunko. I hope that 5cm per second can be published in our library. Please help me contact the author of 5cm per second!”

Seeing this, a crossroad appeared on Machida’s forehead. As the editor in charge of the library, the two people have similar responsibilities. Therefore, they are called two golden flowers by people in the industry. The relationship between the two is good. , But, after all, is a competitor, who are constantly tapping the potential of their own authors, wanting to overwhelm the other side.

And now, both of them are eyeing the author, Xin Haicheng, who is five centimeters per second.

“No, I can’t just sit back and wait!”

Machida Sonoko thought so, and on the other side, Kagurazaka Ayame also saw the Weibo sent by Machida Sonko. Therefore, she also realized that she had an opponent.

However, both thoughts were too simple. This time, it was not only the two of them, but the rest of the publishing house also smelled like a shark smelling blood.

Yilun An’s blog has now become the world of editors of those publishing houses. This person, you say I am XX from XX Publishing House, and that person comes to my XX Publishing House and the treatment is absolutely good!

All in all, everyone wants to sign the new author Xin Haicheng under his own banner.

“Acheng seems to be really famous now!”

Looking at the melee under her blog, An Yilun also scratched his cheek and said, but if you think about five centimeters per second, An Yilun will feel relieved. This kind of classic and natural wine is not afraid of the deep alley. There is no need to worry about being red, it is normal to have this result now!

“But, how can I tell Cheng?”

An Yilun also knows that Xiao Cheng does not want to be a writer, but a chef.

“Forget it, I don’t want to, anyway, call and ask Acheng first!”

Xiao Cheng, who was still in the kitchen constantly familiar with the cooking skills he had acquired, suddenly received a call from An Yilun, with a surprised expression on his face. Is it so hot at five centimeters per second? Xiao Cheng is not very clear, but Xiao Cheng did not intend to give up here. After all, if I become a writer, I will gain a lot of prestige. Although prestige cannot make Xiao Cheng a god of cooking, the recipes and cooking ingredients, Kitchenware, these must be exchanged for prestige. A green cookbook costs one hundred thousand prestige, a blue one costs five hundred thousand prestige, and a purple one costs one million prestige, and other kitchen utensils are even more expensive.

Therefore, the prestige Xiao Cheng is not too much!

“Lun Ye, you help me ask those editors to get the contact information, I will contact them later.”

“Okay, no problem, as long as Cheng, you are willing to go down this road, I will definitely help you!”

From the words, Xiao Cheng heard that An Yilun was also very happy.

“My main energy is still on the chef, Lun Ye!”

“I know, I know! As long as Cheng, you will continue to collaborate!”

Xiao Cheng could only give a wry smile to An Yilun’s words, and then hung up the phone.

Looking at the two dishes in front of him.

“System, identification!”

Eight flavors one magic mapo tofu, 88% completion.

The magic mapo tofu with six flavors is 88% complete.

Seeing that it was stuck at 88% completion, Xiao Cheng couldn’t help but smile. This is already the tenth attempt to reconcile. Since perfecting the junior chef’s cooking skills, Xiao Cheng has been in constant contact and finally got it. The two dishes have been pushed to 88% of completion, but it is always impossible to push the completion of the dishes to 90% to make the dishes shine!

“The system, can’t it identify what is wrong?”

“Please find out by the host!”

Rubbing his head, Xiao Cheng picked up the spoon and scooped up a spoonful of Eight Flavor Magic Mapo Tofu and put it in his mouth.

Close your eyes and savor the food carefully.

Opening his eyes for a while, Xiao Cheng looked at the Eight Flavor Magic Mapo Tofu with regret. There seems to be nothing to eat in his own cooking, the taste, heat, and the application of the cooking heart. There is no problem at all, but why? Can cooking shine? It would be great if you had the tongue of God, if it was the tongue of God, you would definitely be able to taste it!

At this moment, a bright black car stopped at the entrance of Xiao Cheng’s shop!

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