Chapter 234 Gather the dragon balls to summon the dragon (seeking subscription and collection)

“Uh, maybe it’s not impossible!”

Nan Qinli hesitated, then said.

“Oh, bird, what can you do?”

After a little hesitation, Nan Qinli took out a picture.

Above is the photo of Nan Qinli and Xiao Cheng!


As soon as he saw the photo, Enoka Takaban let out a scream!

“Little Bird, you have a boyfriend!”

Snap, the blue veins on the forehead jump!

“Let me see clearly, who is the person above!”

“It’s not you and the bird…”

Suddenly, Tamako looked at Nan Qinli with a wide-eyed eye. “Little Bird, your boyfriend is actually Chef Xiao Cheng!”

Hearing Gaoban Enoko’s words without going through the brain circuit decisively, Nan Qinli showed a bright smile on her face.

“Little Fruit!”

Shaking, trembling, cute, looking at the brilliant Nanqin pear with a smile, Gaoban Eno decisively acknowledged it, smiled, and hid behind others!

“Little bird, is this the same thing?”

Xuan Lai looked at Nan Qin Li and asked. No one thought that Xiao Cheng would be Nan Qin Li’s girlfriend except for Gao Ban Hui Naiguo. However, the intimate appearance of Xiao Cheng and Nan Qin Li in the photo was a lie. Nobody, so what is going on? Why does Nanqin Lihui and Xiao Cheng have such intimate actions!

“The previous chef Xiao Cheng happened to come to the maid cafe where I was, and then the manager invited Chef Xiao to take a photo as an advertisement. Of course, at that time, Chef Xiao was not so famous. ¨` !”

“Little bird, do you mean, ask this Chef Xiao to write the song for us?”

Nan Qinli nodded, and said affirmatively: “Yes, please ask Chef Xiao to help us write the song. If Chef Xiao is willing to agree, then we must be like a V family too!”

The gaze of μs and his group could not help showing their expectant gaze, and they could also shine like V’s house.

“But how do we get Chef Xiao to help us write songs?”

This is a big problem!

“Ah, this is really a big problem!”

“Oh, everyone, come and see, Chef Xiao’s Twitter update has been updated. As long as all the SSRs can be collected in a mobile game launched by Chef Xiao, Chef Xiao can help him to do one thing. The thing, the special killer cuisine, or something else.”

Suddenly, Yazawa Nicole let out a scream, and the eight back heads surrounded her.

“Watch it on your mobile phone!”

Yazawa Nicole, who was taken aback, immediately shouted to the rest of the people, and everyone at this moment reacted!

“Uh, yes!”

The nine people held their phones and looked at them.

“Our chance is here!”

After watching the updated content on Xiao Cheng’s Twitter, the faces of the μs nine people showed extremely excited expressions!

“Great, great!”

“We will download the game right away, hurry up!”

Tojo Nozomi on one side shouted!

“We must gather all the SSRs and let Chef Xiao write songs for us!”

How does this sentence sound like, I must collect Qi Qi Dragon Ball, and then summon the dragon to make a wish!

Xiao Cheng will go through some of the previous games, like Onmyoji, like FGO, like Ship Woman, oh, no, I mean Ship Niang, these collection games.

Then, the shikigami inside, and other things, were all replaced by chefs or ingredients, and the shikigami collection became a collection chef.

Moreover, Xiao Cheng shamelessly set himself the rarest SSR!

Probability of shipment, 0.000001%.

If this can be collected, it will really be the King of Europe!

Experience the fear of being dominated by ssr, you stupid Africans!

At the same time, along with the launch of the mobile game, there is news of the opening of Xiao Cheng’s cafeteria!

Xiao Cheng, a slacker, actually opened his business?

This news instantly stunned a group of people who knew Xiao Cheng’s salted fish attributes.

Salted fish is going to turn over?

However, then everyone was attracted by the news that Xiao Cheng had ten dishes every day.

Xiao Cheng’s cooking has been verified by time. When Xiao Cheng studied (得钱赵) cooking before, all those dishes showed that Xiao Cheng’s cooking skills were superb!

The cooking level of the super chef is good!

“.〃Xiao Qianshou, Mom, I got three of Chef Xiao’s dishes, let’s go eat together tomorrow!”

Tongzaki Hua said to his daughter, Tongzaki Qianshou.

“Okay, that guy actually sent me off with just a normal dish last time, this time, hum!”

“The last time I bought his special must-kill food for 100 million yuan, it really made a lot of money!”

The last time Tong Qihua was just a gamble, she was right!

A special kill was won at a price of 100 million yen! .

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