Chapter 240 Girls now drive when they don’t agree.


After reading the novel, Machida Yuanzi shouted to Xiao Cheng!

“Well, after reading it, what do you think!”

“There is no problem at all, but how much does the teacher want to price this book!”

If it’s another book, then Machida Yuanzi would definitely not ask about this sentence, but this book is different. This book is related to Xiao Cheng’s special kills. Therefore, this book The price of the book requires the approval of Xiao Cheng!

“Come at your price, just treat it as an ordinary book, no special treatment is needed!”

Machida Yuanzi nodded. She also knew Xiao Cheng would answer that way, but she still asked for this, because after all, it is Xiao Cheng’s special kill recipe. The book is related to it. This is necessary!

It is related to the special recipe of the special chef Xiao Cheng, this must be taken seriously!

Now I got Xiao Cheng’s answer, Machida Yuanzi will do 553 next!

He glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu in front of him, and then at Xiao Cheng again. How could Machida Yuanzi fail to see the thoughts of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, so Machida Yuanzi said to Xiao Cheng: “Teacher, I will now Take it to the editor-in-chief here. Shi-chan will trouble you to send it back. A beautiful girl will be coveted, like the wolf of the tram. Please escort Shi-chan back, teacher!”

Xiao Cheng instinctively wanted to refuse, but in the end he nodded.

“I know, I will send Shiyu back, so I will leave first if there is nothing else!”

“Well, go slowly, Shijiang will ask you, teacher!”

Since he wanted to send Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu back, Xiao Cheng naturally could not take Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to squeeze the tram. Instead, he made a call and called for a car!

Only then got into the car, Xiao Cheng couldn’t help but slowly leaned on Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s body and slowly fell asleep (bfda)!

Last night, the code word was driven out all night, but Xiao Cheng is very tired now.

Without knowing it, his head was resting on Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s lap.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face was flushed, looking at Xiao Cheng’s tired face, she couldn’t bear to wake Xiao Cheng in her heart.

Along the way, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Xiao Cheng who was asleep on her lap!

“What a hopeless idiot!”

To Xiao Cheng, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn’t help but whispered.

At the moment when the long road finally reached the end, the vehicle stopped downstairs at Xiazhiqiu’s house, but Xiao Cheng still hadn’t woken up. The driver was from Nakiri’s family, and he did not squint. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn’t call Xiao Cheng, just like this, and waited until Xiao Cheng woke up by herself!

Although he felt a piece of softness under his head, Xiao Cheng was not on his own bed after all. Xiao Cheng slept a little lightly, and it didn’t take long for him to wake up!


When Xiao Cheng woke up, his goal was the face of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.


Xiao Cheng immediately thought of the softness under his head!

An awkward smile appeared on his face.

“If you wake up, then get up, Cheng-kun!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pretended to be calm and said to Xiao Cheng.


Xiao Cheng got up quickly, and when his head left Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s knee pillow, he was a little bit unwilling to give up, but it was quickly eliminated by Xiao Cheng with great perseverance!

“Feel sorry!”

Shiyu apologized to Xiazhiqiu.

However, Xiao Cheng didn’t want to, his apology was exchanged for a cold snort from Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu!


“Hold me up, my legs are numb!”

After a while, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said to Xiao Cheng.

“Uh, I get it!”

Xiao Cheng smiled awkwardly. Why is the other party’s legs numb? Xiao Cheng said he knew it all!

Stepping out of the car, Xiao Cheng opened the door, and then hugged Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu in the manner of a princess, and hugged Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s house is a typical two-story residential building. Xiao Cheng carried Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to the door. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took out the key from his bag and then opened the door.

Xiao Cheng walked in with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and said, “Aren’t uncles and aunts at home?”

“My father was busy with the restaurant, and my mother helped in the father’s restaurant, so I didn’t come back so quickly.”

After speaking, he said to Xiao Cheng, “Hold me into the room!”

“Uh, isn’t this a bit bad!”

“When you did something like that to me, don’t you want to be responsible for Cheng-kun now?”

emmmm. . . .

Maiden, can you speak clearly? Why did you say it from your mouth? It makes me feel that I have done something heinous to you.

“Or Cheng-kun, are you worried about seeing something you shouldn’t see after entering my room, and then Cheng-kun will be able to hit him after he goes back?”

Enough you dirty girl!

What’s wrong with the girls nowadays, every one of them drove when they didn’t agree with each other!

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