Chapter 261 The protagonist of the celestial nobles living in the folk

Asama Omiya is not a stupid person, how could he not guess who did this thing?

Luo Tianyi, no one except Luo Tianyi is doing this kind of thing!

It was definitely Luo Tianyi, no accident.

The heart’s thoughts turned sharply, and soon Omiya Asama thought of what was going on!


Worrying about Xiao Cheng’s prosperity and decline, I want Sengen Shrine to help Xiao Cheng prevent the disaster!

Good calculation, but useless!

Luo Tianyi was worried that Sengen Shrine would be parasitic on Xiao Cheng like a moth, but how could Luo Tianyi know that Sengen Shrine didn’t exist at all-he wanted to do that!

Since the Asama Shrine has placed the chips on Xiao Cheng, it is natural that he will not watch Xiao Cheng flourish and decline!

Having figured this out, Asama Omiya’s heart was relieved, but his eyes turned to Asama Miya, Asama Omiya has secretly made up his mind in his heart to let Asama Miya seize the opportunity. !

Once Asama Miya and Xiao Cheng have a closer relationship, then there is no need to worry about Asama Shrine!

“Hehe, the rare empress will also do this silly thing, but this thing is done well, the empress shot to connect the food fortune of Sengen Shrine with the food fortune of the nobles, even if the empress wants to regret it in the future It’s too late!”

Asama Omiya smiled and thought, in the heart of Asama Omiya, this is not a big problem at all. Naturally, the closer the connection between Xiao Cheng and Asama Shrine, the better!


Miya Asama bowed his greetings slightly when seeing Omiyaji!

“Um, Omiyaji!”

Xiao Cheng also greeted, but did not bow!

“Beautiful, it’s up to you to take the nobleman to have fun at Sengen Shrine!”


Miya Asama nodded with a smile, and then Omiya Asama said to Xiao Cheng: “My dear, let Miya be a tour guide for you and visit Sengen Shrine. Sengen Shrine also has several attractions. I don’t want to disappoint the nobles!”

After Omiya Asama finished speaking, he bowed to Xiao Cheng, and then he left!

Looking at the leaving Asama Omiyaji, Xiao Cheng asked Asama Miya, “Miya, how do I always feel that there is something different between coming to Asama Shrine today and the first time I came to Asama Shrine. !”

Looking at the food luck on Xiao Cheng’s head that was already connected to Asama Shrine, Asama Meiya smiled slightly.

“Because last time, Cheng, you were a visitor, and this time, Cheng, you are home!”

Miya Asama’s sentence is a pun, but Xiao Cheng only heard the first meaning!

Xiao Cheng thinks that Miya Asama is saying that now Miya Asama is from Xiao Cheng, then Xiao Cheng is naturally from Asama Shrine!

Although he felt that there was something wrong, Xiao Cheng did not ask much.

“We are coming up, so when will the people below come up?”

Xiao Cheng asked curiously the people he saw at the foot of the mountain before the sound.

It was late at this time, it was almost eleven o’clock.

Xiao Cheng and Miya Asama set off at nine o’clock, and it took more than an hour to get to the gate of the shrine for money!

“Someone will pick them up in a while, Acheng, let’s go first!”

As for the people at the foot of the mountain, Miya Asama didn’t care at all. Among those people, there was no one who needed attention at all.

Miya Asama just glanced at the food fortune above those people’s heads, and he could tell the future of the other party and the like!

“Well, it’s almost noon, how about we have lunch first, and then you are taking me around here?”

Miya Asama would naturally refuse Xiao Cheng.

“Alright, then, Makoto, do you want to cook for yourself, or do you want to try the vegetarian food at Sengen Shrine!”

Without thinking about it, Xiao Cheng said to Asama Miya, “Then go vegetarian!”

Brought Xiao Cheng to a place, it looks like it should be a cafeteria!

.. …… …

“En? This canteen gives me a very strange feeling!”

After entering the canteen, Xiao Cheng said to Miya Asama.

“Because there is a very powerful person in the cafeteria!”

Taking Xiao Cheng into the cafeteria, Asama Meiya came to a man with a withered face.

“I brought Acheng here, can I ask you to do it once?”

Miya Asama said to the person in front of him.

The face of the other party was haggard, but his hands were as delicate as a newborn baby!

“The nobleman wants to eat, I naturally won’t refuse!”

The other party turned and left, while Xiao Cheng asked Asama Miya.

“Beautiful, who is this person?”

“It’s a senior of my Asama Shrine. It’s not so easy for ordinary people to eat this senior’s vegetarian food!”

“Ha ha!”

Xiao Cheng smiled awkwardly, always feeling that the Asama Shrine seemed to have indescribable awe of him!

Could it be that he is a nobleman who lives in the folk?

PS: The guns that I have made appointments, I have to finish them crying! .

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