Chapter 267 Those who have deep food fortune are as horrible!

“What are we going to do next!”

Slightly unnaturally letting go of the witch who was clinging to her tightly, Xiao Cheng asked with an embarrassed expression on her face!

“The next step is to take you to find a kind of fantasy ingredients. As your next level assessment, there are a lot of fantasy ingredients under this cliff. You have to find them, and then I will take it to Sengen Shrine and cook a dish with the fantasy ingredients I found!”

“If this is the case, isn’t it the same as before?”

“It’s not the same. What everyone got before was only low-level fantasy ingredients. Even if they didn’t have a complete cooking heart, they could cook them out. However, the level of fantasy ingredients for the “Yiqiqi” noodles is not low!”

With that said, Xiao Cheng understood that the previous fantasy ingredients were only for people’s hands-on practice, which means that it is now the real assessment, and it is the dinner that allows people to go down and find the ingredients by themselves.

This kind of thing can only be done by Sengen Shrine. If it is replaced by IGO, it is estimated that there are not so many fantasy ingredients to waste for these half-hearted super chefs!

“So the next thing is that I have to find fantasy ingredients by myself?”

“It’s not wrong to look like this. If you can’t find the fantasy ingredients, then it means that this person is not lucky enough to be a super chef!”

This is the first time Xiao Cheng knows that it is still possible to judge whether a person is qualified to be a special chef in this way.

“Speaking of it, I have never seen fantasy ingredients. How do I know that even if fantasy ingredients appear in front of me, I can’t recognize them. I want to find fantasy ingredients unless they fall in front of me!”

Xiao Cheng just said casually!

However, from under the cliff, a bird flew up, and then stopped on Xiao Cheng’s shoulder!

Looking at the little bird on his shoulder, Xiao Cheng said to A Xun who was on the side, “Is this!”

A Xun’s mouth twitched and looked at Xiao Cheng, before he said for a long time: “Yes, yes!”

To talk about it casually, there are real fantasy ingredients falling on Xiao Cheng, this is simply a golden mouth!

Those who have deep food fortune are as horrible!

“However, this bird looks a little strange!”

Xiao Cheng said to A Xun on the side.

A Xun took a closer look, and then shouted out in shock: “Lightning Phoenix!”

In the gourmet world, a capture level has been customized for fantasy ingredients according to the difficulty of capturing!

Capture level 1 means that ten fully armed soldiers are required to capture, and the bird on Xiao Cheng’s shoulder is a lightning phoenix with capture level up to 75!

Although it is still a juvenile body, Axun is certain that this is a lightning phoenix!

The legendary thunderbird, rumored to inhabit the thunder and lightning cloud, is extremely delicious with its meat that traverses electricity. It is said to be a fantastic ingredient that can evolve cells. Its feathers have the effect of rebounding lightning, and the clothes made of body hair shimmer. Gorgeous and elegant brilliance, it is also a legend that brides with wedding dresses made of lightning phoenix body hair can get eternal happiness.

When he moved his mouth, a lightning phoenix fell on him immediately. A Xun looked at Xiao Cheng, her eyes could not help showing an envy!

“Lightning Phoenix?”

Xiao Cheng grabbed the lightning phoenix on his shoulder, and then leaned forward to watch!


Xiao Cheng looked at A Xun with a black line expression on his face and said, “Are you sure this is Lightning Phoenix? If yes, we can leave. This guy is not just a fantasy ingredient, kill the stew!”

A Xun opened her mouth and looked at Xiao Cheng!

“You will not subdue this lightning phoenix, but will eat it?”

A Xun had an urge to kill Xiao Cheng at this time!

Xiao Cheng, who got the lightning phoenix, didn’t want to conquer this lightning phoenix, but actually intended to eat this lightning phoenix?

“If you accept it, I think it’s natural, but can this little guy accept it?”

Xiao Cheng doubts that if this lightning phoenix can be bred, it is naturally the best, but even if it cannot be bred, it doesn’t matter, just kill and eat meat!

“I don’t know the blessing in the blessing!”

A Xun looked at Xiao Cheng speechlessly, and then said: “Naturally, it can be raised. As far as I know, the Empress of the Dragon Chef Alliance has raised a pet!”

Xiao Cheng said with surprise, “Tianyi’s pet? What is it?”

“It’s a Salamanda Sphinx! The tears of Salamanda Sphinx can be turned into a sweet cola of fantasy ingredients! The captured level is 92!” 3.7

“Tianyi raised a Salamanda Sphinx at level 92. As a result, did I raise a level 75 lightning phoenix at a price?”

Frustrated, looking at Xiao Cheng in front of him, A Xun wished to snatch the Lightning Phoenix and raise himself!

“It is a lucky thing to be able to raise this high-level fantasy creature, you…”

“I think it would be great if I could raise a high-level fantasy ingredient for me!”

PS: The world is so hot, I want to see it, so, can I ask for time off? .

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