Chapter 399 Business Talent Hongye Zhixian

After hanging up the phone number of Machida Yuanzi, Xiao Cheng was thinking about who the company president should give to him!

After thinking about it, among his girlfriends, only Gui Yanye and Nakiri Erina can take on this responsibility. The rest are obviously not too suitable!

As the heir of the Nakiri family, Nakiri Erina is naturally familiar with business operations, and Katsura Yanye is even more needless to say. It was originally cultivated as the heir of the group, and the group of Katsura Manami It is not as good as Mrs. Hua, but it is definitely a behemoth. With the addition of Katsura Taro, the prime minister of the cabinet, how could the daughter of the two be an ordinary person!

However, Xiao Cheng was a little entangled. Gui Yanye has also made some achievements in cooking. Now let Gui Yanye put down his cooking and manage his own company of fun, Xiao Cheng simply can’t open such a mouth!

Then to whom? As for Nakiri Erina? Xiao Cheng can guarantee that if the old fellow Nakiri Senzaemon knows that he wants Nakiri Erina to do that kind of thing, Xiao Cheng can guarantee that the other party can chase him down more than a dozen streets with the Yongling Knife!

Except for Nakiri Erina and Gui Yanye, it seems that there are no suitable candidates for the rest!

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu? pass!

Arato Hisako? pass!

Gentiana Kobayashi, Ning Ning Kiyokuni, Momo Akakubo, pass!

Nakiri Alice, pass!

Hatsune Miku, megurine stream song, pass!

Miya Asama, Akaumi, pass!

Yu Xuan, Leim, Ram, pass!

After thinking about it again, there is nothing suitable for business economy on my own side. . . and many more!

Xiao Cheng suddenly thought of Hongye Zhixian!

Xiao Cheng remembered that Hongye Zhixian was in the Biyang Academy’s student conference proceedings, which is the opinion of the student union. It seemed that he had once worked on the financial statements of certain companies, that is, Hongye Zhixian. . .

only. . .

Hongye Zhixian is not Xiao Cheng’s wings, and Hongye Zhixian does not have any good feelings for Xiao Cheng, and has been ridiculing Xiao Cheng all the time.

Even if Xiao Cheng wants to hand over his company to Hongye Zhixian, Hongye Zhixian will still accept it, and Hongye Zhixian seems to be a chef. Will the other party be willing to help him take over a company? It’s impossible to think about it!

“Boom boom boom~‖!”

There is a knock on the door!

“Come in!”

Xiao Cheng shouted afterwards, and then looked at the people who walked in!

“Is there anything wrong with Miss Hongye?”

Looking at Hongye Zhixian, Xiao Cheng asked calmly.

“I have something to talk to you!”

Xiao Cheng was very polite to Hongye Zhixian.

There is a feeling of alienation in the politeness!

Hongye Zhixian heard the alienation in Xiao Cheng’s words!

“Chef Xiao, I think we need to have a serious talk!”

Xiao Cheng made a gesture that you please speak!

“I do not like you!”

As soon as he spoke, Hongye Zhixian directly threw out such a sentence!

“I feel it, understandable!”

Xiao Cheng does feel it, and it is understandable. After all, being thrown out is like a gift. Anyone who has a little thought of his own will feel unhappy!

“Being given to others as mistresses as if they were goods, I can’t accept this anyway!”

“Miss Hongye, first of all, you are thinking a little wrong!”

Xiao Cheng raised a finger to Hongye Zhixian and said.


“First of all, under what circumstances the three sages of IGO sent you to my side, I know very well!”

Of course Xiao Cheng knows the meaning of the three sages. It’s not a clever strategy for beauty.

“However, you were a bit wrong from the beginning!”

Hongye Zhixian frowned and looked at Xiao Cheng in front of him!

“¨¨You have been wrong from the beginning. By my side, you are not a mistress, and I don’t need a mistress. It’s a bit ugly. Miss Hongye, you have a high opinion of yourself. Which of the girls around me knows Inferior to you!”

Hongye Zhixian’s cheek twitched, and there was a wave of nameless anger in his heart!

“Ha ha!”

What can Hongye Zhixian say at this time? Apart from hehe, Hongye Zhixian can’t say anything. Should he say that he is affectionate? I thought about it for a long time before I came to negotiate with this man. . . .

Hongye Zhixian suddenly felt that his previous behavior was ashamed!

“It looks like, Miss Hongye, you should understand!”

Xiao Cheng looked at Hongye Zhixian, and suddenly his heart surged with the idea of ​​letting Hongye Zhixian help him manage his own company. (Okay) It’s already a showdown at this time, and there may be unexpected gains!

“Miss Hongye, I have one thing I want to discuss with you. If you agree, you will be able to explain to the IGO, and you can stay away from me, so you don’t have to continue to face me!”

PS: I want to click on the homepage and the Zhouhuahua homepage last week! From next Monday, I clicked on the homepage at the last point to add three chapters, the top ten plus ten chapters, and the first one plus twenty chapters. The same is true for Zhou Huaxue. That is to say, if I can add flowers and weeks Click the first place on the homepage of the list, and I have added forty chapters in total!

PS2: How is it? Did I die big enough?

PS3: It is City Weekly Click and Weekly Flowers. The classified channel is not counted, but the general category channel is required! .

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