Chapter 605 Sword Art Online

The Sword Art Online that Xiao Cheng has exchanged for is naturally impossible to be the original version made by Maochang Jingyan, but a modified version!

Moreover, the guarding BOSS in the game has also been replaced with various fantasy species!

The taste of these fantasy species is exactly the same as the taste of fantasy species in the real world!

And the time ratio is faster than outside, one to one hundred!

After all, the thinking speed of spiritual thinking is much faster. Sword Art Online is a spiritual world, and spirit enters into it. In this way, Xiao Cheng is confident that he can recover his cooking skills as quickly as possible!

Of course, the ratio of this time can be adjusted, the highest is one to one hundred, and the lowest is one to one!

After playing the game for a while, Xiao Cheng withdrew from Sword Art Online!

The login 30 device is something like glasses. As long as you wear this, connect to the headset, a fixed frequency music will be played in the headset, and then one’s mental thinking will be pulled into the fantasy world. It is the game world of Sword Art Online!

It seems that the principle is that Xiao Cheng didn’t go through the setting in an anime that I had seen before!

It seems to be called Fantasy Network!

“Help me call Hongye Zhixian!”

With this kind of thing, Xiao Cheng naturally does not eat alone, like Luo Tianyi and others. Xiao Cheng also intends to let them enter the game world. In the game world, Xiao Cheng has nothing to do with his body. You can walk, jump, and run!

Can still hug them!

Moreover, in the game, it is one to one hundred. Xiao Cheng is inside for one year, which is equal to one hundred years outside. Tsk tsk, think about it, it is terrible. Xiao Cheng feels that if he is like this, he can’t become a god of cooking, then It’s really a pig!

Although there will be some subtle differences between the game and reality, Xiao Cheng has not realized that he has not reached the realm of God of Cooking in a hundred years. Even if he is really a pig, there are still Luo Tianyi and An. red beans!

I knew if there was such a thing, Xiao Cheng. . .

If emmm had known it, he couldn’t afford it!

This spicy chicken game actually received Xiao Cheng9999998’s food fortune coins!

Nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight, MMP!

Does Xiao Cheng have so many food fortune coins? No, Xiao Cheng’s possessions add up to not even the other party’s fraction.

All Xiao Cheng’s Shiyun Coins add up to more than 900 Shiyun Coins. This is the Shiyun Coin that Xiao Cheng got after betraying his hue and being put to sleep for a night.

However, it’s okay. This system provides installment payments. Xiao Cheng only needs to pay back 1,000 Shiyun coins a month, and Xiao Cheng only pays 850 years, so don’t worry too much. . . . A woolen thread! ! ! !

MD dies the profiteer system, do you think I can’t settle accounts? One month’s 1,000 food transport coins, 850 years, 1000*12*85=**, 10.2 million food transport coins, your special mother actually still charges interest!

And it’s still 850 years. I don’t know if he can live that long!

How could Xiao Cheng pay back 1,000 food fortune coins a month!

As for, why Xiao Cheng, who can’t afford food fortune coins, can come to Sword Art Online at the exchange place?

That’s completely because the system gave a way, that is, to make Sword Art Online a game, and then the system can use which game players to share the 1,000 food fortune coins per month, as for The remaining profitable food fortune coin, Xiao Cheng and system nine points, Xiao Cheng one, system nine. . . .

Xiao Cheng naturally did not agree to this proposal, but the system told Xiao Cheng that the system would use these food fortune coins to repair the system. After the system was repaired, Xiao Cheng could give Xiao Cheng a big gift package. Then, Xiao Cheng nodded in satisfaction, waved a big hand, and happily agreed, but if the system is not powerful at that time, then, hehe. . .

Hongye Zhixian came to Xiao Cheng in a short time.

“whats the matter!”

“There is one thing you need to do for me. Have you heard of a completely virtual game?”

Hongye Zhixian nodded, and then said: “This is naturally I have heard of. In the past, game companies that did not go to want to develop a completely sneaky virtual game, but 273 eventually failed!”

“Take the glasses on the side table!”

Hongye Zhixian looked at one of the glasses, looked at Xiao Cheng suspiciously, and asked half-loudly.

“This eye, how did you get here? No one should have been here before!”

“You put on these glasses first, and then you should understand what I want to say!”

Xiao Cheng looked at Hongye Zhixian and said.


Hongye Zhixian didn’t suspect him, so he put on his eyes!

“Put the earplugs into your ears, then click the switch on the frame!”

Hongye Zhixian did what Xiao Cheng said, and the next moment, Hongye Zhixian’s body fell straight down, however. . . .

Xiao Cheng’s complexion changed for a while!

It hurts, Hongye Zhixian fell down, and then just buried his head on Xiao Cheng’s third leg!

After being hit by Hongye Zhixian so much, Xiao Cheng felt like he was going to beat him! .

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