Chapter 622 Gui Yanye’s calculations

Nakiri Erina walked down, looking at Mimasaka Subaru on one side, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and then a person on the high platform said: “Eizan, if you want to make trouble, stand up by yourself. Don’t let these men of yours come out ashamed!”

Mimasaka Subaru, as Eizan Erina’s subordinate, others don’t know, can Nakiri Erina still not know?

Therefore, this time when Mimasaka Subaru angered Gui Yanye and asked Gui Yanye and him to eat the halberd, Nakiri Erina knew that all of this was because Eiyama Zhijin was also behind it!

“Haha, Miss Erina, there are some things, can’t you talk nonsense, what Mimasaka Subaru did has nothing to do with me!”

Eiyama Eetsu also took a look at Mimasaka Subaru, a trace of irritation flashed in his eyes, and then said: “Furthermore, Mimasaka Subaru is not obedient, I have also kicked him out of my circle, that is to say. , Mimasaka Subaru is no longer mine!”

Mimasaka Subaru raised his head and glanced at Eizan Eetsuya, then lowered his head again!

Gui Yanye glanced lightly at Ruishan Zhijin and said, “Cross the river and demolish the bridge, aren’t you afraid that your subordinates are chilling?”

“420 hehe!”

Eizan Zhizu also laughed, without answering!

Gui Yanye didn’t speak either, but said to Nakiri Erina on one side: “Erina, let’s go!”

Nakiri Erina glanced at Eizan Erina, a mockery flashed in his eyes, and then left with Arato Hisako and Katsura Yanye!

And Ruishan Zhijin also had blue veins looming on his forehead, and he suppressed the anger in his heart strongly!

This time, Eizan Zhijin can’t go to war, because it was Eizan Zhijin who acted arbitrarily. If things happen this time, it will definitely not be a good thing for Eizan Zhijin too!


Taking a stern look at Mimasaka Subaru, Eizan Zhizu also turned and left!

Outside the venue, Nakiri Erina looked at Gui Yanye and exclaimed: “Yanye, your cooking skills have improved so much. Now, it’s no less than a six-star chef (caef)!”

“Six stars?”

Gui Yanye smiled indifferently without answering. Is her strength really only six stars?

“Indeed, if you look like this, you are very likely to pull down an Elite Ten. Among the Elite Ten, I personally think that the most suitable candidate is Eiyama Etsuya!”

Nakiri Erina thought for a while and said.

“Erina, what you said is correct, and it was because I felt threatened. That’s why Eizan Zhizu would let Mimasaka Subaru and me eat halberds, trying to drive me away in this way. Among the Elite Ten, the first Gentian-senpai in the second seat, Taozi-senpai in the fourth seat, and Ningning-senpai in the sixth seat are all their own. The only people I can challenge are Eishi Tsukasa in the first seat and Saito in the fifth seat. In conclusion, Eizan Zhijin in the ninth seat is also!”

A touch of mockery appeared at the corner of Gui Yanye’s mouth!

“And Eishi Tsukasa in the first seat is strong, and Eishi Tsukasa’s halberd is obviously an unwise idea, while the strength of Sotoaki Saito in the fifth seat is stronger than Eishi Tsuka in the ninth seat. We To start, the only obvious thing to do is to attack Ruishan Zhijin. He felt the threat from us, so Ruishan Zhijin couldn’t help but shoot!”

Gui Yanye instantly analyzed everything thoroughly. After all, in the past, Gui Yanye was also cultivated as the heir of a large group, but now although it is accepted by his sister Gui Xin, Gui Yanye concentrates on cooking! But everything that Gui Yanye has learned in the past has not fallen behind!

“It’s just that, if you do this today, Ruishan will not be so reckless in the future. What a pity, I am afraid it will not be so easy to deal with Ruishan in the future!”

Nakiri Erina said regretfully!

“Erina, it’s not good to be too greedy. The situation is very good now, and we can’t have a head-on conflict with Eizan Zhijin now. After all, your father hasn’t formally been appointed as the commander-in-chief. !”

Gui Yanye teased Nakiri Erina!

“Ah, yeah, there is no way, that guy!”

Nakiri Erina said helplessly.

“Speaking of which, if you want to challenge Elite Ten, you must have the bargaining chip you want to correspond to, Erina!”

“That’s right, Yanye, what do you think?”

“Isn’t the 99 kitchen knives of Mimasaka Subaru a very useful bargaining chip?”


Nakiri Erina and Arato Hisako are not very understanding, do not understand why those kitchen knives are a good bargaining chip!

“Create a club and let those who won the kitchen knife by Mimasaka Subaru join the club. If I’m not mistaken, the club should be one of the bargaining chips!”

In a moment, both Nakiri Erina and Arato Hisako understood!

“Just, is this really okay?”

“After all, these kitchen knives are my trophy, aren’t they? I promised to eat the halberd with Mimasaka Subaru, part of the reason is because of these kitchen utensils!”

Gui Yanye smiled lightly, while Nakiri Erina twitched the corners of her mouth. She just thought that Gui Yanye hated Mimasaka Subaru, and the result was. . .

PS: Damn, why are my readers all old liches like you? The two books I wrote before are also like this, wait, no, could it be the two books I followed?

PS2: A book I originally wrote is now reviewed every day, and a dozen chapters are limited to chapter changes every day. Is this going to kill me? And the most important thing is to re-examine the ones that have already been restricted for review? I didn’t offend anyone!

PS3: I am tired, I ask for two or three shifts a day. . . Of course it is better to have one more! .

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