Chapter 642 beg for mercy? Don’t agree!

Charlotte really doesn’t want to continue to face the Arima Zheping in front of him, but Charlotte doesn’t want to offend Arima’s family for no reason!

Therefore, I can only hold back and say to Ma Zheping in front of him: “Sorry, there is Master Ma Zheping, I am going to see my boyfriend now!”


Ma Zheping stretched out his hand to pull Charlotte, but Charlotte avoided it directly.

“Master Ma, please respect yourself!”

Looking at Charlotte, Ma Zheping said: “Charlotte, although the guy you like was a super chef before, but now that guy is completely disabled, can you still…”

“Please pay attention to your words!”

Charlotte frowned and said!

“You have Master Ma, don’t cause trouble to yourself, you have to know that he is not something you can comment on!”

“What is it? I can’t comment on it. He was really great in the past. IGO’s little head, but that is all in the past. Now he is a disabled person. Do you think 207IGO will let him inherit IGO? I know, he helped you, but even without him, I can help you, and now…”

Charlotte said directly to Arima Zheping: “Please shut up!”

The more Arima Zheping said, the more he went too far, and said to the butler Alfred on one side: “Alfred, let’s go, I’m going to see Cheng-kun!”

“Yes, princess!”

Alfred didn’t even take a straight look at Ma Zheping.

“Damn it!!!”

When Ma Zheping saw Charlotte leaving, he couldn’t help cursing.

For Charlotte, Ma Zheping fell into trouble with Xiao Cheng. He originally thought that after Xiao Cheng was devastated, he would have a chance, but he did not expect that Charlotte would rather follow Xiao Cheng’s disability than ignore him!

The fire of jealousy completely burned the reason of Arima Zheping! (adbi)

“Didi dick!!!”

The ringing of the mobile phone made Aima Zheping more and more upset!


“Master Teppei, I’m Fujikura Yu. I have an unfortunate thing to tell you…”

Ma Zheping’s mobile phone fell to the ground, and Ma Zheping couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

From the first one to become a rich second generation, and now, from a rich second generation to a poor second generation!

This feeling like a roller coaster makes Ma Zheping feel like he is dreaming!

“Cheng-kun, Arima wants to see you!”

“Have a horse with one heart?”

Xiao Cheng looked at Hongye Zhixian unclearly and asked.

“Arima Yixin is one of the liquidation lists. The president of Arima Group and Arima Zheping of Arima Group have fallen into trouble. Therefore, before being liquidated, Arima Group’s equity was diluted. Now it should be desperate. I want to ask for forgiveness!”

“Is there a horse? Let him in, let me see!”

Arima Isshin seems to be an old man like Nakiri Senzaemon! Moreover, it is not Ma Zheping who fell into trouble with Xiao Cheng, but Ma Zheping. In other words, when Xiao Cheng watched anime, that Ma Zheping should be a good guy, how could he treat himself as a person who has no grievances and no grudges. Did the guy fall into trouble?

After giving Hongye Zhixian an answer, Xiao Cheng waited for the arrival of Arima Yixin!

Not long after, an old man walked in, and Xiao Cheng’s first impression was that this old man was already dead soon, and he was left in the wind!

Xiao Cheng couldn’t help but flashed a hint of surprise!

“Chef Xiao!”

When Arima saw Xiao Cheng wholeheartedly, he shouted to Xiao Cheng with a little humility!

“Mr. Arima, please sit down!”

Looking at Arima in front of him, Xiao Cheng looked at the old man in front of him, without any pity in his heart. If he did something wrong, he would be punished!

Even if it wasn’t for Arima to fall into trouble with Xiao Cheng, Arima Zheping also supported himself in the Arima family and used the strength of the Arima family to defeat Xiao Cheng. Xiao Cheng would naturally take revenge at Arima’s family!

“Chef Xiao, you should know the purpose of my coming here, can you please raise your hand, let Zheping go once, and I will take care of everything!”

Looking at the puppet in front of him, Xiao Cheng felt worthless for the old man in front of him!

“Why bother?”

“Chef Xiao, please promise me that I am willing to give all of You Ma’s family to Chef Xiao. In the future, Zhe Ping will only be an ordinary person, and will not have any communication with Chef Xiao!”

Xiao Cheng didn’t answer with Ma Yixin, because if there is no answer, Xiao Cheng can’t be soft-hearted, otherwise, if everyone is like this in the future, Xiao Cheng’s purpose of killing the monkey this time will not be completed!

Seeing that Xiao Cheng didn’t answer, Arima Yixin already knew Xiao Cheng’s answer!

Standing up, Arima looked at Xiao Cheng with all his heart.

“Chef Xiao, please, please treat me as a pitiful old man!”

If it were changed to something else, Xiao Cheng would spare the other man even for the old man’s face, but now. . . .

PS: Is the princess lover Li Fan? I don’t know what Lifan is. Isn’t that pure Aifan?

PS2: Now the salted fish are lazily turning over! .

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