Chapter 648 Some things, if you miss it, you miss it

“Hongye, did IGO contact you?”

Hongye Zhixian knew this was impossible to hide, and nodded straightforwardly.

“The previous three sages personally called, let me test your mouth~wind!”

“Hongye, you said, someone who doesn’t have the slightest loyalty, and can even stab you when you are down-the force, is there a need?”

These words immediately made Hongye know that Xian’s body was stretched!

“Cheng-kun, in this matter, IGO can only say that the response was not very timely, and it cannot be said that it was a disaster!”

Facing Hongye Zhixian’s defense, Xiao Cheng chuckled and asked, “Is there a difference?”

Yeah, is there a difference?

For Xiao Cheng, there is no difference, Hongye Zhixian understands, Xiao Cheng also understands that IGO’s reaction at that time has nothing to say. It is natural to give up Xiao Cheng, even the three sages of IGO. Without this kind of thinking, when Xiao Cheng fell from a genius and lost his value, is it still worth maintaining by the three wise men?

Just like Hongye Zhixian, Hongye Zhixian was trained as an IGO’s heir. After meeting Xiao Cheng, Hongye Zhixian was given to Xiao Cheng and was betrayed. This is why Hongye Zhixian was so so. One of the reasons to hate Xiao Cheng!

Xiao Cheng smiled, not talking!

“Hongye, there is one thing I want to trouble you to do for me!”

“whats the matter?”

Xiao Cheng took the ring in his hand and handed it to Hongye Zhixian and said, “Give this to the three sages of IGO. I will use this ring in exchange for your freedom. From now on, you will not have anything with IGO. You are just my CEO, the president of Penguin Empire!”

Hearing Xiao Cheng’s words, Hongye Zhixian’s body trembled!

“Cheng-kun, are you going to completely drink IGO ​​and part ways?”

“It can’t be said that it is a complete parting with IGO, but the temple of IGO is too big, my little Buddha will not participate, and everyone can still cooperate in the future. As for IGO, forget it!”

Xiao Cheng’s words flashed countless complicated expressions on Hongye Zhixian’s face!

As the head of the future of IGO, Xiao Cheng said to give up and give up. There was no hesitation at all!

It’s like shutting out a golden mountain. It’s not surprising how!

“What’s not your own, it’s not your own after all, staying in your own hands, what’s the use besides increasing troubles!”

Xiao Cheng didn’t have the slightest nostalgia, as if he didn’t have a bit of coveting for the behemoth IGO!

Looking at Xiao Cheng’s indifferent appearance, Hongye Zhixian knew that he was afraid that Xiao Cheng’s thoughts would be irretrievable, so he sighed helplessly, and then said to Xiao Cheng: “Cheng-kun, you know, how many people do this? Is a ring crazy? You have abandoned it like a shoe!”

“Because, what is not mine is not mine after all, even if it is useful for nostalgia, it is better to return it as soon as possible!”

“Perhaps, this is one of Cheng-kun’s charms!”

Looking at the ring brought back by Hongye Zhixian, the three sages of IGO showed a touch of regret on their faces!

“After all, it is still a step too late, things have developed to the point it is now, if it were us…”

“It’s useless to say it now, Hongye, is there anything he wants you to tell?”

“Cheng-kun said, let me exchange this ring for my freedom!”

0 ···Seeking flowers··········

Hongye Zhixian bit her lip and said!

The expressions of the three sages were a joy!

This sentence of Xiao Cheng is undoubtedly a favor to the three sages!

Exchange a favor for Hongye Zhixian!

“It seems that Cheng doesn’t want to completely refuse to break, and we don’t have no chance to redeem this matter!”

Hongye Zhixian glanced at the three sages, then shook his head and said, “I’m afraid, it’s not like this. Acheng looks like this time, he really has no plans to continue to be the heir of IGO!”

… ……… …….

The smiling faces of the three sages froze, looking at Hongye Zhixian!

“you sure?”

No answer, Hongye Zhixian just looked at the three sages and nodded!

“One time of infidelity, a hundred times intolerance, it is me, I am afraid I will make a different choice!”

Looking at the ring on the table, the eyes of the three sages of IGO showed sadness. Only once, Xiao Cheng, the heir, completely parted ways with them!

“In that case, we took the ring back, Hong Ye, follow Chef Xiao from now on!”

Hongye Zhixian looked at the three sages with a hint of inexplicable and unclear emotions in his eyes, and finally bowed to the three sages and said, “Thanks to the three sages for their continuous cultivation!”

Hongye Zhixian finished speaking, and then resolutely left this place. From now on, Hongye Zhixian has nothing to do with Hongye Zhixian!

After Hongye Zhixian left, the three sages looked at each other, and finally sighed in unison!

“We still missed it after all!”

PS: There is no women’s clothing for salted fish. Don’t add any unnecessary attributes to salted fish! .

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