Chapter 759 Nagato. . .

New book: Fantasy invasion starts from the super god, ask for a wave of collection!

The following text:

Looking at Hongye Zhixian, Xiao Cheng asked Hongye Zhixian with a pained face: “Why do you think that the female soldier behind me~ must be?”

“Oh? Cheng-kun, do you want to be a base?”

Her face turned dark, looking at Hongye Zhixian, Xiao Cheng said to Hongye Zhixian in black, “You have the ability to talk about it once, and you can see how I can deal with you!”

“However, you are right, this is a female military division!”

Xiao Cheng rubbed his forehead as if he had a headache!

“Having her as a military adviser, I am very relieved. Moreover, I even dare to say that in this world, it may not be possible to find a military adviser comparable to her. It is not only about making suggestions, but I can hardly think of anything. She won’t!”

Thinking of that girl, the corners of Xiao Cheng’s lips lifted up and left a smile!


Hongye Zhixian looked at Xiao Cheng and said unconvincedly: “Cheng-kun, then, tell me who the other party is. I will see who it is that can actually make Cheng-kun you Such a compliment!”

“Not convinced? It doesn’t matter, she will show up later!”

Seeing Xiao Cheng’s mysterious and mysterious appearance, a group of people were all attracted by Xiao Cheng’s words. Who was it that was able to get such praise from Xiao Cheng!

Xiao Cheng just smiled, and said to the Hongye Zhixian on one side: “You wait!”

Shiji applied for arbitration, it can be said that this is the only time in decades!

However, soon, the application for arbitration came down!

The arbitration applying for arbitration will generally be conducted by local government personnel and the local IGO branch, as well as some culinary celebrities!

However, this time Shiji involves IGO personnel, so this time the direct reviewer is only the local government. As for the culinary circles, the celebrities cannot be invited for a short time!


Xiao Cheng looked at the entrance, Hongye Zhixian and a group of people looked at the place Xiao Cheng looked at!

What kind of girl is that, petite, with fair skin, a straight face, dark eyes, thin lips, short cut hair, uneven bangs, exuding a colorless and transparent light Inorganic eyes!

“is her?”

Although she was not the only one who came here, Hongye Zhixian and the others paid attention to her for the first time!

“what is her name?”

Seeing that girl, a group of girls asked in surprise!

“Huh, how did you know?”

Xiao Cheng asked curiously!

“Nonsense, the only girl among those few people is a girl, can you still get along with those few people?”

Xiao Cheng twitched his cheeks and said, “I really want to smoke you!”

“It’s the arbitration you applied for. Now we have to confirm once, whether you really want to apply for arbitration!”

Looking at a group of people in WGO, the girl asked each other in an indifferent tone!

“Yes, we want to apply for arbitration!”

Standing on the edge of the cliff, they can only bite the bullet!

“Wait a moment!”

Lux stood up and said.

“whats the matter?”

“I don’t apply for arbitration!”


Everyone at WGO looked at Lux’s eyes with doubts!

“Although Shiji lost, I don’t think there is any problem. Chef Xiao is stronger than me!”

Lux’s words undoubtedly pushed a group of WGO people into the abyss!

0 ·Find flowers 0 ······

Xiao Cheng chuckled slightly, and the group of people who looked at WGO said: “Since Miss Lacus is a member of the halberd, there is no doubt, then you don’t seem to be eligible to apply for arbitration!”

“Lax Klein, do you know what you are doing?”

“I know very well that I am convinced that I lost, and I don’t have any doubts!”

After speaking, Lux said to Xiao Cheng: “Cheng-kun, congratulations!”

A group of WGO people are about to vomit blood. If they apply for arbitration, they will still have a chance to survive, but with Lux’s surrender and convinced, these people suddenly fell from the high clouds!


“In other words, do you give up applying for arbitration?”

Looking at the people present, the girl continued to speak indifferently!

“Governor Nagato, we…”

A person behind the girl asked to say something, but didn’t wait for him to finish!

“Since you have given up applying for arbitration, there is nothing for us here!”

The girl looked at the group of people in WGO indifferently!

“and many more!”

A group of WGO people looked at each other and shouted, and then stepped forward: “Wait a minute, Governor Nagato, please give us some time and let us discuss it!”

There was a smile on the corner of Xiao Cheng’s lips.

“By the way, I almost forgot to announce one thing to everyone!”

Xiao Cheng walked to Lux’s side!

“Our Penguin Empire officially hired Miss Lux to become the new president of our Penguin Empire!”

Xiao Cheng’s words instantly silenced the people who WGO wanted to say. They looked at Xiao Cheng and Lacus, their eyes were full of surprise, but what followed was deep anger! .

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