Wen Jiu burst into tears when he heard the speech, smiled and said, "we Sumerians are priceless treasures. Naturally, we can compare with everything."

She and the Sumerians were separated for several years. Because there had been discord between the two countries, she couldn't even hear from each other. She could only learn about each other's recent situation from the news sent back by the dark pile informant.

But this time, Nanhua made it clear that she was unwilling to take out the soul separation beads. Su Ruoshui did not hesitate to offend Nanhua officials for her. If it were not for Li Xun's protection, she would not be able to get out of Nanhua's capital at all.

Wen Jiu thought a lot, but he didn't understand one thing. He couldn't help asking, "but... What's the matter with those ten cities?"

"Don't you know?" Su Ruo was surprised. "Xie Heng didn't tell you about the ten cities?"

Wen Jiu shook his head. "He didn't mention it to me."

"He's really generous." Su Ruoshui sighed and said that Li Xun used ten cities in exchange for his trip to Nanhua.

Naturally, she omitted all kinds of gratitude and resentment between her and her old friend. When she said it, she casually checked the past, just raised her hand and touched the moist corners of Wenjiu's eyes, and said with a smile: "You and Xie Heng, one for the sake of his sweetheart, and the other for the sake of his bosom friend, say no or no. you two are really made for each other."

Warm wine forced down the surging mood in his heart, with tears in his eyes, but said with a smile: "he and I are made for each other."

In the three years when ah Jiu and Xie Heng separated, they experienced countless things, so they rarely mentioned it with a very tacit understanding.

Now when she heard Su Ruoshui talk about such a thing, she found that she really loved her house and her dog.

As they were talking, ye Zhiqiu, Xie Wanjin and others hurried after them. In the twinkling of an eye, they were only twenty or thirty steps away from them.

Su Ruoshui glanced at those people and said softly, "well, it's raining so hard that you didn't even take your umbrella. They all chased out. Go back quickly, lest they see me and say something else."

She put on her big hat and turned to go.

"Su Meiren." Wen Jiu quickly stretched out his hand to hold her and said anxiously, "are you leaving so soon?"

Su Ruoshui smiled and asked, "otherwise? Do you want me to drink?"

She used her tail finger to hook the broken hair on the edge of Wen wine's forehead, and said with some pity: "I want to stay and drink with you, but now you look so lost, I'm afraid you don't have the heart to drink and laugh? Therefore, what you want to say to me and what you want to do with me will be saved for the next time."

Warm wine was said to be on my mind. I couldn't help holding the white jade box in my hand and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "you said everything. I... I don't know how to thank you."

"Do you need to thank me?" Su Ruoshui said with a smile, "but if you are really sorry, promise me one thing."

"OK, you say." Wen Jiu is completely responsive to her at the moment.

"If you promise so soon, you won't be afraid that what I want is something you can't afford?" Su Ruoshui was born with a pair of autumn eyes. When she looked at her, she was very affectionate, just like when they talked and laughed in Yongle square many years ago.

"Not to mention that you won't ask for things." Wen Jiu raised his eyes slightly and said slowly: "even if you want the hard to find treasure, as long as it is available in the world, there is nothing I can't afford to warm wine."

Su Ruoshui smiled more intensely, "OK, shopkeeper Wen is really heroic. Then you have to listen..."

She suddenly leaned over to Wenjiu's ear and whispered, "if one day Nanhua really runs out of breath, please make sure Xie Heng keeps Li Xun alive and let him be a rich and noble idle man, which should be today's reward."

The chaos in the South China Dynasty has begun, and the ministers are their own camp. Li Xun loves beauty, enjoys pleasure, and is proficient in poetry, literature and dance. He is only unwilling to be a king. He may be really tired of being forced to be the Lord of the country for so many years, so he let those things go. He holds beauty in his arms all day and only hears the long song and dance.

The news had already reached the imperial capital through the dark pile, but it was inevitably shocking to say such words from the mouth of the Sumerians and Americans.

Wen Jiuwei was stunned and whispered, "OK."

Su Ruoshui didn't say anything more. He immediately turned and disappeared into the rain curtain. The wind raised his black cloak and disappeared around the corner in the twinkling of an eye.

"Ah Jiu!" Xie Wanjin quickly walked to Wen Jiu's side and gave her an umbrella to keep out the wind and rain. "What was that just now?"

Warm wine held the white jade box tighter and whispered, "old friend, come to send the soul separation beads."

Ye Zhiqiu paused and couldn't help saying, "this man... Came at a good time."

Wenjiu didn't speak in detail, but said, "go back first."

Xie Wanjin and ye Zhiqiu said in unison, "OK. ”

The sky was getting darker and darker. The electric light danced wildly in the sky through layers of dark clouds, and there were bursts of thunder.

They all looked heavy and hurried back to Yonghe palace.

Wenjiu walked in the front and directly took the white jade box in front of Buji. "The soul separation bead has been taken, but somehow, the bead has broken itself. Can you see if it can still be used?"

When she opened the box, she saw a pile of broken transparent crystals with a faint halo. Just one look, she knew that it was by no means ordinary.

Don't remember reaching out and pulling the pile of fragments, he said casually, "this soul separation pearl is not only hidden by Nanhua as a treasure, but also used for all kinds of strange purposes, How can you break yourself? Do you think about it a little bit? "

Warm wine is speechless for a moment.

She was so anxious that she couldn't think of so much.

Later, when Xie Wangang wanted to speak, he was robbed by not remembering, "you think about it and ask again. If I'm tired and can't save people because I talk too much, I can't blame me."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

The fourth childe was so angry that his teeth itched, but he couldn't Said, secretly in my heart: why didn't I know you were so delicate?!

When pestering Xiao Qi to say this and that, he doesn't look like a tired person.

He thought like this and suddenly had an idea. He motioned Xie Zian with his eyes to ask.

The latter raised his eyes, touched his forehead, hardened his scalp, squatted down in front of Bu Ji, leveled with her line of sight, and said in a low voice: "if this soul separation bead was not broken by himself, how did it become like this?"

The little girl reached out and scraped Xie Zian's nose, smiled and said, "naturally, it's because this bead has been used."

"What!" Xie Wanjin widened his peach blossom eyes: "the soul separation beads have been used? Who has used them?"

Xie Yujun's face was heavy. "It's impossible. I've investigated it many times before and confirmed that the soul leaving pearl of Nanhua has never been used in the past 300 years."

The little girl raised her eyes and glanced at them. She said, "with your strength, you can only find out what happened today and before today. You can't find out what those people have done in the future, can you?"

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