Xie Xuan did not even raise his head.

"Good wine!"

Xie Heng praised as he drank the wine in his cup. He raised his eyes and asked her: "What did you say just now?"

There were only four maids left in total with their General's Mansion. Wen Jiu had originally thought that if any of the two youths looked favorably on him, he would take a new name and arrange arrangements for them to serve him in the courtyard.

Who would have thought …

Both of them pretended to be confused.

The two maids were anxiously waiting when they heard his words. Wen Jiu thought for a while before replying, "Delicious, Hongtang."

"It's full of gold and jade."

Xie Heng could not help but laugh.

Wen Jiu said: "Yes, for people like me who have never read many elegant words, I can only take names like Golden Jade Hall, Wealth and Wealth."

She was just a normal person, and she loved these white and yellow things the most in her life.

If someone were to say that the names of these attendant's maids were vulgar in the future, she could not be blamed.

Xie Xuan was expressionless as he turned to look at the two attendant s on his left, "Feng Yi, Zushi."

The two attendant s were stunned for a moment, then stepped forward, "Thank you Third Young Master for the name."

"Third Brother... Are you sure you don't want to think about it? "

Wen Jiu touched his nose, why was this man named even more casually than her?

The person beside him was someone with the name "Feng Yi Zushi". He suddenly felt that it would not be easy to work with Xie Xuan in the future.

If they all thought that this was Xie Chief's hobby, then wouldn't giving the followers a name of "Happy, Happy" take away the fame of the entire Di Jing City?

Xie Xuan glared at her.

Wen Jiu immediately changed the topic, "Feng Yi, Zushi is pretty good, pretty good."

As long as Third Young Master is happy.

Xie Heng smirked, "There are two more, they are Shiquan and Shimei."

"Puff …"

Wen Jiu was drinking his tea and nearly puked out a mouthful.

The two youths looked at her together. Wen Jiu forcefully swallowed the mouthful of tea and laughed, "Shiquan … Shiquan's meaning is extremely good. "

It's fine to call Shiquan that way, but I'm afraid that attendant that's called Shimei will be a laughingstock for quite a while.

"Of course."

Xie Heng stood up and raised his white and slender fingers towards the light of fire as he drank a cup of wine, "After you drink this goblet of wine, you are my people, and your lives will be protected by my Xie Family from now on. Those who dared to take advantage of the situation, they had to give up as soon as possible. "Loyalty is different. I promise you that you will live without worries for the rest of your life!"

Everyone stood up, raised their cups to toast Xie Heng, and started drinking.

Wen Jiu drank another cup of hot tea, his stomach feeling hot.

This was probably the most different thing about Xie Heng. He never promised benefits to others, his actions were straightforward and ruthless.

However, the things he said, he had never broken his promise, and the things he wanted to do, he had never harmed any innocent people.

It's enough here.

Wen Jiu thought.

"Sit down and eat."

Xie Heng called out to everyone with his lazy voice, "Let's have fun tonight, if there's anything, we'll put it on tomorrow."

At the other table, the attendant maid was still busy eating and drinking, talking non-stop about the name she had just received.

"Is he really called Feng Yi Zushi?"

Xie Heng asked the teenager opposite him in a low voice.

The latter replied, "Mn, no matter what, he won't jump off more than Shiquan."

Wen Jiu drank his tea, and the more he drank, the more unsavory his mouth felt.

Taking the chance while the two were conversing, her hand had touched the wine pot on the table. Just then, Xie Xuan suddenly struck over with her chopsticks, causing her to inhale in pain, her eyes filled with tears.

The back of his hand immediately swelled up.

You can't be so ruthless!

Wen Jiu retracted his hand, and rubbed it a few times, "I accidentally took the wrong hand …"


Xie Xuan's voice was slightly cold, with a hint of how you would lie and go kneel in the snow.

Wen Jiu's eyes were rippling with water, and he did not say a word.

In his heart, he could not help but sigh.

In her previous life, if she had married earlier, her son would already be as old as the Third Young Master, right?

Today, he was beaten because he wanted to drink wine!

Xie Heng coughed lightly and reminded him: "Third brother, you're still injured."

Xie Xuan's face froze for a moment, then he threw the chopsticks into the furnace.

"Drink tea."

Wen Jiu did not dare to anger Third Young Master anymore. If his external injuries had not healed and he suffered internal injuries, who knew how much silver would be needed to cure them.

It was better to calm down.

On her side, she kept retreating. The forced laughter on her face almost made it hard for her to keep laughing.

Third Young Master had a face full of ice and frost, and did not melt in the slightest.

Wen Jiu poured a cup of tea and drank it all up, then took out the wooden box that Xie Xuan gave her before and gave it back to him, "Hey, this is for you.

Xie Xuan did not accept it, the expression in her eyes slightly changed, "Who wants you to return the favor?"

Wen Jiu, "..."

She had forgotten that this young man had a strange temper.

She had only taken a glance at that jade pendant before, and he had already given it up. It was likely that he didn't like people touching his things.

This box had the same logic.

"Third Brother really doesn't want it?"

To be honest, Wen Jiu was not willing to return it. It was just that he could not be so harsh on his own family, so he took it out.

Since Xie Xuan had said so, then she could only … He accepted it with a smile.

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows, "What's inside?"

"Third Brother said that it's 10,000 gold!"

After Wen Jiu said this, his eyes lit up.

Her plain clothes couldn't stop the dazzling light that was emitting from wanting to become the richest person in the world.

Xie Heng played with the blue and white porcelain cup, and laughed: "You should open it first and take a look."

Could it be that the Miss Wen was craving for more silver?

Where did Third Young Master get this gold?

He probably didn't even have a penny on him.


Wen Jiu happily opened the wooden box, and was immediately dumbstruck, "Wa …. Female commandment? "

Why is it this thing again?

Why would the Third Young Master be especially fond of this kind of book?

She was stunned for a moment, and then took out the book to shake it, confirming that the silver notes were not inside, and there were no other mysterious knowledge, she could not help but look at Xie Xuan with a complicated feeling in her heart, "Third Brother, this is …"

Xie Xuan said with an extremely calm expression: "In the books, there is a golden house."

"There's still Yan Ruyu in the book!" Wen Jiu was furious when he thought about how she lied to him that it was a million taels of gold using a broken Female Commandment, so he blurted out: "Which noble person do you think is holding a book to sleep with? Aren't they all three wives and four concubines, hugging each other warmly? "

Xie Xuan no longer spoke, and stared fixedly at her.

The sound of the wind on all sides was cold, causing Wen Jiu to wake up from his stupor, and he could not help but whisper: "Who wrote this crappy Female Commandment, when I have money, I will burn her entire family!"

Why do you have to be so virtuous all day when you have nothing better to do?

Xie Xuan said coldly: "Wen Jiu!"

"Forget it, forget it." Wen Jiu blew on the cold wind slowly, and then said: "Third Brother, you must not lie to other ladies like this, you must remember, you must not do this!"

What did this have to do with the girl?

If you meet someone with a bad temper, no matter how beautiful you are, you will still use a knife to chop him down.

Hearing that, Xie Xuan's face became even uglier, "Try saying that again?"

"If I don't mention yesterday, you'll just pretend it's all right, won't you?"

Xie Heng got up and said unhurriedly: "When tomorrow comes, all of you must head to the court to receive your punishments!"

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