Zhao Jingyi pulled back, landing at a height of a person, and then let go of her hand.

The man fell into the snow and rolled around on the ground, covered in snow.

"This is not a good place to open a tavern." Zhao Jingyi drank the wine and said: "Even if this person doesn't die, he will be covered in blood. How unlucky."

Wen Jiu laughed, "Princess is a kind person."

"I am not." Zhao Jingyi said lightly, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

Wen Jiu's eyes were as black as ink as he smiled faintly, "In this world, the wicked never say that they are evil people. Instead, do good people look like words to praise?"

Eldest Princess looked at her and couldn't help but raise her lips. The two of them looked at each other and laughed.

As the three cups of turbid wine entered his stomach, he felt a sense of familiarity.

It was merely a lowly girl that was wanted to be born lightly in a place like brothel's music shop. Those nobles who passed by would not even look up, but it was this Eldest Princess whose reputation was extremely poor that he could not help but save her.

On the street, a bunch of thugs came out from the Yongle Workshop and roared: "You're looking for death, aren't you? I think it's because you didn't suffer enough, you had to beat yourself to death to be honest! "

The pedestrians who passed by stopped to take a look before hurrying away.

The thugs picked up the light girl from the snow and carried her towards the Yongle Workshop. As they walked, they kicked her twice and scolded, "You're dishonest!"

"I can't stand this kind of scene. If I watch too much, I'll always want to kill someone." Zhao Jingyi's tone was indifferent. She donned her mulberry fox fur coat and went downstairs.

Wen Jiu followed behind, he did not know why Eldest Princess was leaving.

When they arrived at the door, Zhao Jingyi, who was in front of the carriage, suddenly turned his head and said: "You see, Buddha isn't something that anyone can cross, right?"

"Opportunity is too hard to come by."

Wen Jiu said: "When ordinary people encounter trouble, they either save themselves or are lucky enough to be saved. If you don't have both, then you can only blame your bad luck. "

She had a feeling.

If she were to praise this Buddha right now, this Eldest Princess would be able to turn hostile and drag her into a black list.

Zhao Jingyi raised his chin, "If I ever see you again, or if that lady from before appears by my side, I will write off all my old debts. What do you say?"


Wen Jiu agreed without thinking.

Eldest Princess didn't want the unparalleled beauty, he saved her a lot of money.

Zhao Jingyi boarded the horse carriage and left.

Wen Jiu turned around and said: "Send those upstairs back."

Jin Er immediately called out. Just as he went up the stairs, he saw his own Young Madame s enter through the Yongle Workshop door by the side of the window. His expression could not help but change: "Oh no, this time General will definitely beat us to death."

Yulu who was at the side said with a bitter face: "Does Young Madame know what kind of place the Yongle Workshop is?"

A few servants in the shop couldn't help but ask quietly, "Do you want to... Go back home and tell the general? "

Everyone hesitated for a moment.

Someone said: "It's better not, with General's temper, you won't take Young Madame, let's …."

The few of them looked at each other in tacit understanding.

On the other side of the Yongle Workshop.

When Wen Jiu threw out the two taels of silver, the guards did not even stop her.


She called out to the thugs in front who were dragging them in, "I'll take this girl. Tell your Boss Su to come out and name a price."

Inside the pavilion, a group of singers and waiters were all looking down. Wen Jiu, who had not fully opened his mouth yet, seemed especially short in front of the thugs.

Even so, the "I am not lacking in money" look on her face made people not dare to underestimate her.

"Boss Wen." Most of the people in the building recognized her, and they shouted, "The price of a girl with Yongle Workshop is not the same as the price of the wine you sell."

When everyone heard this, they immediately burst into laughter.

Wen Jiu walked in and pulled the lively girl away from the crowd. Looking at her carefully, even she could not help but praise her, "She really is a beauty."

Her face was covered with tears, and she looked even more pitiful.

"You're lucky." Wen Jiu only said this.

Then, a voice came from the second floor: "What are you doing today that brought Boss Wen to our Yongle Workshop?"

The people by Wen Jiu's side consciously dispersed. She looked up to see a beautiful woman in her early twenties waving a white feather fan in her hands. She was dressed in a foreign outfit, and the bell around her waist and wrists made clear sounds as she walked.

Every step he took was filled with the bewitching beauty of bone-eating.

Wen Jiu smiled and greeted, "Long time no see, Boss Su."

This person was someone she was extremely familiar with in her previous life. When she was at her lowest, he even played and sang with his pipa within her Yongle Workshop.

Afterwards, they had gone through more than ten years of hardships and hardships together, so they could be considered as very good friends.

Su Ruoshui naturally did not know why she was so familiar with him, a look of surprise flashed past his eyes, and he then said: "If Boss Wen wants to do good deeds everyday, why not look at the others?

This Young Madame of General's Mansion runs into the Yongle Workshop in the daytime, and even looks to be very familiar with you.

Could there be something wrong with his head?

"Just her."

Wen Jiu only said two words.

Su Ruoshui laughed: "I also do not like the way the Boss Wen makes fun of her. This girl has a rich person in her heart, she offered a price of 1000 gold coins to buy her and use her as her concubine. I just asked Boss Wen how much silver can she get as a redemption, if she is qualified enough to compete with that person. "

Wen Jiu spread out his hands: "I don't have any money on me."

There weren't many people left in General's Mansion, and since there were people who wanted to deal with alcohol normally, she would have to recruit some people. Monthly money was not a small amount, and there was no need to talk about other places that used money.

The smile on Su Ruoshui's face froze, and his voice instantly became cold, "Boss Wen is using me to make fun of me?"

"How could that be?"

Wen Jiu walked towards her and smiled: "Even though I don't have any money on me, I can make a deal with the Boss Su and let my Yongle Workshop continue to occupy the top position in the Dijing."

Within this Dijing City, there were several brothels that were very famous, and they had to put in all their effort into getting the first place every year.

Su Ruoshui was still young and was a beauty whose dancing skills were at the top. Everyone was willing to buy it, so her Yongle Workshop business was naturally more popular than others.

Su Ruoshui laughed unconcernedly: "Yongle Workshop is first place anyway, there's still nothing that can be used by the Boss Wen."

"Where there are beauties, how can there not be fine wine? How about I calculate the accounts for Boss Su? "

Wen Jiu slowly said: "In this Wind Moon Market, no matter how beautiful you are, it will only be ten years, and the Courtesan Belle selection is in progress. Today, in front of the Yongle Workshop, a new beauty has appeared in the Ming Dynasty's Hundred Flowers Pavilion, and if there is nothing else to think about, it will be based on your looks, it is obvious that it will not last for long."

Su Ruoshui became more serious, "Then tell me, how can I last?"

Wen Jiu held onto the beauty's fragrant sleeve, suddenly pulled her over and asked with a smile: "Has Boss Su heard of a type of wine called Red Dust?"

Before he could finish his sentence, the guard outside exclaimed: "General Xie, spare us!"

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