Jin Er was startled, "Yes, I did not think about this just now. Young Madame …"

"You guys can take a rest." Wen Jiu could not help but laugh: "I see that you guys are all so full that you guys are making wild guesses. I am still hungry in Young Madame. "Hurry, go get something to eat."

With the Third Young Master in the mansion, what kind of spy could stay here?

It was all about eating the radish!

Half a month passed. It was now the beginning of December.

The new year was approaching, and even if it was a cold winter day, it would still not affect the bustling business of the shops on the North Street.

The manor's housework and chores had all been snatched away by the five aunties. Xiang Man and Hongtang didn't have another chance to cook.

Even Shiquan's watchman job was taken away, so they came over here to drink, and complained to Wen Jiu: "Young Madame, they are so hardworking, but they don't have to be afraid of their waists piercing. In such a cold day, if they had a headache, they would have to spend a lot of money."

Since Xie Heng wasn't in his residence, Shimei didn't have anything else to do. The guards were originally given to them, but now that they were 'robbed' by the two 60-odd year olds, the two of them became nothing more than young adults.

Their General's Mansion are so poor, we can't just sit idly by!

"F * ck off, if you have nothing better to do, then carry the wine over!"

Wen Jiu was in the midst of calculating the debt, and when he heard her words, he could not help but scold with a laugh: "Don't think that I don't know why you guys came to the winery. Isn't it just because you're close to the Yongle Workshop, able to look at beauties from time to time?"

Shiquan was exposed, and immediately blushed, "Young Madame's words are accusing us wrongly! When we came to help, it was because of the general! "

"That's right, the general has been getting busier and busier these days. He hasn't been home for several days, so I'm afraid you're too busy, so he asked us to come and help!"

The two of them were singing at the same time.

It had indeed been three or four days since Xie Heng had returned to the Palace.

The military camp outside the city was quite far away, and at the beginning, he probably couldn't stop worrying about her and Xie Xuan. Every day, he would travel back and forth, and break a few horses.

Ever since Zhao Fan had been imprisoned in Seven Ultimate Heavenly Pagoda, he was slightly relieved. Instead, he returned in three days to have a meal and chat with them.

When he woke up early, he would give Wen Jiu some pointers. Sometimes, he would praise Wen Jiu in an extremely against his own heart, "Not bad, your running speed is much faster than before."

Wen Jiu naturally would not be more serious than this youth.

Quick, quick, quick, she didn't say anything, but her originally weak body was getting better day by day.

She wanted to pull Third Young Master over and squat in one piece. This was much more reliable than those tonics.

The moment he said that, Xie Heng rejected the suggestion, "Third Young Master is busy studying, do not have any ideas about him."

Wen Jiu was speechless.

What did he mean by her having intentions for Xie Xuan?

Squatting down and running around in the General's Mansion, facing the cold wind twice. Was this a bad thing?

It could be seen that the eldest brother was occasionally biased.

His days passed quickly like this. Wen Jiu was busy with the business of liquor in the day, when he was free, he would think of a way to earn money from other places.

Every day, he would be extremely conscious about getting up and taking a horse stance before daybreak. No matter how weak he was, he would still have to run a few laps inside his General's Mansion. He was probably used to it, now that he wasn't covered in sweat this early in the morning, he felt uncomfortable.

"Jin Er!" Wen Jiu turned around and shouted, "Shiquan, come and help out. Bring them along and move the wine vats.

"Yes sir!"

"The young maids and maids are supposed to be brisk and brisk." Young Madame still dotes on us. "

Shiquan's face suddenly became bitter: It's so comfortable following someone from the Young Madame! Unlike them, they didn't even meet their master, not to mention turning their hearts towards them.

The wine business here had already surpassed the time when the restaurant was just opened. The customers came and went as many times as they could to buy a few jars and bring them back to the banquet.

As the new year approached, quite a few officials and wives of aristocratic families came by to set a date for a large number of New Year celebrations.

Wen Jiu was no longer worried about the sales, now that he was worrying about the fact that the speed at which he brewed wine was slower, what should he do?

Everyone in the mansion was busy as she had a little money left over from thinking:

Should he open a branch?

When Xie Heng returned, he had to discuss this matter carefully.

On this day, Shiquan was busy until night time again, leaving behind Shiquan who was looking at the shops.

The pedestrians on the streets gradually dispersed as Wen Jiu brought a few maids back to the General's Mansion. The wind was strong, and the lanterns in his hands were almost blown away.

There was no one guarding the General's Mansion gate and the gate was also ajar.

Jin Er muttered, "Where is he?"

Wen Jiu stopped in his tracks, Shiquan had said that since the mansion's two lords had taken their job as guards, they were not spouting nonsense, and the two of them were not people that did not conform to their needs.

The greatest possibility is... Something happened inside.

But Xie Xuan was still in the Palace with a bunch of old and young people …

She frowned slightly as she took the lantern from Yulu's hands, "I'll go in first to take a look. You guys stay here, if I still haven't come out after a cup of tea, you guys can inform the general outside the city."

"Young Madame …" Yulu immediately pulled her back, "Should we … or should we …."

The young maid didn't say anything for a long time.

"How can I let Master take the risk and become a servant while hiding in the back?" I will go with Young Madame! " Jin Er was a straightforward person, he extended his hand and took the lantern from Wen Jiu's hand, "I want to see who dares to act so wildly in our General's Mansion!"

Xiang Man and Hongtang immediately chimed in, "We'll also go in with Young Madame!"

"Let's go."

Wen Jiu smirked, "I also want to know who has such low eyes."

Ever since Zhao Fan was ordered to be imprisoned in the Seven Ultimate, those who wielded authority in the Dijing City all took a detour when they saw.

This person seemed to have eaten a bear's heart and leopard's guts.

The group of people crossed the threshold and walked towards the General's Mansion. The people who usually waited in front of the court to greet them had disappeared without a trace.

The lanterns under the eaves were swaying, their light and shadow lingering between the falling flowers.

Wen Jiu looked up and saw an unexpected guest sitting in the octagonal pavilion. The sky was dark, and the person was shrouded in darkness, causing his face to be unclear.

There were around ten people in black on the left and right with sabers.

Those hidden in the darkness were even more difficult to estimate.

The crowd behind her held their breath.

"The cold winter night, your highness has come uninvited. What is it?"

Wen Jiu walked closer calmly, her plain sleeves fluttering in the wind.

Hearing this, the person in the pavilion suddenly laughed, "I have long heard that Young Madame's Brewing Wine is the best in terms of Dijing. I have come here today to ask Young Madame for a cup of fine wine, is it fortunate?"

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