There was wine.

Ever since Xie Heng shot that Heavenly Girl dead with one arrow, the business in the tavern became even better. Those who came were mostly the descendants of officials, and would greet Wen Jiu from time to time.

"Young Madame." Zhou Tianhao led a group of aristocratic juniors into the room. "I brought silver this time and even brought so many customers for you. You can't not give me wine this time, can you?"

Noble Heir Zhou had an extremely good appearance, but he was usually a slob. At a glance, he didn't seem like a proper person and brought a group of noble sons and daughters to their doorstep. It was hard to tell if they were flattering him or not, but on the contrary, they looked more like someone who would ruin the scene.

Wen Jiu put down the account book, and smiled as he greeted them, "The noble heir is here to visit you, my little place is so small, how can I not give you some wine, quickly sit."

It was a bit noisy downstairs, so there were all sorts of customers.

She turned her head and instructed: "Jin Er, bring Noble Heir Zhou and the few young masters to the private rooms upstairs."

The corner of Zhou Minghao's mouth twitched. "I suddenly heard those words from Young Madame's mouth, this prince is really flattered …"

Just like the Xie Family Brothers, the moment he came to their doorstep, those two couldn't help but want to take out their broom and sweep him out.

Fortunately, Wen Jiu was different from them. He welcomed them with a smile the moment they met.

"Noble Heir Zhou is joking." Before Wen Jiu could finish his words, the wine guest behind him shouted out, "Innkeeper, the bill!"


Wen Jiu smiled at Zhou Minghao: "noble heir will go to the private room first, I'm busy with other matters, when I have time, I will send someone to bring you some new wine."

"Go ahead and busy yourself. I'll find a place to sit for a long time. You can keep the private room for the other guests." Seeing that she was extremely busy, Zhou Minghao immediately moved to the side and called for his friend to sit down at the nearest table, "Hurry, don't block the way, there are still people outside who want to drink!"

The group of young masters laughed and teased, "Noble Heir Zhou, those who don't know about it might think that you opened this tavern yourself."

Zhou Minghao was also a thick-skinned person. As he ordered the wine, he said, "Brother Dongfeng and I have been drunk on the same night. We have picked up the red gauze covering the heads of the Courtesan Belle of Jiang An's Fourteenth City and drank the same wine. What do you people know? Isn't his family mine? "

Everyone was puzzled: "Who is your Brother Dongfeng?"

"Xie Heng! General Xie! " Zhou Minghao became even louder.

Wen Jiu had just received the silver bills, and couldn't help but look up.

Hearing that, the customers at the side could not help but ask curiously: "General Xie has another elegant name called Dong Feng?"

"That's right, it's the east wind. When he wasn't a general, he was Jiang An's most dissolute young master. He had over a hundred floral workshops in fourteen cities. Where was he … "

Zhou Minghao lifted his hand and took a jar of wine, as if he was trying to sell something.

When the curiosity of the people in the tavern was piqued, he laughed and said, "Suddenly like the warm spring wind, Peach red, willow green, apricot blossom …" Hahaha, it's not like this prince is boasting with you. At that time, standing on the pleasure boat beside Qin Yanhe and calling out Young Master Xie Family, was truly instantaneous.

The noble sons and juniors were all filled with admiration towards the General Xie.

"At that time, this prince had already felt that the title of Eastern Wind was most suitable for him!" Zhou Minghao held onto the wine, and expressed with worry: "When we go to the Opera House, we usually get lots and lots of silver notes, but Brother Dongfeng is different, all the beauties cry while holding onto their gold and silver: I beg Young Master Xie to look at me one more time, even if I die, I am willing!"

When this person said the last sentence, he even intentionally pinched his throat and pretended to be a woman's voice as if he was a treasure.

Everyone laughed and raised their cups together. After drinking it for a while, they said in a low voice, "It's hard to imagine the General Xie being surrounded by beauties …"

Jin Er whispered at Wen Jiu's side: "This Noble Heir Zhou is really a clown, if the general knew he said those words to someone else …"

The little maid did not say anything else.

I keep having the feeling that Noble Heir Zhou will be very miserable.

Wen Jiu laughed: "Xie Dongfeng huh?"

Who would have thought that Little Tyrant Xie, who everyone in Dijing City had to avoid, would also be a foppish, dandy young master who woke up to the fact that he was drunk to the point of searching for willow trees and three thousand beauties that looked forward to pity.

Since Zhou Minghao was chatting casually, everyone was enjoying their drinks. Every table had a few more pots of wine, Jin Er and Yulu became busier and busier.

As Wen Jiu was writing down the accounts, Zhou Minghao suddenly walked over with a cup of wine and said with a vexed expression: "Young Madame, I have a presumptuous request, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

She raised her eyes, and sized up Zhou Minghao from top to bottom, "If you don't want to say it, noble heir should swallow it."

"You …"

Zhou Minghao obviously choked.

Wen Jiu could not help but think: Could it be that this fellow wanted to earn credit?

There was laughter in Zhou Minghao's eyes, but he pretended to sigh: "There's something on my mind, no matter how good the wine is, it tastes a little less, I wonder if I can pour some bitter water with Young Madame?"

This time, he became smarter, and did not give Wen Jiu a chance to refuse, so he continued, "It's that girl from last time who came to ask you … Brother Dongfeng and Third Young Master both said that the matter of General's Mansion was the decision of the Young Madame, so I took the liberty to mention it again. That wine friend of mine really likes that girl a lot, if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have mentioned it to him over and over again. No matter how much silver you owe me, I hope Young Madame can grow up beautiful. "

Zhou Minghao bowed towards Wen Jiu.

The dignified noble heir spoke in an amiable tone to others, causing all the customers to look over.

Wen Jiu looked at Zhou Minghao for a moment, but did not say a word.

It caused Zhou Minghao to raise his hand and touch his own face, "Why is Young Madame looking at me this whole time? Even Young Madame … "

"Noble Heir Zhou." Wen Jiu could not hold it in and interrupted him, "Tell him to cry for me, if he really cries, let him bring General's Mansion."

"This …"

Zhou Minghao choked again.

What he had said just now was more pleasing to listen to. How could the son of the Minister of War, the President of the Board of War, cry in front of so many people?

Wen Jiu also knew that this noble heir had a glib tongue. He wouldn't believe a word of what he had said, as long as the person was able to say the black or white, and as long as the person was alive.

She pulled out the abacus and the corner of her eye slightly raised, "What? You have to be drunk to cry. Then let him start drinking. "

Zhou Minghao, "..."

Why did he feel that Wen Jiu was easier to talk to than the Xie Family brothers? He must be blind!

A young man in his twenties behind him hurried over, "I am willing to pay three thousand silvers, Young Madame, please give me your love!"

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