Under such circumstances, the one Third Young Master gave to his elder brother seemed extremely normal.

Xie Xuan said: "Remove it yourself."

Wen Jiu's hand was shaking a little. After he was done removing the book, he took out the < Female Commandment >. He was both angry and amused, "Third Brother, did you buy all of the female commandments in your Dijing City home?"

She was really helpless. "All the things you gave me before are here. I read them when I'm free. Really …"

Xie Xuan looked at her and suddenly reached out his hand to grab Wen Jiu's wrist through his sleeve and pulled him towards the bonfire, "Throw."


Wen Jiu's face was filled with confusion, but his hands had loosened due to Third Young Master's actions. The Female Commandment he just received fell into the fire, and in a moment, he was engulfed by the flames.

Xie Xuan looked at her, and said with a stern expression: "Ordinary women grow up in pavilions, and are extremely rich and honorable. The title rewards are all earned for them by their parents and husbands, and since you are different from them, it's fine if you don't want to see this Female Commandment."

Wen Jiu was still in disbelief, "Three, Third Brother … You didn't drink too much, did you? Is that still true tomorrow? "

Xie Xuan said expressionlessly: "It's not convenient for women to do business outside, idle chatter is like the hairs on a cow, but this is a path you choose, since I can't stop you, you can only barge in. As long as you don't go against the rules, what do you want from all the other red tape? "

Wen Jiu did not know what to say, "My head feels a little dizzy, I understand every single word of yours, but even with all of them coming from Third Brother's mouth, why do I feel like I don't understand them …"

Third Young Master never talked much, but his sudden actions actually made people feel overwhelmed.

Xie Xuan said word by word, "Wen Jiu, do whatever you want to do. There is no need to follow those crappy rules."

The snow swirled in the air, and amidst the wild wind, the youth's voice was abnormally clear.

Wen Jiu stared at Third Young Master in a daze. After a long while, her almond eyes rippled with water. "These words were said by Third Brother herself! "No one can stop me from earning silver in the future!"

Only the heavens knew how she had been trampled over by those lousy rules in her previous life!

In his previous life, Xie Xuan was someone who followed death rules too much, so the person who scolded her the most was him.

The status of women in the Great Yan had always been very low. Before marriage, they had to guard the lives of their husbands and daughters even when they were married, and if there were even the slightest mistake, countless people would openly or secretly splash dirty water on their bodies.

Xie Xuan said: "With me and elder brother here, what are you afraid of?"

Wen Jiu wiped his eyes with his sleeve and sniffed, "I also take back what Third Brother said about not being able to marry a wife! What kind of beauty in this world can't you marry? It just depends on the Third Brother looking down upon us. "

Xie Heng agreed wholeheartedly, he smiled and said, "Seeing that you have coaxed our Young Madame to such a state, I almost cried."

Wen Jiu wiped his face, "No. "No, I'm just a little sleepy, rubbing my eyes."

The youth smiled as he opened the red envelope. Inside, there was only a piece of paper with a few words written on it, "Things can't go past three."

Xie Xuan's words were just like his.

Xie Heng raised his hand and threw the piece of paper into the fire, then laughed: "Third Young Master, if you have anything to say, just say it, brother.

Xie Xuan asked: "Does Brother Chang really not understand?"

Xie Heng's smile faded by more than half, "I don't understand."

Xie Xuan did not speak anymore.

Wen Jiu did not see what was written on the paper. After being thrown into the fire, he instantly became ashes.

However, he vaguely felt that these two people were very secretive and he didn't know what they were doing.

"What do you mean, don't you understand?" She yawned, stood up and said, "It's almost daybreak. The New Year's Day is approaching, and I hope you two brothers can laugh!"

Xie Heng curled his lips, and laughed: "Aren't you planning to stop watching the New Year's wedding ceremony that you prepared for me?"

Third Young Master opened it first. Inside the bright red envelope was a letter from the Crown Prince.

Xie Xuan's eyes showed some surprise, "Elder brother, you …"

"You what you! Don't worry Third Young Master, this entry is not for Brother to place his blade on someone's neck. " Xie Heng said, "I put in seven or eight straws, which basically means that the emperor really can't finish throwing them all in. He only gave them down two days ago. "It was a success after all. It wasn't in vain for brother to drink those few days of the northwest wind."

Xie Xuan said: "It's fine if I wait for three years, but if you go on such a note, the people from the Censorate will point at your nose and scold you!"

In the past years, only examinees who had taken the examinations in the county level examinations were qualified to enter the capital. In addition, there were also those who had taken the Imperial Examinations, and most of these examinees had sent their students to places where they could focus on cultivating in the Dijing.

There was no second person like Xie Heng who directly asked for the Old Emperor's spots on the surface.

"They don't dare to scold me in front of my face. Who cares what they do? "

Xie Heng did not mind and said: "You can wait for three years, but I cannot. Didn't those people say that our Xie Family is unreasonable and unreasonable? From now on, you have to reason with someone in the Conference Hall! Let's see who dares to be so long-winded. "

Xie Xuan pursed his lips.

"Don't worry, those families' rules of not choosing to serve two officials are for those mediocre people."

When Xie Heng saw Third Young Master, he knew what he was thinking, "My Xie Family has always been hidden in the streets like a crane, and when it meets wind and cloud, it should fly for nine days! Will he be like them? "

"What Elder Brother said is true."

The corner of Xie Xuan's mouth raised to form a faint arc, and his gloomy eyes became much warmer as well.

"Elder brother is indeed elder brother. He's already so generous from the start." Wen Jiu opened the red envelope and took it out. When he saw the words' marriage annulment certificate ', the smile on his face immediately froze, "Elder brother, what is the meaning of this?"

"After thinking about it, there is nothing I can give you. The only thing I can give you is freedom."

Xie Heng said: "Xiaowu left early, you have not paid respects to him yet, so there is no need to waste your life for a marriage certificate. From today onwards, you are my Xie Family's young lady, and if you meet a good person, you can marry me again. If you don't want to, then so be it. After all, with our brothers here, no one will dare to bully you. "

Wen Jiu's heart was in a mess, and he did not know what to say.

Xie Xuan was quiet for a long time, then said: "That's good."

Wen Jiu felt like crying, but he also felt that his previous life's request was like a huge dream, it was extremely laughable.

The heaven and earth are big, the homeland is far away, but there is such a person, a single sentence, that can let you feel at ease.

Her eyes glowed, but she smiled and threw the marriage annulment certificate into the fire, "With elder brother's words, what do I need this annulment certificate for? I only hope that my future sister-in-law who enters the sect can be more amiable with her. Just don't dislike an old lady like me. "

"No way!"

The two youths spoke at the same time, exceptionally sure of themselves.

Wen Jiu laughed, no matter what happens in the future, today is already a good day in the world.


Xie Heng suddenly stood up, looked at her and said: "I will make you marry the best man in the world at your best age."

The young man was very close, and his face was full of seriousness.

Wen Jiu was stunned for a long time, "... "Alright."

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