Xie Heng cleared his throat and was about to speak.

Xie Xuan looked at him, "Senior, it's best for you to remove the scent of rouge on your body, or else tell me that you've never been there."

Wen Jiu, "..."

She silently took half a step away from the Third Young Master.

He probably stayed in the pastry shop for a while, as the sweet smell overshadowed the fat powder's smell. Otherwise, she would be the first one Xie Xuan scolded.

Xie Wanjin watched the show from the side, opened two oil paper bags, and fanned them with his hands, "Where's the smell of makeup? "I smell it. It's full of the fragrance of the pastries."

Before this person could finish his words, the three men glanced at him.

This was the first time I had come to the Dijing and I still didn't understand what was going on with these Fourth Young Master so I tactfully shut my mouth.

The corner of Xie Heng's eyes slightly rose, and asked in disbelief: "I can't go to the Yongle Workshop?"

Without waiting for Xie Xuan to speak.

Xie Heng then continued, "I mix into the army camp every day, and can't even see a woman. It wasn't easy to get back to the city, so I can't even go and take a look?"

Xie Xuan was instantly speechless.

"When I was wandering around the land of fireworks in the past, Grandmother never said anything. Third Young Master, you haven't even gotten into high school yet and you already started to dislike me and want to control me?"

Xie Heng's face was filled with pain.

Xie Xuan, "..."

Wen Jiu could not help but laugh with her head lowered. When Xie Heng glanced at her, she immediately retracted her smile and said pitifully: "I've been busy the whole day, and have not eaten yet. I'm a little hungry …"

"Say it earlier, look at how hungry our Jiu is, we can't even speak." Xie Wanjin immediately said: "Come, let's go eat."

"I'll go too." Xie Heng walked along with them to the long corridor.

Xie Xuan sat in the pavilion and lightly called out: "Jiu."

Wen Jiu's little heart jumped. She turned around and forced out a smile, "Third Brother, what else do you want?"

Xie Xuan stood up and walked towards her. His eyes were unfathomable.

Wen Jiu almost admitted it.

A moment later.

Xie Xuan opened his mouth and said: "There are still elders at home, you should restrain yourself."

With that, the Third Young Master walked past her.

Wen Jiu was startled, then laughed: "I know, Third Brother!"

Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked at her, "You must be scared."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Wen Jiu took a deep breath.

His days were getting more and more exciting.

The youth laughed as he scolded her, "Let's see if you dare to or not next time."

"I don't dare." Wen Jiu bowed to Xie Heng, "Thank you, brother."

"Enough, what is there to thank? I will go and coax Third Young Master. You quickly go and have a meal." After Xie Heng finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and left.

Wen Jiu slowed down his footsteps, and as he walked in the rain, he couldn't help but raise his lips.


Xie Wanjin waited for a long time, but before she could say anything, he could not help but ask: "What about me?"

Wen Jiu was puzzled. "What did Fourth Brother say?"

"If Third Brother has the pastries, and elder brother thanks you, then what about me?" Fourth Young Master was unbalanced.

"Then, should I thank Fourth Brother as well?"

Wen Jiu still had not figured out the temperament of this Fourth Young Master. In his previous life, he had argued with him over and over again, and even in his dreams, he wished that he could stomp him under the ground.

Now, even though Xie Wanjin was feeling so wronged, she didn't know how to respond.

"Just one word of thanks?"

Xie Wanjin laughed, and there were faint dimples at the corner of his mouth, "They are only helping you cover up, but I have also stabilised my mother, this is not something an ordinary person can do."

Wen Jiu thought for a while: "Then how about this, the next time Fourth Brother goes, I'll watch the wind for you, how about it?"

Xie Wanjin, "..."

Was this a help, or was this pulling him into the water?

In the blink of an eye, it was already spring.

On the day of the examination, Old Madame Xie woke up early and brought the few young masters of Xie Family to offer incense to the ancestors.

Wen Jiu who was reciting a few lines of poem outside was even more nervous than Third Young Master himself.

According to the trajectory of his previous life, when Xie Xuan was eighteen, he did not participate in the Imperial examinations.

Xie Xiaoliu laughed until his stomach hurt, "Sister-in-law, you recited it?"


Wen Jiu winked at the little girl.

She did not have much ink in her stomach. At a time like this, she always felt that she was short on words, and adding that Third Young Master was in front of her, she could not say anything at all.

Not long later.

A few people walked out, the Old Madame Xie said to Xie Xuan: "You're still young, if it's true, it's our Xie Family's blessing, if it isn't true, there's no need to be dejected, just relax."

Xie Xuan replied, "Yes."

Xie Yucheng and Third Madame Xie also consoled him with a few words, but the pressure in their hearts was not too great.

The Xie Family was also a family of nobles, who knew how many high ranking officials their ancestors had produced. After they had hidden themselves in the Changping County, the disciples of the family had never entered the field again.

Xie Heng, a third stage Superior General, was exchanged with blood. He used some special privileges to send Xie Xuan to the National Overseer, but to take the entrance exams would still depend on Xie Xuan's own ability.

Honestly speaking, these elders of the Xie Family had no confidence in winning. After all, Xie Xuan was only eighteen years old and he did not have any guidance from a master teacher since he was young.

Xie Xuan's face did not reveal any expression, nor did he say much.

"Our Third Young Master will definitely do it."

Xie Heng cut them off with a smile, "I'm afraid that when the results are released, he will be captured and become a son-in-law, and not be able to come back."

Xie Xuan frowned slightly: "Elder Brother!"

"Good, good, good."

Xie Heng laughed: "Today, Third Young Master is the biggest, you can do whatever you want."

Old Madame Xie said: "Go, don't delay the time to enter the stage."

Everyone sent Xie Xuan to the entrance of the residence. Xie Heng, Wen Jiu and the Fourth Young Master also sent him to the entrance of the Academic Institution.

When Xie Heng appeared, the people in front of him immediately dispersed. The weaker students who were lining up to enter the Academic Institution, upon seeing Little Tyrant Xie walking over, their hands couldn't help but tremble.

Xie Heng whispered to the Third Young Master, "How many opponents do you think I'll be able to squeeze out from for a trip here?"

Pity these people, the hand shaking like this, do not know in the field, can still write words.


Xie Xuan invisibly lifted her lips, "Elder brother thinks too highly of them."

"Tsk." Xie Heng raised his hand and brushed away the Luo Hua on the youth's shoulder.

A commotion broke out among the crowd. This year's popular top three contestants had arrived together, and everyone was discussing with one another.

Being yelled at by them, Wen Jiu most of the things he had remembered were immediately forgotten.

Xie Wanjin said: "Everyone says that it is a joyous thing in the human world to have a wedding night when the title is announced. It doesn't matter as long as the Third Brother is at ease."


Xie Xuan's rare good mood, the cold energy surrounding his body had also dissipated by more than half.


Xie Heng laughed: "Didn't you say you can calculate? Come and calculate for your Third Brother. "

Xie Xuan looked at her with eyes as deep as ink, "What do you think?

Wen Jiu was still thinking back to those words that he had long ago prepared. After thinking for a long time, he only remembered to say "The first branch of the Broken Toad Palace."

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