Everyone held their breath, afraid that if they panted more loudly, they would be cut down by the Little Tyrant Xie.

The four of them were shocked. The night was silent.

Wen Jiu's nose turned sour.

In her previous life, the two young masters of Xie Family were her archenemies, and upon meeting each other, she couldn't help but want to fight to the death.

Who knew what luck she had in her life that she would be protected like this by Xie Heng.

"What are you all still waiting for? Hurry and save royal uncle! " The Empress Yang on the seat of honor shouted: "Seize Xie Heng! As for the Emperor, I will explain it to you! "

Everyone at the table became flustered, the servants fished for the royal uncle s in the water.

Over a hundred guards rushed over when they heard the noise, surrounding Xie Heng and Wen Jiu inside and out, the fiery light reflected off the blade with incomparable ferocity.

Zhao Feng said in a low voice: "Xie Heng! "Offended the empress, why aren't you kneeling and admitting your wrongs!"

Zhao Zhi sneered: "Could it be that Your Highness is joking? Do you see how Xie Heng knows that he has made a mistake? "

Prince Rui stayed in the banquet for a long time, but it was finally time for the main course. He looked at Xie Heng, who was not far away, and coldly said.

Someone from the guard suddenly shouted out, "The Empress has decreed to capture Xie Heng!" He raised his blade and slashed at Xie Heng. With this leader who was unafraid of death, the guards behind him also made their moves, the blades in his hands dazzling.

The ladies and ladies who were at the banquet were all trembling as they squeezed into a corner.

"You overestimate yourself!"

Xie Heng smirked, and with one hand, he pulled Wen Jiu tightly. The sword in his hand moved, and stabbed straight into the middle of the ship board.

The sword Qi crisscrossed for dozens of times as the deck broke apart with a loud noise. There were countless cracks under everyone's feet.

The night wind was wild, the water waves flowing along with the incomparably luxurious dragon boat s filling the cracks, swaying back and forth, gradually sinking.

Only Wen Jiu who was being pulled tightly by Xie Heng was still barely able to stay where he was. The rest of the guards were all knocked over, and one of the tables had turned upside down, while the lanterns were lit and fell.

There were also quite a few people who fell into the lake and were currently struggling with their lives on the line.

The young man's sleeves fluttered, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly. "Empress, feel free to go to the emperor to explain things. Xie Heng humbly requests that the emperor listen and see how the emperor of my Great Yan judges the empress's decision to help a uncle forcefully marry a commoner!"

"Everyone was panicking and shouting," "Save me!" "Save me!" A voice rang out.

"Miss who is accompanying everyone here, please do not misunderstand about the one who has my Xie Family in mind!" Xie Heng held onto Wen Jiu, and leisurely kept his sword and sheathed it. His gaze swept across the crowd, and spoke with a low voice: "You all are not worthy!"

Wen Jiu's hair was in a mess, when she raised her eyes to look at the young man, she could see a few strands of hair in front of her eyes.

Even the youth in front of him was a little dazed, as if he was in a dream.

How could there be such a person in this world?

When I resent you, I wish I could cut you into a thousand pieces and grind your bones into ashes. When I protect you, I can't even say a word that others don't listen to.

The two of them stood together as Ren Yuehua covered his entire body.

Xie Heng turned and looked at Wen Jiu, and his voice unconsciously became a little calmer, "Jiu, close your eyes, elder brother is bringing you home."

The young man's amber eyes reflected her small figure.

Wen Jiu nodded her head, grabbing onto the youth's sleeves, she closed her eyes and her eyelashes trembled.

Xie Heng hugged her waist, and with a tap of his toes, they crossed several hundred meters of water and landed on a bamboo raft.

A light boat rode the wind and broke the waves, and the moonlight flowed for three thousand miles.

Behind him.

The dragon boat descended, causing everyone to cry and fall into chaos.

Xie Heng brought Wen Jiu back to the General's Mansion, and the two of them did not speak for the entire journey.

People have secrets.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had reached a dead end today, she probably would not have mentioned this matter in her entire life.

After entering, Wen Jiu chatted with the servant attendant s in his residence for a while.

It was as if she had been forced into a corner at the Moon Lake Banquet. The only person who could only reveal his own scars was not her.

Xie Heng was two steps behind her. Looking at everything that had happened, he couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

The bright moon was in the sky, and countless flowers were falling in front of the court.

Wen Jiu entered his own courtyard, and saw four maids from Jin Yu Hall welcoming him. All of their faces were filled with worry, and it took a while for them to react.

"Nothing." Wen Jiu laughed, "I just want to drink a little."

Before she could finish speaking, the little maids turned to look at the General Xie who had followed after them.

Jin Er was the bravest, and directly opened his mouth: "General … Young Madame said that she wants to drink, is that okay? "

Xie Heng did not hesitate, "Sure, I'll drink as much as I want today."

Wen Jiu turned his head to look at him.

The youth's eyes were still a little red.

She turned around and instructed the maidservants, "Go and inform the Second Madam that I am back. If there's nothing wrong, she can be at ease."

The four personal maids who were carrying the wine ran off on errands, immediately leaving the place clean.

Wen Jiu stood at the side of the small pond, looked at the youth in red, and let out a sigh. He walked in front of him and whispered, "Elder brother, I didn't tell you about this before.

"There's nothing wrong with you!" Xie Heng interrupted her, lowering his head slightly as he spoke in a gentler tone, "Jiu, you're doing very well. In this world, there is no girl better than you. "

The youth was very sure.

Amber's eyes shone.

"Eldest brother …" Unknowingly, Wen Jiu suddenly laughed, the water in his eyes becoming brighter.

She raised her hand and patted the youth's shoulder, pretending to be incomparably free and easy. "You used to coax me like this in the past?" Even Xie Dongfeng, the person whom all the beauties of the thirteen cities of Jiang An fought over, couldn't speak much louder than me. "

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and chuckled, "Then, what do you want to hear? I'll tell you. "

Early summer night, the breeze was gentle.

The young man's shirt was sleeved and his breathing was filled with a light warmth.

"Mm …" Wen Jiu really thought about it carefully. With water shining in her eyes, the corner of her lips could not help but curve, "I have never heard good words before, nor do I know what is nice to say."

Xie Heng's breath tightened and just as he was about to extend his hand to touch Wen Jiu's sleeve …

Jin Er and Yulu brought in a wine jar and said, "Young Madame, the wine jar is here."

He silently withdrew his sleeve.

"Let's set the stone table." Wen Jiu took a few steps forward and sat on the stone bench.

Not far away was a small pond. Wen Jiu's yard was not the biggest among the General's Mansion, but it was the most exquisite.

With the wind blowing the purple vines down, Wen Jiu's yellow clothes were dazzling.

She raised her hand and placed a row of ten wine cups in front of her before pouring the wine jar into her hands. In just a few moments, the fragrance of the wine filled the air and the little maid had no chance to do anything.

"All of you, bring some wine over as well. It should be time for you to rest."

After Wen Jiu finished instructing everyone, he drank three cups in one, then heaved a sigh of relief.

After drinking it, she remembered that Xie Heng was still there.

Maybe it was because she was strong enough to drink so much that people were afraid of her. Maybe it was tonight, but she was suddenly no longer afraid of Little Tyrant Xie.

"Elder brother, I want to drink now."

Wen Jiu held onto the white jade and lightly shook the wine cup. He looked at the youth not far from him and bit on the corner of his lips, "Do you want to take a step back?"

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