Xie Heng's heart skipped a beat.

For a moment it was hard to tell if she was drunk or sober, and her mind was a mess.

The moonlight was shining through the window, and the candles in the house were bright.

The two were separated by a window, but they were only a few feet apart. It was as if they were standing in a different world.

Just based on his words, the world turned upside down between the two of them.

Wen Jiu just looked at him with shining eyes and asked again, "Do you like me?"

"Yeah." Xie Heng laughed and asked: "How did you only know now?"

Wen Jiu paused for a moment.

Not long after, a "peng" sound came from the window.

The Miss Wen that was leaning against the window fell to the ground stiffly. Xie Heng couldn't even reach out to pull him in time.

When he leaned on the window and looked in.

She had already collapsed on the imperial concubine's bed, her eyes wide open. After a long while, she let out a long sigh. "Blame me for having too much silver taels!"

Xie Heng suddenly thought that he had heard wrong, "Jiu, what did you say just now?"

Wen Jiu was still immersed in his previous life as the wealthiest woman. Everyone around her loved her money, and no one treated her with sincerity, so he muttered in a low voice: "Everyone says that I love money as if it were my life. If someone loves me as much as I love money, then what would happen if I give up such an enormous fortune?"

Xie Heng quietly listened to her nonsense.

She raised her hand to cover her eyes as she said in a bitter voice, "You want to crush me with the word 'innocent'? I won't!"

Wen Jiu suddenly sat up from the imperial concubine's bed, gritted his teeth, and said, "I want to live on happily!"

Xie Heng caressed her head and softly consoled her in a low voice, "Jiu, nothing can overwhelm you. With me here, no one will dare."

Wen Jiu's tightly knitted brows slowly relaxed. On the surface, he did not have any expression, but his mouth was muttering nonstop.

Xie Heng leaned over to listen, but he did not hear clearly what she had said.

Wen Jiu suddenly slapped his face, with a "pa" sound, it was clear and crisp.

The one who was beaten up didn't say anything, but the one who was beaten was scared out of his wits and looked at him with wide eyes.

Xie Heng was helpless, "What are you panicking for?"

Wen Jiu replied honestly: "This is the first time I've heard someone slap their face so loudly, I'm a little scared."

Xie Heng, "..."

Usually, when this girl spoke, she would think of the most suitable way to put it. She always had a gentle and warm appearance in front of everyone.

Who would have thought that there would also be such a sentence that would cause one to choke to death.

The youth could not help but reach out to rub between his brows, "Wen Jiu, do you still know who I am?"

Wen Jiu leaned in and earnestly looked at him from head to toe, vaguely saying, "Ah, Little Tyrant."

Xie Heng did not hear it clearly, "What?"

"You're so noisy." Wen Jiu said with slight disdain.

Xie Heng restrained himself and said patiently: "Then go to sleep."

Wen Jiu replied with an "Oh", raised his head and fell on the imperial concubine's bed.

"Jiu." Xie Heng leaned on the window and called out to her.

Wen Jiu blinked his eyes. It was obvious that he was no longer clear-headed.

The youth lowered his eyes and asked softly: "How much do you like Xie Qi?"

She was somewhat at a loss. "Who?"

Xie Heng was startled for a moment, and only now did she remember that Wen Jiu had always called her by her name. The days that she and Xie Qi had known each other for were not long, and they only addressed each other as "Fifth Young Master" and "Miss Wen".

When he was young, he probably wouldn't even know what he liked.

The young man spoke slowly: "Fifth Young Master, do you like Fifth Young Master?"

Wen Jiu nodded, "I like it."

Xie Heng reached out his hand, and tapped between her brows, "Then what about Xie Heng? Do you like Xie Heng? "

He didn't even realize that when he asked this question, his heart would start beating faster.

Before this, Xie Heng never thought that he would have to take advantage of a girl's drunkenness to ask her whether she liked him or not.

Wen Jiu nodded his head, and then shook his head.

Xie Heng said helplessly: "Do you like it or not?"

Wen Jiu closed his eyes and did not speak for a long time.

The youth waited with bated breath for a long time, but he still could not find the answer. When he looked again, Wen Jiu had already fallen asleep on the imperial concubine's bed.

Xie Heng lifted his hand to cover his forehead. His palm felt hot, as if it was burning.

He let out a sigh of relief and slid down the small window to sit on the floor. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. While he was sleeping, he listened to the light breathing of the person inside.

It would be nice if he could continue like this, wouldn't it?

The young man thought in a daze as he fell into a dream.

It was back to that rainy night, when the wind was blowing and the windows and wooden door were on the verge of collapse.

He was unconscious and his whole body was warm.

She sobbed, "So painful …"

Xie Heng tried her best to clear her mind, but she couldn't suppress the boiling hot blood in her body. She tried her best to stab a silver hairpin into his chest, causing blood to flow profusely.

The dull pain of a sharp weapon piercing through flesh clearly existed.

He heard the girl say coldly, "Go down! Otherwise, I will kill you! "

When Xie Heng saw his Jiu's face filled with tears, she immediately picked up a chair and threw it at him. With red eyes, she hatefully said, "Xie Heng, go and die!"

He walked out of the window, confused, and hung the jade pendant on his waist by the window. He said hoarsely, "Tomorrow... I'll marry you tomorrow. "

The wind and rain that filled the sky completely covered up his voice.

The girl in the room stifled a cry.

However, after a night of driving flowers away with the wind and rain, he woke up and forgot that he was going to marry a girl. He didn't know why there was a scar on his chest that he didn't know.

The scene in his dreams suddenly changed. He went to help Xie Qi get married to a Jiu.

On the fiery red bridge, the crowd clamored.

The young man rode on the horse and said in a clear voice: "I am Xie Heng, and today I am entrusted by my aunt to come forward for the marriage ceremony for my fifth brother, Xie Qi."

The wooden fence door opened, and the coarse dressed Miss Wen slowly walked in front of him, and asked coldly, "Xie Heng, didn't you say you want to marry me?"

With just that one sentence, Xie Heng abruptly woke up from his dream.

The shameless person who ruined the innocence of Jiu was actually … He himself.

Previously, Xie Heng had a few dreams because of the Soul Recovering Incense, and the people he saw were all Wen Jiu.

He only thought that his mind was wavering and that he dared not move.

Only last night did they know that Wen Jiu's innocence had been taken away by someone. Those ridiculous dreams were actually real.

It was no wonder that the kind Xie Qi had asked him to kill the person who kidnapped Wen Jiu. Xiaowu had already known about it at that time, only he, the main culprit, had completely forgotten about it.

At this point of time, the sky was slightly bright and his forehead was filled with cold sweat. He propped himself up using the window and raised his eyes to see Wen Jiu sitting on the imperial concubine's bed. What are you doing? "

Xie Heng still hadn't woken up from his dream, when he opened his mouth and said, "I'll marry you."

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