Wen Jiu was extremely shocked.

She looked at the young man in front of her and took a while to regain her senses. She patiently said to him, "I'm a person with a good temper. I love money as much as I want to, and I hold a grudge. Also …"

Wen Jiu paused for a moment, before continuing: "I have lost my innocence. If not for Fifth Young Master, it would have been impossible for me to have stayed in Xie Family. "Elder brother, what do you like about a girl like me who isn't good?"

She had spoken to him many times, but she had never said anything like this.

Xie Heng just happened to speak up.

"You are looking at me right now and everything is fine, but it's because we walked through the most difficult times together." Wen Jiu tried to sound as calm as possible, "Just like how you would when you look at Xiaoliu, because she's your own sister. Even if she's naughty and mischievous, she's still much cuter than others."

She reached out to pat the youth's shoulder. As usual, she did not hold any grudges against him, "I have made up my mind with every word I said in the past. Even if I am married to the Fifth Young Master, in the future, when you are married to her, I will still …"

"Wen Jiu." Xie Heng's quiet and hoarse voice interrupted her, "You are just grateful to Xiaowu, you know it yourself, right?"

Wen Jiu laughed, "It's already a good thing that there are people in this world who can be grateful. Those who stand together with their eyebrows raised, their hair white, how many of them loved each other intensely in their youth?"

The body of a sixteen year old girl still contained the soul of an old lady who would never be able to marry her off.

She had already seen many differences in personality and had a different mindset from this youth who had just opened his heart.

Xie Heng did not speak.

For the first time, he realized that the girl in front of him was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

He knew that she was mature and that she was tactful, but he had never known that she had no expectations for matters of the heart.

"Love begets hate, love begets worry. I used to think for a long time that my future husband's best form would be to be able to be with me as a family member until the end. He met an exceptional beauty, so I wasn't jealous when I looked at her. I saw a beautiful young man praise her, but he wasn't angry. This was for the best. "

As Wen Jiu said this, he suddenly thought of Meng Chengyun.

That childhood sweetheart of a man was extremely fitting of her imagination about her future husband.

For some reason, the two of them became like that later on.

But she felt that Xie Qi was different from Meng Chengyun.

"Love is the most envied thing in the world, but when it comes to lust, love is nothing more than having no one else to compare with." Wen Jiu's tone was very gentle.

Speaking of this, it is actually more magnanimous than usual, "I have seen people who love to the point of death, as if they can't live without each other, but in the end, after only three to five years, their love has been diluted by trivial things, and if I meet someone young and beautiful, I can love someone new in an instant, and in the past, many lovers became enemies. On the contrary, those who do not care about feelings or love, and only care about mutual interests, can travel together with others in times of crisis for a longer period of time. "

It was not Wen Jiu who was indifferent.

It was because most people in the world were like this. If one were to see too much, they would lose all hope.

The night quietly passed, and the pond reflected the bright stars and the bright moon.

The two people on the small bridge could not see each other's faces.

On the contrary, Wen Jiu talked more than usual.

The main reason was that Xie Heng never spoke, causing her to feel a little flustered.

In the past, only the Third Young Master was dull. He had been this way from the beginning, but when Wen Jiu got used to it, he did not feel anything special about it.

Elder brother being like this made people feel very uncomfortable.

Wen Jiu glanced at Xie Heng, and said unhurriedly: "I have never asked others to love me, nor do I want to know what it feels like to love others to death. Wouldn't it be better to earn more money with all this time spent on love and love? "

When Xie Heng heard the last sentence, his eyes became deep and profound, "Jiu, you … Who taught you that? "

He raised his hand, gently caressed Wen Jiu's face, and said with a low voice. "You're only sixteen, you're in your prime."

She was always smiling and was always very nice to people.

However, no one had ever thought about why she would be able to take care of everything at such a young age, and why she would be able to master such basic skills only after dozens of years.

Everyone felt that when the Wealth God became rich, the silver would fall from the sky as well.

Unbeknownst to her, she had spent all her efforts on it, leaving everything else behind.

Wen Jiu did not dodge, and instead looked at the young man in front of him with a serious expression, "Elder brother, people do not flirt with the young man. At your age, you should like the beautiful and charming young lady, and do what you want. "You …"

She paused, then said, "You mustn't be like me."

I have seen so many of the Alliances of the Mountain, happy couples into eternal grudges, holding hands into the sword.

Wen Jiu just wanted to earn some money, his life was peaceful yet fulfilling.

No matter how thoughtful she was in her life, no one could find the slightest fault with her.

But all of these things also made Wen Jiu unable to be like a sixteen year old girl, happily falling in love with a person, and sharing a lifetime with him.

She never knew what it was like to fall in love with someone.

The expression in Xie Heng's eyes became incomparably gloomy.

"Elder Brother, drunk people, don't take anything you say or do seriously." Wen Jiu reached out and caressed the youth's head, "You are still young, you will meet an even better lady."

Before she could finish, she turned around and walked to the other side of the bridge.

His eyes were blurry and he could not see what was in front of him. The night had turned into a fog.

One day, he would meet a girl he liked more.

That girl was pure and innocent. Maybe she loved to laugh or make trouble, but she was extremely beautiful. When she smiled, she was gentle and beautiful, wiping off Little Tyrant's vicious aura.

Then he would forget the nonsense of his youth.

If someone asked: "Xie Dongfeng, who is Wen Jiu to you?"

He could still reply with a smile, "My little sister-in-law."

This way, it would be very, very good.

Wen Jiu closed his eyes.

Step by step, he walked away from the youth.

The night wind blew noiselessly, causing ripples to appear on the surface of the lake.

Xie Heng stood at the same place and called out softly, "Jiu."

Wen Jiu had already reached the other side of the bridge, but he did not turn his head back even after hearing the commotion.

"Brother …" What else is there? " She tried to sound as natural as she could.

The clear clear water below the bridge reflected the bright moon like a plate with vast stars.

The young man's clothes fluttered in the wind as the moonlight quietly fell onto the ground. The sound of flowing water could also be heard.

After a long while, Xie Heng finally said hoarsely, "It's dark now, be careful of the ground."

"Alright." Wen Jiu replied softly and left.

Xie Heng sat on the bridge with his back against the railing.

He was the first to know what it meant to be unable to speak.

If she liked other men, it didn't matter if he sought them out painstakingly, or forcibly took them for himself. There were hundreds of thousands of methods, and there was always a way to fulfill his wish.

However, he was sad about the following:

Wen Jiu did not have any feelings for him, nor would he fall in love with any man in this world.

The young man was filled with gentleness.

How could she have known that a pool of tranquil water in her heart would sink into the stars and moon? Even though she had thousands of feelings, they would all go to waste.

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