"F * ck off." Xie Heng lifted his leg and kicked Xie Wanjin. He opened his almond-shaped eyes with a face full of annoyance and a posture that seemed like he would kill you if he wasn't satisfied.

"I am truly ashamed. It is too difficult for me to get lost for no reason. I haven't learned it in so many years." Xie Wanjin's skin was as thick as a city wall, he wasn't angry even after being kicked, instead, he moved closer to Xie Heng, "Big brother, why don't little brother teach you how to f * ck off with a beauty in a red tent, hm?"

Even though Fourth Young Master was young, he was an elite among the popinjays, and his skin was good again. He had a clear and handsome face, and his appearance was like a painting. When he smiled, his eyes were so beautiful that it captivated both men and women.

If one were to talk about looks, the young masters of the Xie Family had their own ups and downs.

Xie Heng had always been a wild and unruly person, while Xie Xuan was dull and silent. Xie Qi was gentle like jade, but because his body was weak, he had never seen any signs of life.

Only the Fourth Young Master, Xie Yu, would laugh whenever he saw others. He was extremely intelligent, had traveled a lot and had made friends everywhere, he was a person that people could not even hate.

It was simply asking to be beaten up!

Xie Heng laughed coldly as he raised his hand to slap Xie Wanjin. "I think your skin is itchy."

Fourth Young Master was flung two or three steps backwards, pulling on the stone railing before stopping. He sat on the ground and was unable to stand up for a long time.

After a while.

"It's not like this since you were young. There are things in your heart that are different from others. I'll always be the one to coax you and provoke you to beat me up. Then, you won't be unhappy." Xie Wanjin closed his eyes, with a face full of ease, he said loudly: "Come, brother. Just beat me up once and it'll be fine. "

Xie Heng shook his sleeves and stood up, walking to the front of Fourth Young Master, and looked at him with half-closed eyes, "Right now, I just want to kill people."

His body was filled with a vicious aura. Everything around him was completely silent. Every night, he would jump out of the water and fish. At this moment, he had already sunk to the bottom of the water.

"Don't... You might as well beat me up. " Xie Wanjin was exhausted.

The eldest brother had such a bad temper. As his younger brother, he couldn't help but worry.

Xie Heng bent his body slightly and extended his hand out towards Xie Wanjin.

Fourth Young Master was so scared that he covered his face with his hands, and said anxiously: "Let's talk first! I can't slap my face, I still have to go out and meet someone. "

"Who wants to hit you?" Xie Heng was agitated, he pulled him up from the ground and threw him to the other side of the bridge, "Get back to sleep."

He said nothing more. He turned around and left.

The youth's clothes were red like fire, and the night wind fluttered his clothes.

The night quietly passed. The moonlight made his back seem much longer. A person that had always been out of this world was truly lonely.

"Elder brother." Xie Wanjin held onto the waist of the youth who almost dodged, and shouted towards the youth's back: "If you really were … "About that, don't go back to the manor for the next few days. I'll take care of everything at home, you …"

He wasn't finished.

Xie Heng had already left without hesitation.

Only Xie Wanjin was left warm, facing the full pond full of initial lotus.

Fourth Young Master sighed, "Since it's like this, why don't you beat me up?"

Two days later, General's Mansion Accounting Office.

"All of this will be hard on Fourth Brother in the future!"

Wen Jiu gave all the accounting books that seemed like mountains to Xie Wanjin.

Fourth Young Master was busy to the point that his head hurt, he felt very emotional, "Jiu, you are simply a treasure trove, even money can't make money as fast as you!"

And he, the mother, was not present, otherwise he would have carried him to steal the marriage.

"Fourth Brother is too modest." Wen Jiu lowered his eyes, his fingertip leaving Abacus.

The things that he had earned with his life and wanted to nurture this young man would be a long journey with thousands of mountains and rivers separating them. He did not know whether he would be able to see it again in the future.

When he came here, he felt that Dijing City wasn't a place that a person would stay for long. If he really left, he might not be able to return in the future.


Xie Wanjin called out to her, but no one knew what Wen Jiu was thinking, and there was no reaction.

He could not help but raise his voice, "Jiu?"

"Hmm?" Wen Jiu came back to his senses, his eyes still somewhat blank, "Fourth Brother, what did you say just now?"

"I didn't say anything." Fourth Young Master was very honest at this time.

Wen Jiu laughed, "Then I heard wrong."

"Um, Elder Brother has been busy with military affairs these past few days, so …" So, he's not here. " Xie Wanjin lied, his face did not redden nor did his heart beat fast, and his expression was extremely sincere, "Don't think too much about it."

After he finished speaking, he saw the smile on Wen Jiu's face dissipate.

Xie Wanjin wanted to slap himself twice.

Can't you just shut up?

"Brother Elder, I naturally have to worry about you." Wen Jiu no longer had a smile on his face. His expression was still considered calm, but his method of two meters was just as usual. He had exchanged a few words with the Fourth Young Master.

She handed over all the shops in the Dijing to Xie Wanjin and rushed there for two days. Then, she called over all the second manager from below so that Fourth Young Master could take a look.

When they had time, they would stand guard by Fifth Young Master's side, and would have to busy themselves with the wedding ceremony.

Xie Heng seemed to be busier than them since the night he listened to He Xuan.

He never appeared in front of Wen Jiu again.

It was as if it had happened overnight.

There was no longer any connection between them.

It was just that for some reason, Wen Jiu's heart suddenly felt a little empty.

He also didn't see Xie Heng often before.

This time, there were only two days left.

This unexplainable emotion made Wen Jiu a little uneasy.

"I'm here, hurry up and try it Jiu. There's nothing that's inappropriate about it, I can still get them to change it as soon as possible." Third Madame Xie brought a few maids in, and pulled Wen Jiu along as they spoke affectionately. When they turned around to look at Fourth Young Master, their heads were on fire, "What's with this big brother of yours? Jiu was about to get married. Didn't they see that everyone inside and outside the house was flipping through the sky? Can't you just look at the account books and all that? "If you can't even handle the money you earn, what else can you do?!"

Fourth Young Master was lectured so much that she could not laugh, and her Pear Vortex collapsed.

Wen Jiu spoke a few words of kindness for Xie Wanjin before Third Madame Xie dragged Wen Jiu back to her room, urging her to try out her bridal dress.

After discussing the wedding several times, Wen Jiu decided to take it easy.

Although the happy occasion was hastily arranged, with a lot of gold, silver, jade, and other items being sold, she was still the best tailor in the entire Dijing City. She brought along a dozen or so embroidery ladies and rushed out in two days.

The pearl inlaid in the phoenix crown almost dazzled the human eye.

Wen Jiu finished changing into a new set of clothes, and walked to the outer room with Ling Luo Zhu Cui covering her body. Third Madame Xie and the servants surrounded her to praise her.

Wen Jiu laughed. In his previous life, he had always been brooding over his failure to get married in his heart, but upon arriving to this day, he felt extremely calm in his heart.

She felt the weight of the phoenix crown on her head, so she got married... So troublesome.

She didn't know.

Not far away, a young man in a red robe stood against the wind on a rooftop. Behind him were dark clouds that covered the sky.

Before long, the situation changed.

The pedestrians on the streets scurried away in a hurry, the attendant maids laughing and hiding in the corridors.

He stood there motionlessly as the rain poured down his body with a stupefied expression on his face.

Xie Wanjin climbed up the ladder to the roof as he laid on the roof. He advised with a sad tone: "Big brother, don't look anymore."

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