In the past, everyone said that Xie Heng was born with a good fate, that he was born with a rich and handsome appearance, that he did not even need to do anything to leave the eight hundred streets open to ordinary people, and that he was born into the Xie Clan in his prime.

It was common to spend a lot of money in one's home. Even brothers and sisters would treat each other respectfully, as if there was not the slightest bit of hardship in their lives.

But who would remember that he lost his parents at such a young age?

Who knew that at such a young age, he would have to shoulder the burden of the Xie Clan's prosperity? Every single one of his siblings had been brought up under his protection, and even the concubine in the Qiu Feng Courtyard had received his care.

When others were stirring up trouble outside, what was Xie Heng doing when she was acting so coquettishly in her parents' arms?

Old Madame Xie looked at his eldest grandson who had bloodshot eyes. He suddenly remembered the year when he lost his eldest son and eldest wife.

In the past sixty years, her life had been extremely smooth, and she had been born into a wealthy family. At her age, she had married a caring and loving husband, and had given birth to three sons and a daughter.

The happy days were enviable, saying that it was the greatest joy in the world.

She had lost her husband when she was almost forty, and two years later, her second son had also fallen into a crisis. It seemed that the heavens had been joking with her ever since.

When all the girls were kidnapped, the eldest son and the first wife ran thousands of miles away and died in the process. When her youngest daughter came back, she had a big belly and gave birth to a pair of phoenixes before dying. One after another, she sent the black-haired man away, and immediately fell ill.

That year, both Xie Yucheng and his wife were thousands of miles away and could not come back. Inside the house, the Xiaoliu was waiting for their food, while outside, some thieves were forcing themselves to come to their doorstep.

The Xie Family was in a complete mess. Suddenly, someone pulled out a sword and chopped down the person who was fighting over the house deed with both hands.

The little youth's clothes were stained with blood as he held his sword and stood in front of the hall, "Do you want to die or do you want me to build my Xie Family?"

She struggled out of her sickbed and headed to the front of the hall. Most of them had already been dealt with by the young man.

He wiped the blood off his face, walked over, and hugged her, "Grandmother, father mother is no longer here, you still have me. "In the future, I will protect you and your brothers. Don't be afraid."

At that time, Xie Heng was only ten years old.

Her little Dong Feng used to be a laughingstock, and his amber eyes were as clear as water. All the girls in a circumference of a hundred miles wouldn't be able to move even if they saw him.

But from then on, he seemed to have grown up overnight.

Some people said that the first young master of Xie Family had unruly and frivolous methods, and some also said that he had been unruly and unruly amidst tens of thousands of flowers, as if he had a thousand appearances in front of a thousand people.

No one knew what he was thinking, no one could approach his heart.

Even the Old Madame Xie found it hard to fathom his thoughts.

As she thought of the past, her eyes unconsciously moistened and she sighed.

Old Madame Xie slowly pulled Xie Heng's hand away and placed the marriage certificate on the table. He opened his eyes widely and slowly cleaned the wood shavings on his palm.

The grandfather and grandson didn't speak for a long time.

The inside of the Songhe Hall was silent, and only the sound of the rain and wind could be heard without end.

"The east wind." Old Madame Xie held onto his eldest grandson who was in his hands and was unable to speak due to his heart. He said sincerely and earnestly, "Grandmother knows what you are thinking, but why don't you think about it. If Jiu is interested in you, why didn't he think of you at all when so many people came over to propose marriage? "

Xie Heng was speechless.

The Jiu having no intention towards him was the knot in his heart.

If it wasn't for this, why would he be sad?

Old Madame Xie had lived for so many years, but he had seen countless of his brothers and sisters become enemies. His heart was filled with anxiety, and his tone became much heavier, "Don't say that Jiu is Xiaowu's fiancee, even if he isn't, you can't force someone to like you, Miss Wu Yi."

"She just doesn't know how to like me." Xie Heng's voice was hoarse, but it was so persistent that it made people's heart ache, "I can wait, I can wait for her to grow up a little. Grandmother, I can wait. She will always like me a little bit one day. "

There was nothing in his life that he wanted and could not have.

To Xie Heng, things that people fought over with their heads filled with blood, were nothing more than clouds and dust.

Only Wen Jiu was different from the others.

That was the only thing he could ask for in this mortal world.

The untamed and unparalleled youth withdrew his pride. The one he loved and carefully guarded was extremely precious, but he did not dare to overstep it.

Even if Xie Heng had the power to turn over the sky and turn the clouds into rain, in front of her, he only dared to ask for the appearance of someone who had nothing to do with the human world.

Old Madame Xie was anxious and sad, "She said she wants to raise you. She treats you well as a brother and sister, it has nothing to do with love and love between men and women."

Xie Heng did not say a word.

He was an extremely filial person, in all these years he had never had any face with Old Madame Xie, the few small family members would occasionally make a ruckus, but he was the one controlling them.

The Old Madame Xie, on the other hand, was helpless. Holding the marriage certificate on the table, he opened it and handed it to the youth, "Look at this, this is the marriage certificate that you personally wrote down for Xiaowu. You made this marriage certificate yourself! With a single word of regret, you want to pretend that nothing had happened? Have you forgotten how your parents, mother, taught you? Have you forgotten where the word "Xie Heng" came from?! "

It was raining heavily outside the hall, and the bamboo and cypress trees were rustling in the wind.

Old Madame Xie's voice became even sharper in the rain, "I, your father, mother, have never thought of forcing you to be a gentleman. However, in the sect where brothers fought, who wouldn't fall? Have you not seen so many examples? "

Xie Heng's face lost all color, the old granny passed the marriage certificate to him, forcing him to finish reading it.

His mind was in a state of disarray, and he could not avoid the attack at all. His gaze swept past the end of the wall.

However, he discovered that it was clearly written there — — Xie Heng.

All the young masters of Xie Family had the word "king" in their names, and there was only a difference of half a word between the few of them.

Xie Heng had always been writing casually, and his words were as fast as lightning. No one else could tell what was wrong with it.

The scene of when the marriage contract was set up flashed through his mind. Back then, he had been in a hurry, so he had casually written down his own name. His thoughts were in complete chaos.

Xie Heng was so overjoyed that he almost went mad, his eyes became filled with glimmers of light, "Grandmother, what's written on this marriage certificate … It's me. "

Old Madame Xie was stunned. She carefully looked at the marriage certificate until finally, it really was Xie Heng.

The old granny slumped into her teacher's chair. After a long time, she recovered and asked in a hoarse voice, "What's the use of that? Who didn't know that Jiu was someone whose Xie Family had not yet passed? As the eldest brother, if he were to marry his brother's fiancee, how could Xiaowu face him? How will the history books criticize you in the future? "

Old Madame Xie cried, "If you were my Xie Family's young master, then it would be fine, but don't forget, whose blood did you bleed! Why did you come to Dijing City? "

"Grandson won't dare to forget! "But …" Xie Heng lifted his robe and kneeled in front of the old granny, "I was the one who destroyed Jiu's innocence.

"Evil creature!" Hearing that, Old Madame Xie was so angry that his entire body was trembling, he grabbed the buddhist pearl on the table and smashed it onto the young man's face.

The rope in his hand broke, and the Buddha beads fell onto the ground, rolling past Xie Heng's body, dazzling all the candles on the ground.

He raised his head, and with his dark and resolute eyes, he said, "Only I can marry Jiu."

"Are you crazy? If Jiu finds out about this, even killing you would not be enough to appease my hatred. You still have to marry her … " The Old Madame Xie was so angry that he almost fell backwards. Xie Heng hurriedly stood up to support him.

"Get the hell out of here!" Old Madame Xie pushed him aside and shouted sternly, "Destroying one's innocence and stealing one's wife, how can you be worthy of being my Xie Family? Get out! "

When the mama outside heard the noise, she almost flipped the roof. She quickly went in to support Old Madame Xie and poured water for the medicine.

One of them advised Xie Heng, "Eldest Young Master can go back first, the Old Mistress' body is not to be angered."

"Take care, Grandmother." Xie Heng retreated to the door, and in a few moments, the door closed.

The downpour did not stop. The young man silently knelt in front of the old granny's door.

He didn't care about infamy or infamy.

He only wanted to marry her.

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