"The auspicious hour is here," the wedding lady called from outside the door.

Wen Jiu who was seated in front of the dressing mirror raised his eyes and looked out the window.

It was too hazy to see the scene clearly.

The scene when she first saw Xie Heng at Changping County suddenly surfaced in her mind.

The young man dismounted from his horse and stood in front of the bridal sedan. He was dressed in an embroidered and elegant manner, and there was a slight smile in his almond-shaped eyes, "I am Xie Heng.

Now that she was going to be married to Xie Qi, he didn't know what to think of her brother, who had come to escort the bride for Xiaowu and his brother.

The female servants were happily talking about the good news. Wen Jiu kept the matters he was unable to explain deep down in his heart, and smiled slightly as he raised his eyes.

"Alright, alright. It's time to go out." The Third Madame Xie helped Wen Jiu up and instructed him to open the room door.

The maids walked out of the courtyard with their lanterns in their hands. Their footsteps were light and steady.

Wen Jiu walked very slowly, her red head covering up her vision. The phoenix crown was so heavy that she almost couldn't raise her head.

, who was supporting her, was so excited that his hands were trembling. "Young Madame, are you nervous? What if I say the wrong word later? "If only I were half as relaxed as you …"

The young maid mumbled to herself.

Jin Er said in a low voice from the side: "Young Madame is fine, don't attract her!"

Wen Jiu laughed, "It's alright."

She had walked the path between the courtyards many times, so she could not be wrong even with her eyes closed.

The only difference was that from today onwards, she would have another person by her side.

She would stay with him all her life, stand by his side, and walk with him to the day of his death.

Red muslin fluttered in the air in front of the wedding hall as the attendant maids that were in charge of the hall took their seats at the head of the table. The Xiaoliu was dressed joyously as they held the old granny's hand like porcelain dolls.

Third Madame Xie was walking in front of Wen Jiu, and when he saw Xie Heng dressed in his wedding robes, he was immediately stunned, "This …"

Just as she said this word, she was pulled to the side by Xie Wanjin, "Shh."

The Fourth Young Master caressed the Third Madame Xie, pushed the person to Xie Yucheng's side and said softly: "mother, the situation has changed. What you want to ask about, you can ask about it after it's settled."

The blue guard s quietly appeared and knocked out the entire hall of gold and jade and all the servants by Wen Jiu's side before they were carried away.

A group of young maidservants dressed in the attire of maids filed out of the wedding hall, catching the lanterns and the jade bottles. They instantly took over the positions of those people.

The faint sound of footsteps was concealed within the melodious sound of joy.

Everything was quick and quiet.

The wedding nanny was stunned, she had never seen anyone change their groom at the last moment, but just as she was about to speak, she was struck unconscious and dragged down.

Xie Wanjin immediately took his wedding seat and stood in front of the wedding hall, laughing loudly: "Brides and brides, enter the wedding hall!"

Two of the maids pulled over the Ling Luo tied with a red ball and handed it over to Wen Jiu.

Holding onto the other side of the red ball, was Little Tyrant Xie, who everyone was afraid of.

The young man's amber eyes were filled with countless starlight. His heart was filled with gentleness and there was nowhere to place it. His heart was uneasy as he pulled the red silk in his hand tighter.


Wen Jiu held the Red Silk Luo in his hands tightly, and with the youth holding onto it, he walked step by step into the Red Muslin Daughter Hall.

There was nothing to worry about.

The only thought in her mind was that her eldest brother should never be like her in her dreams.

Xie Qi was still in the period of mourning, but when he went to the Western City, it was extremely urgent. This matter was urgent, the wedding banquet only had members of their own family, other people did not have a branch family, so it was not strange for them to take care of things.

There were also quite a few people in the mansion, so each and every word they exchanged caused this wedding to be quite lively.

Xie Wanjin took a deep breath and shouted, First bow to the heaven and earth!

Joy and joy filled the air.

Wen Jiu was led by Xie Heng, and they bowed to the heaven and earth in front of the hall.

Dusk descended upon the world as the lanterns lit up the area, brightening up the entire banquet. The youth's incomparably handsome face also felt a bit warmer as a result.

Luo Hua was swept up by the wind, dancing through the long corridor, in the two people's red wedding dress fall down, charming and gentle.

Xie Wanjin continued to shout: Second bow!

A pair of mummies slowly turned around and bowed together.

The eyes of Old Madame Xie, who was sitting in the middle, moistened, "Good, good!"

Xiaoliu shouted in unison, "Sister-in-law!"

Xie Wanjin did not dare delay any longer, and immediately shouted: Husband and wife bow to one another!

Xie Heng's eyes shone like the stars as he looked at his lover, who was dressed like fire, and slowly bowed.

The vicious youth was a frivolous person that did not fear the heavens or the earth.

For you, bent over and smiling.

"Entering … the bridal chamber!"

Fourth Young Master shouted the loudest. After he finished shouting, he nearly lost his breath and had a arrhythmia.

Wen Jiu slightly paused in his movements, and then stood in his original position.

From the very first bow, she had been panicking inwardly.

They were afraid that Xie Heng would find it hard to calm his heart and would question her like she was in a dream.

He was also afraid that the other party would not show any mercy and hurt his feelings.

Wen Jiu has lived for two lifetimes, and everything he does is very simple and clean. It's mine, not mine.

But this youth had firmly occupied a corner of her heart.

He had become the most important person to hit.

Wen Jiu thought: Even if she were to raise her own son, she wouldn't fret like this.

The attendant maids both inside and outside the hall shouted out in joy, "The groom is entering the bridal chamber!" The clan carried her to the bridal chamber with the young man.

Third Madame Xie, who had not recovered from his shock for a long while, was shocked and angry at the same time. "What exactly happened?"

In the wedding room, a red candle was burning brilliantly.

The servants supported Wen Jiu as they sat him down on the bed.

Everyone saluted in unison, and said in unison, "Wishing young master, this Young Madame has been good together for a hundred years, we will always unite!"

"From the old to the old, I was born with a noble son." He kept talking non-stop about it.

The sounds of laughter mixed with the music outside, causing Wen Jiu's ears to buzz. She had on her red hair, but she did not know how many times they had played around her.

She was so dizzy that she could barely sit still.

That youth didn't know why, but he didn't say a single word to her from beginning to end. He only raised his hand, and his figure that landed on the ground was as slender as jade.

The maid handed over the scale before bowing out.

The door closed silently.

Wen Jiu sat in the Hongluo Pavilion, reached out and touched a round laurel, gently stroking it.

She felt that the Fifth Young Master today was a little strange. It was unknown if it was because he was in the same room as her that he felt a little uncomfortable.

After a long moment, she couldn't help but open her mouth.

The boy suddenly bent down and gently lifted her red head with the scale.

Wen Jiu looked up and saw the Little Tyrant Xie that made her feel uneasy and confused.

She pulled off the red cap that was just half off of Xie Heng's head, and asked in shock: "Elder brother, I married your fifth brother, why is it you who entered the bridal room?"

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