General's Mansion, listening to He Xuan.

Xie Wanjin comforted the family of old and young for the latter half of the night.

Without Xie Heng and Wen Jiu, the entire Xie Family had suddenly turned cold and cheerless.

Even someone like Fourth Young Master, who loved to laugh, was unable to withstand this sudden turn of events.

He rubbed his glabella and walked towards the bridge. Everyone hurriedly rushing back to the Xie's Mansion were already waiting in the courtyard with heavy expressions.

Xie Wanjin walked to the very front, turned around and said: "Give the cultivation method to Third Brother, he has many ways, let him think of a way to coax Jiu back."

When Fourth Young Master said this, he immediately felt that it was not appropriate. He facepalmed: "Wait, with Third Brother's frozen personality, it's better not to waste your time. Just tell him that his home has been flooded and that the Jiu has been swept away without a trace. Then, tell him everything that has happened in the residence in a concise manner and let him know the current situation. "

Everyone hurriedly rushed back to the manor. They thought that their master's house had been torn asunder by the heavens and earth, and they were all extremely nervous. But after suddenly hearing Fourth Young Master's explanation to Third Young Master, they thought that it would be better not to tell them.

When does it have to be guessed?

Xie Wanjin felt that there was nothing wrong with what he had said. A youth dressed in embroidered clothes was standing in front of the courtyard, his voice hoarse from shouting for an entire day, but his expression was still serious and serious. "Inform the people of the counties, find the Great Young Madame as soon as possible, and protect them well! "If there is the slightest bit of difference …"

The young man squinted his eyes. "All of you, go to Mountain-Edge Hall and mine!"

Everyone's body trembled as they answered with a single "yes". In the blink of an eye, they had all dispersed.

He could hear the silence within the wind lotus pond.

Xie Wanjin closed his eyes and leaned on the door for a while.

The young maids at the side consoled him in a soft voice, "Young Noble is too kind. Eldest Young Master and your father must have a lot of good things to do, after all, we will always be together."

"You're still smart." Xie Wanjin laughed, and then extended his hand to pinch the little maid's face, "To marry the one you like, you must be reasonable, and use all kinds of methods on others as well. To only be able to marry one person from now on until the end of his life. No matter what, we must make that person's young lady happily marry. "

It wasn't that he hadn't advised his elder brother, but that a girl who liked to laugh might not be easy to talk to.

If a person like Wen Jiu had no principles, then what would you do? If a person like Wen Jiu had no temper, would he still be called Wen Jiu?

It was a pity that the Little Tyrant Xie had lost his mind and forgot that a girl like Wen Jiu was extremely gentle when she was being nice to you. Even when you stepped on the bottom line, there were still barbs on your body.

She could only bear with her temper, attack the heart, and attack the emotions as she ate bit by bit.

Even if he was anxious, he wouldn't be able to eat hot tofu, much less the living Young Madame.

This ridiculous wedding, the bridegroom, the bride, the whole house, everything is a mess.

The bridal chamber was filled with flowers and candles. It gave one a thunderbolt from a clear sky, a sword, and a field of blood.

Even if Wen Jiu lowered his head and acknowledged it, this matter was not very lucky.

The maids nodded as if they understood.

"Fourth Young Master, Li Cangnan is gone." The people sent to the Li's Medical Hall returned in a hurry and said in a low voice, "It looks like they were prepared long ago."

"Jiu is really …" Xie Wanjin sighed, "In my previous life, whoever I owed, I would be tricked like this."

Fourth Young Master waved them off and turned back to enter his room.

The lights in the room were still on, and the wind was blowing the beaded curtains.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand to lift the curtain, and walked in. There, on the bed, he saw a young man with his hands and feet tied to the bedpost.

The mansion held a wedding banquet, and even the person who had married Xie Qi and stayed at the temporary residence, He Xuan, was extremely happy.

Inside the red silk curtain, the young man's body was covered in blood. With Xie Qi's gentle and handsome face, he looked extremely charming.

"Your name is Rong Sheng, right?" Fourth Young Master sat on the side of the bed and tore apart the young man's clothes.

Xie Wanjin took out a white jade bottle from his sleeve, opened it and poured the medicinal powder on his wound.

His actions were simple and crude, so he should be in great pain. However, the youth did not even blink. Instead, he only looked at him without saying a word.

After pouring the entire bottle, Fourth Young Master looked at the young man on the bed with a smile that was not a smile, "You, are quite interesting."

The youth remained silent.

Xie Wanjin smiled slightly. She had a beautiful, faint smile that gave off the appearance of someone born with a harmless and bewitching skin.

However, her hand was gripping the youth's lower jaw. Her peach blossom eyes were filled with a flirtatious air as she said, "You are holding my fifth brother's face and lying on my bed. Are you afraid that I will do anything to you?"

The youth's forehead constantly broke out in cold sweat as he gloomily said, "Take your hand away or I will make you beg for death!"

"Heh, this young master is scared." Xie Wanjin chuckled, he moved closer to the teenager and studied his face, then asked in a low voice: "You have touched my Xie Family so clearly, do you know that there is nothing to be afraid of?"

The youth's gaze froze.

"You're born with the bones of a beautiful woman. I assume your true appearance isn't too far off from hers." Dressed in the frivolous habit of a popinjay, Fourth Young Master's fingertip lightly grazed the youth's collarbone as he leaned over and whispered into his ear: "Do you want to try the martial arts of your bed, thank you big brother Fourth Brother?"

"Xie Yu!" The youth glared at him, his eyes filled with a demonic bloodlust. "You dare?"

"Do you think I dare?" Xie Wanjin laughed as he took off the youth's clothes, "I have been deceiving you for these past few days to personally bring me tea and medicine. If I do not get some benefits from you, wouldn't I be at a loss?"

Fourth Young Master had been running around in the business world ever since he was young, and had never been played around by others.

"My blood is full of poison." The youth looked at him and suddenly laughed. With a charming look in his eyes, he said, "If you don't want to die, come at me."

"Even if you die under the peony flower, it would still be good to be a ghost." Xie Wanjin raised his eyebrows, and tore off his clothes.

Just as he was about to take another step forward, the youth suddenly shouted, "Fourth Brother!"

Xie Wanjin was startled, she knew he was trying to mislead her, but her heart softened, "Good girl, say it again."

The youth's voice was low and pitiful as he shouted, "Fourth Brother …"

"Rong Sheng, I originally thought that you had only changed your face. I never thought that you'd be so shameless! " Xie Wanjin found it hard to look at the teenager's current state, and he could not help but raise his hands to cover his eyes.

The youth suddenly sat up and blew at him.

In the blink of an eye, the Fourth Young Master was no longer able to sit still.

The youth activated his technique to truly crush the rope on his body, then raised his hand to give Xie Wanjin a palm strike. Just as he was about to hit Xie Wanjin from behind, he suddenly retracted it, and jumped out of the window.

Xie Wanjin slowly stood up and looked outside the black window.

A blue guard in the dark quietly appeared, "Fourth Young Master?"

Xie Wanjin lightly raised his hand, and said with a slight smile: "No need to stop him, let him go."

With that, he saw the youth in white clothes stained with blood turn around in the darkness, and smiled sinisterly, "See you later, Fourth Brother."

Xie Wanjin raised his eyebrows. "Beautiful woman, go back and take good care of your body. See you again in the future.

The youth's eyes were like clear glass, sparkling and resplendent. He stood there silently for a long time.

After a moment, he flew up to the roof and left.

The blue guard was worried: "Fourth Young Master let him go just like that? He has put in a lot of effort to come here, so he will definitely not return empty-handed.

"With just the two of you, who can beat him? In any case, this young master won't be able to beat him. " Xie Wanjin laughed helplessly: "Since both Big Brother and Third Brother are not here, why are you leaving a scourge like this in the Palace? Do you want to bring suffering upon yourself? "

The two blue guard s were speechless.

Xie Wanjin muttered to himself: "If he has a bit of conscience, then he'll treat my Xiaowu better. It's best if he sends his person back to me."

Two months later, Bafang City.

This city was located in the important areas of the various kingdoms, and there were many different types of people coming and going, as well as many different types of information.

Recently, the most talked about by the citizens of the city was a girl who came to Bafang City not long ago.

When she first arrived, the lonely boat had drifted to shore. The fiery red wedding dress was dyed a bloody red, and it looked like a skeleton. It was gaunt and pallid like a ghost.

No one would have thought that such a girl could be rich as if she had been blessed with godly assistance.

In just a short two months, he had already become an important figure within the Bafang City.

In the teahouse, Mr. Book Narrator slammed the table, spittle flying everywhere as he said, "Rivers and mountains are like paintings of extraordinary people, a hero and a beautiful woman at the moment!"

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