Behind the young man was the dusk, the shabby room, and his coarse clothes and linen could not cover him. His face was like jade, and his eyebrows and eyes were clear and meaningful.

No wonder the princess will be attracted to him in the imperial capital. When he comes to this poor village, he is loved by the stronghold leader.

Warm wine sat opposite him and couldn't even drink the soup.

Relative two speechless, silent for a long time.

Wen Jiu thought: the third childe is always more likable when he doesn't talk.

I was caught off guard when I met in a different place.

Even if he was silent, he asked, "how are you doing?"

I don't know what to do?

The boy sitting opposite frowned slightly.

Warm wine raised his eyes and said with a smile: "it's OK. Anyway, I'm busy making money everywhere. On the contrary, it's the third brother..."

She just wanted to lead the topic to Xie Yu.

The third childe interrupted her, "why did you leave home?"

Wen Jiu smelled the speech, and the smile on his face could hardly be maintained. "Third brother doesn't know?"

Xie Yu's eyes asked faintly, "should I know?"

Wen Jiu bowed his head and took a mouthful of porridge and said vaguely, "I don't know."

When she left the Xie family, the third childe was thousands of miles away and was kidnapped into the stronghold for some reason.

It's probably worse than her. I don't have time to think about Dijing.

I don't know. At least it's not too embarrassing.

She was thinking like this when she heard him say, "ten thousand gold has spread a book to me for thousands of miles."

The third childe was expressionless: "said there was a flood at home and washed you away."


Warm wine and a mouthful of atherosclerotic soup almost gushed out. He forced himself to hold back, but choked himself half to death. He coughed for a long time without slowing down.

The fourth childe is really a cruel man.

Send a book to Xie Yu thousands of miles, and he can tell such nonsense.

It's better not to say anything!

Xie Yu's eyes were as black as ink, looking at the warm wine. When she was almost slow, she asked, "I just want to ask, how did you get washed away in imperial capital since it hasn't been flooded for nearly a hundred years?"

The third childe asked with a positive face and a trace of confusion in his tone.

Wen Jiu wiped his face with his sleeve and couldn't laugh.

She could not avoid the young man's inquiry. She simply met Xie's eyes and asked in a low voice, "third childe, can you meet the women next to you as the mayor of the stronghold?"

As soon as he said this, the third childe's handsome face sank.

Wenjiu continued to ask, "will you be punished if you are alone with other women like this..." she paused and changed a relatively implicit word, "punishment?"

"Warm the wine!" Xie Yu clapped his hands on the table, and his angry handsome face turned blue.

"OK, OK." Wen Jiu smiled and bent his eyebrows, holding a white face nest in one hand and a atherosclerotic bowl in the other hand, discussing the exchange with him like a child, "I don't ask what you're doing here, and you don't ask why I left Xie's house, okay?"

The other end of the cottage.

A group of people gathered in the open space and had a heated discussion on how to make Wen Caishen rich in the stronghold.

Ye Zhiqiu, a 19-year-old female stronghold leader, passed by the door. She smiled and shook her head. When she turned and walked away, the thin monkey held a box and offered a treasure. "It's the master. Look, there are babies here."

"Look at your bear like you haven't seen the world." Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand and opened it. He was stunned at a glance.

The whole box of gold and jade treasures inside is dazzling.

"How's it going?" the thin monkey held up the pearl jade in the box and said with a smile, "we're in charge. With these, what are we afraid of being poor?"

Ye Zhiqiu stared at the object on the thin monkey's hand, and his face became more and more dignified.

"Big boss? Big boss, you say..." before the thin monkey finished his sentence, ye Zhiqiu beat him hard.

The 19-year-old Black Beauty acts freely and freely. All day long, she calls her brothers and sisters with the people under her. People often forget that she is a female king who takes 36 strongholds with a silver gun, beats people's ass, and has to take a detour for hundreds of miles.

If this whip goes down, it can kill people.

The thin monkey stumbled to the ground. There was a bloodstain from the shoulder to the waist. The box in his hand didn't hold it and fell to the ground. The precious stones rolled all over the ground.

He asked in a panic, "why did you hit me?"

This exclamation led all the people who were not far away talking about it. Seeing this posture, he quickly advised: "the master is merciful!"

"You all stop!"

"Being the master, thin monkeys do this for the good of our stronghold. We haven't robbed tickets several times since you took over the master's position and set up some rules. In case of old, weak, sick and disabled, you have to paste money and food back to them. The stronghold can't open the pot!"

A crowd of all kinds of persuasion.

Ye Zhiqiu frowned and bent down to pick up a green jade card from the pile of treasures. He asked the thin monkey, "where did you get this jade card?"

The thin monkey stammered, "warm, warm God of wealth on the couch!"

"Give me all the things back, one less, I'll chop your hand." Ye Zhiqiu threw the whip on the thin monkey, turned and quickly jumped up the stone steps into the twilight.

"OK, ok..."

Relieved, they helped pick up the gold, silver and jade on the ground and put them back in the box.

Someone wondered, "why did the master take a jade card and leave? Are these not as valuable as that?"

In the cabin.

After Wenjiu asked, there was only wind left in the silence all around.

She was laughing, but there was an irrecoverable light in her eyes.

Xie Yu didn't speak, his eyes looked at her like ink.

Until the last ray of sky outside the door dissipated and the bright moon came out of the west mountain.

The bright moon falls all over the hillside, enveloping all mountains and rivers, plants and trees, and all barren and desolate are quietly hidden, just like a fairyland on earth.

"I've been blind for several days. At first sight it's dark, I'm still a little flustered." Wen Jiu smiled, stood up, stretched, walked outside the door, and his sleeves flew in the face of the night wind.

She pinned a few scattered strands of green silk to the back. As soon as she looked up, she saw the stars hanging in the sky, as if close at hand. She could pick the stars by raising her hand.

"It's a nice night on the mountain. The bustling imperial capital has been here for a long time, and it's good to stay here for a few days." Wen Jiu glanced at the weak wooden railing and didn't dare to move forward. He silently retreated to the door and leaned against it. He didn't have a word to find a word. "The third childe is so elegant."

Xie Yu was silent.

It seems to be back when they were still in the general's house.

She made the third childe unhappy, so he didn't say a word. He couldn't get well until his eldest brother came back and coaxed him.

But there is no Xie Heng here.

Wen Jiu leaned against the door, looked into the distance and saw a figure flash across the hillside.

She raised her hand and knocked on the door board and asked Xie, "someone is coming. Won't you go?"

The boy sat there motionless. He didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face. He didn't look like a real person, but like a jade statue.

But for a moment.

Wen Jiu saw the dark shadow not far away and swept downstairs. It seemed that he couldn't delay for a moment. He jumped up to the second floor and suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of her. "Ye Zhiqiu, the first and eighteenth generation head of the Heng family, paid a visit to the little Lord."

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