Warm wine tilted his head slightly, and his eyes were full of water. He was afraid that if he couldn't restrain himself at the next moment, he would cry in front of so many people.

A thousand words choked her throat.

I can't say a word at the moment.

One side of Ye Zhiqiu couldn't see it anymore. He couldn't help persuading: "it's not easy to be so good-looking. Besides, he's so infatuated with you."

A group of mountain bandits nodded repeatedly. They usually like to hear about heroes and beauties. How can two people stand in front of them? It's interesting.

The black beauty doesn't speak very well, but she is very upright. "If Sanxian can do this to me, even if it's only half and half, even if he destroys his face, lacks arms and legs in the future, I will never want him."

The handsome face of the third childe Xie, who was also dragged in, was slightly heavy.

No one likes being "cursed" like this, although Ye Zhiqiu's original intention may be to take the opportunity to express his heart.

I have to say, at this time, the machine selection was extremely poor.

The mountain bandits at the bottom were not shy at all, and echoed one after another: "no matter what the childe did wrong, for the sake of his face, Wen Caishen should be forgiven."

"I don't know why. I feel sad just hearing this. I'm sorry to see..."

"I suddenly want to cry. What's the matter?"

Half of the people still didn't say anything. Just because the young man was killing people outside the stronghold, Wen Caishen, do you believe that you said "I just don't want you". This man will go crazy and wash the whole Feiyun stronghold?

Everyone was trying their best to ease the atmosphere between Wenjiu and Xie Heng. Although they said nonsense, at least they didn't break up as soon as they met.

It's hard not to talk like that.

Everyone from top to bottom hung their heart to their throat.

These two people must have been entangled in their past lives.

Wen Jiu completely forgot that he was still sitting in the tiger skin chair that can only be used as a master. In the face of such Xie Heng, it was a headache.

She is not afraid of little Yama's arrogance or those conspiracies.

But I can't see him endure grievances like this, and his heart is stirred to pain, but I can't just forget all the previous things.

The boy stood in front of her, unable to avoid it, and could not act as if nothing had happened.

For a long time.

Warm wine just got up and went to Xie Heng's side and whispered: "... You come with me."

She wanted to return the jade card to him, but she couldn't do it in front of so many people.

Only two people can say it in private.

The young man looked at her in a secluded way and stood still.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't see it anymore. "You can go if you want to go. A man should be bold and thick skinned."

What a good chance to get along alone.

Wenjiu stepped out of Juxian hall first. The morning light in the mountains was faint, the birds were singing clearly, and the dew was hanging on the flowers and trees.

She stood under the ginkgo tree waiting for him.

Xie Heng walked very slowly, the wind was light and the steps were slow, as if he had suddenly returned to the elegant childe in royal clothes and jade appearance when he was in Jiang'an.

Just looking at this man's appearance, who can think of the murderous little hell?

There are 971 steps from Juxian hall to under the ginkgo tree.

Xie Heng finally came to her. When he stopped, the Yellow ginkgo leaves fell in the warm wine hair. He involuntarily reached out and brushed them away. After finishing this action, he remembered that they had no such close relationship.

The boy laughed at himself, "do you want to say again, don't you like me?"

Wen Jiu was suddenly stunned.

Her nose was sore and her eyes were red, but there was no mountain or dew on her face. "Do you need me to say it again?"

There was no blood on Xie Heng's face, and he said in a deep voice, "no, I remember what you said."

They stood opposite each other and remained silent for a long time.

Wen Jiu took out the green jade card from his sleeve and handed it to Xie Heng, "I left in a hurry and forgot to give it back to you."

The boy didn't answer or speak.

She still has a way to deal with the three CHILDES who are always silent. Looking at Xie Heng, she really has no way.

Wen Jiu was cruel and said, "Ye Zhiqiu is the leader of Ye Da who just talked to you in the Juxian hall. When he saw this jade card, he respectfully called me the little Lord... You should know why. Xie Heng, take away such important things yourself."

She didn't want to get involved with Xie Heng again, but she couldn't help guessing what happened here.

The more you think about it, the more frightened you are.

If something had gone wrong or been stolen, wouldn't he have died.

It is not wise to give such a life-threatening thing to others.

"What can you do for me?" Xie Heng's thin lips lost their blood. "If you really hate me, you can give it to others. Prince Rui, the old emperor and even any government office can take my life. You can take revenge without effort. There is no such simple thing in the world."

He had already given his life into her hands. He said so lightly and without fear.

Wen Jiu sipped his lips, forced himself to throw the sapphire card on Xie Heng's face and teach him to cherish his life. He gritted his teeth and said, "do you think I dare not?"

"Of course you dare." Xie Heng didn't mean to compete with her. He was obedient and his voice was low. "What dare you?"

The courage to warm wine is only enough for these two or three sentences. I can't hold it.

Xie Heng suddenly looked up and looked at her with burning eyes.

The morning light suddenly broke between heaven and earth, and the mountains, rivers and earth became bright.

The young man said, "don't worry. Even if I become a fierce ghost, I will never hurt you."

Wenjiu was speechless and obstinately put the sapphire card into Xie Heng's hand.

The cool fingertips crossed his hot palm. As soon as he was about to take it back, his hand was held by the boy.

"Xie Heng, let go!" Wen Jiu was very confused. He said it completely, but Xie Heng even though he still did it!

"Let me hold it for a while, just for a while." Xie Heng's voice was a little hoarse. He held her hand in his palm and didn't dare to exert too much force. "These days, I always dream that I can't find you again."

In an instant.

Warm wine, I can't hear anything else.

Xie Heng stopped talking. The Ginkgo biloba on his side slowly fell and wiped the overlapping sleeves of the two people.

The corners of the young man's eyes are red, which makes him more attractive.

Wen Jiu's fingertips touched a warm heat. When he looked down, he found that Xie Heng's sleeves had been soaked with human blood.

She was frightened and anxious. Her face turned white. "Where's the injury?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Wen Jiucai realized that he had overreacted.

As a stranger, why be so nervous.

"Here." Xie Heng held her hand and gently put it on his heart, "ah Jiu, my heart hurts."

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