"Shopkeeper Wen, it's a kindness for the Lord to know that you came to Yunzhou today to have a special banquet to make the host's friendship." the bearded middle-aged man stood in front of warm wine with a big knife and forced a smile, "if you don't go..."

"Go." Wenjiu straightened his skirt, without the slightest intention of resisting. He said with a faint smile: "but you blocked the road like this. How can people go?"

Obviously, the other party didn't expect her to change her mind so soon. She was stunned and hurriedly said, "get out of the way, don't block the way of shopkeeper Wen!"

Hearing the speech, a group of soldiers retreated one after another. The building was very quiet, and the overlapping footsteps appeared unusually clear.

The bearded middle-aged man said, "the carriage is waiting outside. Shopkeeper Wen, please."

Wen Jiu glanced at Xie Heng, his eyes moved down slightly and fell on the palm of the young man holding her wrist.

His eyes are full of "let go".

"OK." Xie Heng answered, but he held her tighter. He stabbed her on the ground with his sword in his right hand, and the sword body went three points into the ground.

With this as the center, the ground cracked inch by inch, and the sword Qi shocked everyone around to fall to the ground, the cup fell down, the table tilted, and the lights fell to the ground in a mess.

The sword is shrouded in fire and the silver light is slightly shaking.

"This Yunzhou is just the Royal Palace in Nanning. It's OK to live for two days." the boy held warm wine, smiled and raised his eyes, "let's go."

Warm wine: "

Xie Heng suddenly came out. She completely forgot the little thing of letting go.

Those individual officers and soldiers in the way in front dare not stand in the way. They want to stick them on the door so that the boy can't see them.

Xie Heng took her hand and walked outside the door. He didn't feel oppressed at all. On the contrary, he made those people in Nanning palace tremble and don't know what to do.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment. He saw Xie Yu go out without expression and hurriedly catch up.

The people in the building didn't react for a long time and continued to nest quietly in the corner.

The people of Nanning palace looked at each other for a moment before they followed out.

On the way back to the palace, the carriage galloped.

"My father clearly asked me to do today's business. Why did he suddenly send these people over?" Zhao qingluan sat in the carriage and thought about it. He couldn't understand it. He couldn't help squinting a pair of beautiful eyes and looking at Zhao Qingfeng aside. He shouted "Qingfeng?"

The young man still looked pure and harmless. He said in a warm voice, "my father has always loved my sister. Maybe he is afraid of changes and hurt my sister's safety."

Zhao qingluan looked at him for a long time. Every time he saw a little guilty, he said, "it's all the fault of the man surnamed Wen, otherwise the princess would have got the dragon stone!"

Zhao Qingfeng didn't speak.

The carriage was quiet for a moment.

Zhao qingluan recalled the rebellious appearance of the young man in red and suddenly smiled, "however, when they entered the Nanning palace, they are not all in the hands of the princess? Hum."

Zhao Qingfeng echoed: "what my sister said is."

"That's right." Zhao qingluan reached out and touched the young man's head. "Qingfeng, what do you think of this today?"

The young man said slowly, "it's all Qingfeng's disadvantage, regardless of his sister's business."

Zhao qingluan smiled wildly. "It seems that my sister doesn't hurt you in vain. Tomorrow, I'll have the new good piano sent to you."

Zhao Qingfeng said thanks with a low eyebrow, and a trace of contempt crossed his eyes.


Nanning palace.

When Wenjiu and others got off the carriage, it was already late at night.

It's nonsense to say that King Nanning hosted a banquet. I didn't see the shadow of King Zhao Li in Nanning at all. The guide took them to the west wing and left a sentence: "the LORD said it's late and it's inconvenient. Please have a rest first." and he left.

Five or six maids were waiting in front of the door. When they warmed the wine, they saw Jiang wucai, who had not seen for many days, and immediately moved their minds.

Just now in Tianyuan Building, she heard the third childe say "go with them". She couldn't figure out what Xie Xuan was thinking.

tell the truth.

The third childe's mind has never been guessed right.

Since Wen Jiu met Xie Yu in Yunzhou, he felt that there should be no good thing. Seeing Miss Jiang again at the moment, he suddenly understood five or six points.

What dragon stone and what silver smashing are probably superficial Kung Fu.

I'm afraid Xie Xuan originally wanted to enter the palace of the king of Nanning. After making such a big circle, he deliberately asked the host to "please" himself.

The third childe's means are brilliant. He has achieved his goal. Maybe the king of Nanning thinks it's better to start first. He's very powerful.

As everyone knows, it is easier to ask God than to send God.

Tut tut.

Warm wine, my mind can't turn.

Simply don't think about it, just look at Jiang no time.

The girl was also a golden lady at the beginning. When she was in the general's house, Wen Jiu said that she was asked to serve the third childe, but in fact she never did any slave work. Now she pretends to be a little maid in the Nanning palace. If it's not because she stands too close.

Warm wine may not be recognized.

One by one, they are turning around in this bureau. They don't know how many things are hidden. Warm wine knows it's impossible to get away. On the contrary, they think it's just like this. Let's go step by step.

The bodyguard outside surrounded several floors and looked like a bird couldn't fly out.

The four wing rooms were all lighted. Jiang wucai and a group of young maids Yingying saluted. The sound was like the first cry of a yellow warbler, "please come in and have a rest."

"Thank you." Wen Jiu frowned, nodded slightly, and walked to the wing room at his left hand.

"With me, what do you want them to do?" Xie Heng's high legs were long, and he came to her side in three or two steps.

The lights stretched the shadow of the boy very long and covered the warm wine tightly.

Wen Jiu glanced slightly and saw the moonlight on Xie Heng's shoulder. Just at this time, he was also looking at her.

Suddenly, the four eyes were opposite.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and wanted to ask him, where's your face?

But before she finished, Xie Heng hugged her waist. Her feet were off the ground, and he almost carried them to the house.

Wenjiu was completely stunned.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand and hugged her falsely. Their figures were reflected on the porch window, hugging each other like the most lingering lovers.

Warm wine was a little breathless. The young man suddenly attached to her ear and whispered, "they all think I'm that... How can I serve people in the same room? If I sleep in separate rooms, it'll be revealed."

Warm wine listened to him say the four words of color waiter so smoothly. He couldn't help looking at him with complex eyes, "so?"

Xie Hengyi said, "in order not to be exposed, we can only live together."

Warm wine: "

Didn't she just throw money?

Who will explain what Xie Heng is doing now?

Xie Heng understood the silent words in her eyes and said, "moreover, I don't trust you to live alone."

If it weren't for the smile in the boy's eyes, Wenjiu would almost believe this.

These people in Nanning Palace are staring outside. Zhao qingluan will not give up. No one knows what will happen tonight.

At night, everything is quiet, but it is also the time when the dark tide surges at its peak.

Wenjiu took a step back. It was neither too early nor too late. He was just bumping into Xie Yu who came in the door.

"What's the panic?" the third childe reached out and helped her. He tied his backhand to the room slowly, and his eyes fell on them, dark as ink.

Wenjiu turned back, looked at him in amazement, and asked, "third brother, third brother, why did you come in? Hey... What did you do when you closed the door?"

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