At noon on the vertical day.

There was a noise outside the door. The figure in the fight flashed through the window, and the guards forced the door open.

The warm wine in my sleep only heard a loud noise and suddenly sat up.

Outside the lavender Bed Tent, the two teenagers picked up their outer clothes from the ground, turned around and put them on their shoulders. When she opened her eyes, she saw only the flying corners of their clothes.

There was a momentary blank in her mind.

She forgot how she fell asleep last night, but now she was even more shocked:

Are these two... Dressing so fast?

It seems that he often does this and looks very experienced.

The sun came through the door and scattered a light golden light.

Zhao qingluan rushed in with someone. He was seeing two people finishing their clothes leisurely. One was black and expressionless, and the other was disturbed and slept well. He might draw a sword to cut your impatience at any time.

The lavender bed curtain looked transparent in the sun, and the scene inside was faint.

Warm wine was still sitting on the couch, and his long black hair fell on his shoulders. It was obviously still a loose look that he hadn't woken up.

Zhao qingluan smiled angrily. "You're really not afraid of death, surnamed Wen. When you come to Nanning palace, you still have the mind to do such a thing! You're not afraid of dying out of this house?"

Warm wine pinned the scattered green silk behind his ears, and his voice was still a little hoarse: "if I don't do anything, don't I have to die?"

She hasn't had a good sleep for a long time. Xie Heng is shameless. Even the third childe seems to have taken the wrong medicine.

Last night, it was half a night. One was more like a ghost than the other.

Warm wine doesn't care how they toss. As soon as they close their eyes and pour them on the couch, they don't care.

The two teenagers came and shook their beds all night, like a boat in the water with ups and downs. They forcibly shook shopkeeper Wen, who was full of stomach gas, to sleep. They slept soundly and deeply.

No one believed it. The two jade like CHILDES of the Xie family are so beautiful in the dead of night.

After blowing the light and getting on the couch, two lone men and a few women, Sheng Sheng took other girls as milk dolls, pushed the shaker and shook them to sleep.

When you sleep with warm wine, it's three poles in the sun.

In Zhao qingluan's view, it was to warm wine, indulge in sound and color, sleep the man she wanted in the palace, and sleep twice a night.

Very arrogant, absolutely provocative.

Hearing Wen Jiu's words again, he immediately blew up, "drag the one surnamed Wen out to the princess!"

Xie Henggang tied the tie of his clothes, smelled the speech and raised his eyebrows gently, "who dares?"

The two words "not heavy and not loud", the murderous spirit of the young man is faintly revealed, and more is the inherent noble spirit.

The bodyguards hesitated and did not dare to come forward. They looked at the angry Zhao qingluan and did not dare not move. They moved forward a little, with funny and ridiculous actions.

The warm wine on the couch touched the pillow. I didn't find the hairpin. I don't know where I threw the hairpin last night.

She gathered up her clothes and opened the bed curtain. "Princess, although Nanning palace is your home, it's really not good to break into other people's houses, especially those with more than one person. As far as I know, the eldest princess doesn't have such a hobby. Where did you learn this?"

A head of warm wine scattered half the bed, lifted the bed curtain, lifted a school of romantic, smiled, more free and easy romantic than usual.

Xie Heng and Xie Xie Qi looked back at her, and the fierce color in their eyes disappeared without a trace.

Zhao qingluan was stunned when he saw her. He didn't speak for a long time.

To say that warm wine is really not incomparable to the country and the city. It doesn't have much sincerity to laugh when meeting people, but it's such a person, always with such a beautiful beauty that people can't move their eyes.

Most of the time, she will be covered by name of the warm God of the wealth and brilliant golden light.

But at the moment, Zhao qingluan, who loves beauty, actually feels that warming wine is really a rare person in the world.

At least, this is not afraid of death, few people can have.

Zhao Qingfeng, who came later, whispered to Zhao qingluan, "my father sent someone to invite shopkeeper Wen."

The latter ignored him.

Zhao Qingfeng had to open his mouth and advised, "it's not too late for her sister to deal with her when she meets her father. There's no need to hurry at this moment."

"Don't worry, princess. I don't like to complain." Wen Jiu got up and Xie Yu helped her hang the bed curtain aside.

Although the third childe is always expressionless on weekdays, it seems that no one deserves him to give a good face. At the moment, he pretends to be a little man's pet and has a cold-faced handsome childe's little tenderness.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, then combed his five fingers, stroked his ink hair behind his back, and surprised himself.

Her face was smiling, and her eyebrows and eyes were dyed with gorgeous color. "Although I have never seen such a hospitality as the princess, I think it's very novel."

Zhao qingluan looked at her with a look of "are you sick?".

Wen Jiu had already looked away, and then went on: "seeing the king of Nanning, I knew that you and I were friends and enemies. Why worry, princess."

And now.

Xie Heng suddenly came forward. He was very tall. Standing in front of warm wine, his figure almost covered her whole person.

"Why did you wake up so early?" he asked in a warm voice. He held her jade hairpin in his hand and brushed the other hand from her ear. His tail finger and ring finger picked up two strands of green silk and pulled a simple, casual and generous bun with the jade hairpin.

Xie Heng's warm fingertips seemed to touch her skin, warm wine body stood slightly, couldn't help leaning back a little, looking at him, his eyes were hard to see.

The boy smiled, the sun was shining behind him, and his voice was strange and gentle. "If you don't want to go, sleep again, huh?"

Such a tone is really fantastic.

Wen Jiu pulled at the corners of his mouth and pulled out a stiff smile, "go to bed and I'll be back."

Even if you go to see Nanning Wang, it's better than staying in this room with these two people!

"OK, I'll wait for you to come back." Xie Heng stroked her slightly wrinkled skirt, which was as gentle as water. It seemed to have a relationship with the murderous Xie Xiaoyan half a copper coin.

Wen Jiu nodded a little stiff and walked out of the house with the same hands and feet.

I couldn't help but wonder whether the boy did it on purpose.

There are many similar people in this world. They have completely different personalities, so it's difficult for people to think in one place.

In general, this is Xie Heng's means to cover up his identity.

But the sacrifice was a little big. She condescended to serve her. Xie Heng was willing, and she was afraid of losing her life.

This guy has been wonderful since he was a boy. No wonder he can become a regent with power in the future.

Zhao Qingfeng kept up in time and became a guide, "shopkeeper Wen, this way, please."

In the house behind you.

Zhao qingluan looked at the two teenagers on the bed and waved to the bodyguards, "you all go down."

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