Ye Zhiqiu was in a hurry. He exerted too much force and broke the door with one palm.

She was outside the door, watching the moonlight pouring in and connecting with Yingying candles. The last piece of rice paper flew out of Qingjun's hand.

Sparks scattered all over the room, reflecting his eyebrows and eyes like poetry and painting. Suddenly, people had the illusion that they were beyond expectation.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned.

Xie Xuan glanced at her, brushed the spark on her sleeve calmly, and asked faintly, "what's the matter?"

If it weren't for the broken porcelain chips and broken chairs and rotten wooden frames on the ground, ye Zhiqiu almost thought he had disturbed the man's quiet sitting.

"Why do you ask me?" Ye Zhiqiu went into the house, avoided all the junk, waved his sleeve and brushed the spark. "I said, why didn't I find you so good at acting before? The people raised by Miss Tongwen's family quarreled like that! I almost believed it!"

Xie Yu's eyes looked at her faintly, without waves and waves, without any emotion.

The candle was swayed by the night wind, shrouding the young man's face, with a little more smoke and anger for no reason.

Ye Zhiqiu got close and whispered to Xie, "you're almost OK. After all... You're different from that man. Don't always run to Miss Wen's room. It's good to have a fight..."

Xie Yu hung her eyes and didn't know if she would listen to her again.

Ye Zhiqiu thought it was a good thing today. "You can sleep by yourself tonight. Otherwise, I can't sleep alone."

Xie Xuan frowned slightly, but he didn't speak.

"Sanxian." Ye Zhiqiu slowly rubbed against him, "I haven't asked you what kind of girl you like before. Don't you... Like Miss Wen, too?"

The third childe's eyes were dim, brushed his sleeves and got up, "nonsense!"

"Hey, hey... Where are you going? Stop!" Ye Zhiqiu quickly pulled him.

The young man looked very weak, but his strength was not small. As soon as his stubbornness came up, ye Zhiqiu almost couldn't hold it, and most of his body hit him. "I didn't say anything! Miss Wen is very good. If I were a man, I like her too. What's the matter with you!"

Xie Xuan turned around, his face as black as the bottom of the pot, "what did you say?"

Don't say it.

The man's dark face is really scary.

Knowing that he didn't like the touch of others, ye Zhiqiu quickly released his hand, stepped back and said with a smile, "come on, come on, even if I'm a man, I only like you, don't I?"

When that comes out.

Xie Xuan's face became more and more ugly.

Ye Zhiqiu reluctantly didn't open his eyes. As soon as he turned his head, he just saw the last portrait on the table.

Just now she pushed the door too fast. Xie Yu only came and burned the top ones.

What a coincidence.

Just left his own one.

Ye Zhiqiu stared at the picture for a long time. He took the picture and compared it with the third childe for a long time. His face gradually became serious and asked him, "Sanxian, who is the person in the picture?"

Xie Yu glanced at her, her eyes were slightly dark, but her handsome face was still expressionless, "the No. 1 scholar in this subject, Xie Yu."

The young voice has no waves and waves.

He seemed to be talking about someone who had nothing to do with him.

"That's the one... Xie Zhuangyuan who has provoked romantic debts with several princesses?" Ye Zhiqiu tutted twice, quite feeling it.

I didn't see the boy in front of me. His face became more and more ugly.

Although Yunzhou is very far away from the imperial capital, this kind of romance and gossip has not fallen at all. Every time something comes here, it has often added a hundred and eighty heavy words, and ordinary little things have become infinitely romantic.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the painting and Xie Xuan. He said strangely, "Sanxian, how do I feel... The people in the painting are somewhat like you?"

Xie Yu: "

The painter is so poor that he can't see the master standing in front of him.

"Xie Zhuangyuan is really paralyzed. When I met this man, I suddenly felt that you are always cold. It's nothing to have a face." Ye Zhiqiu said to himself, "but you still smile more. If you have facial paralysis with Xie Zhuangyuan, you'll be blind no matter how good-looking you are."

"Shut up!" Xie Xuan went away with a black face.

"Who can bear this temper?" Ye Zhiqiu jumped gently, sat on the table and burned the portrait on the candle until the fire burned to the last piece of paper.

She looked at the young man's back and whispered, "don't you just rely on me to like you? If you were someone else, you would have beaten a hundred and eighty times."

Peony garden.

Today, Zhao qingluan was badly beaten in bed, and no one came to the park.

In the hazy night, the lamps under the eaves were shaken by the wind, and the candlelight was slightly rippling.

Dressed in red, Xie Heng walked leisurely through the peony bushes. He was full of moonlight. His face was unparalleled. He was like a wandering fairy who entered here by mistake.

The slender figure of the young man is reflected on the bluestone board, and the ink hair is blown and flying.

When he reached the southeast corner, a rope was suddenly thrown out of the dark hole, wrapped around Xie Heng's cloud boots, and pulled him down.

"Little beauty, you can count!" the man rushed over with the other end of the rope and wanted to hold him, "your Lord Lu is waiting here..."

Before the words fell, he was suddenly kicked by the "beauty".

Gao Yuanlu bumped into the stone wall, snorted and vomited a mouthful of blood. Then he opened his eyes and saw the person, "you... You! Xie Heng!"

Immediately panic.

He escaped for so many days and hid in the dark room of the Royal Palace in Nanning. He didn't dare to go anywhere. He even ate and drank water like a prisoner, waiting for others to deliver it.

In this way, Xie Heng found it!

"You know me, very good." Xie Heng picked up the rope that fell to the ground and waved it out as a whip.

The rope tied Gao Yuanlu several times, and he could hardly breathe.

Xie Heng's mouth started a cold arc, "you went to the palace of hell, and you know who died. You can reincarnate early. It's really cheap for you."

"Xie, Xie Heng!" Gao Yuanlu was so scared that his face was bloodless that he forced his last breath and threatened, "this is the Nanning palace. Do you think you can retreat after killing me?"

Xie Heng smiled coldly and ignored him.

The boy wound the last circle of rope around Gao Yuanlu's neck and pulled it hard. The latter immediately looked innocent and could not breathe.

"Mr. Xie... General Xie! Don't hurry......" Gao Yuanlu had seen Xie Xiaoyan kill before. He was really cruel and ruthless. He didn't blink. Now he didn't dare to take Joe again. He hurriedly said: "at the beginning, in Changping County, the Xie family was not the family with the most money. Don't you want to know why and why he had to kill your Xie family?"

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly red and stepped on Gao Yuanlu's heart, "if you dare to tell a lie, I'll let the Gao family's chickens and dogs stay!"

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