"I......" when Wen Jiu said the first word, Xie Heng suddenly bowed his head and kissed him.

The young man's lips were hot and burning, and sealed her words like a storm.

Wenjiu was so stiff that he forgot to push him away for a moment.

In a slightly stunned moment, he had grabbed her waist and turned around. His plain clothes flew to the bed. The lavender bed curtain was infinitely beautiful under the moonlight.

The night wind came in and raised Xie Heng's ink hair, intertwined with warm wine.

The hot kiss disturbed her breathing.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Xie Heng's amber eyes in the hazy night.

The youth's affection has been hidden for a long time. Once they break through the earth, they will attack cities and land. Even their warm breath is intoxicating like strong wine.

Xie Xiaoyan was not a person who would swallow his anger. He put away all his sharp claws in front of her these days and pretended to be a docile and pure young man. It was hard enough.

The dark clouds outside the window cover the curved moon, and the sky is full of light all over the stars.

As soon as he showed his "original shape", he refused at all. His warm wine was almost out of breath, his face turned red, and his body temperature soared.

She stretched out her hand to push Xie Heng away, but he held her tighter.

"Thanks, thanks..."

Warm wine finally took a breath. He pushed him down on his couch before he could say a complete word.

The boy took his clothes and threw them on the ground and immediately pressed them down.

Wenjiu was so flustered that he forgot how to react. He rolled and crawled at the foot of the bed and said in a trembling voice, "you... What are you crazy!"

The last time Xie Heng suddenly appeared in her room, he acted surprisingly.

Hand her a knife and say, "after stabbing this knife, I'll marry you!"

Wen Jiu didn't know what Xie Heng thought. Anyway, she couldn't sleep for a long time. She often remembered that scene. It was cold sweat Lin Li.

And tonight

He's here again!

"Ah Jiu, I'm not crazy..." Xie Heng stood on the couch and opened the curtain with one hand. The house was more and more light, shrouded in the girl's clear and gorgeous face, white as jade, but also really white, some unusual.

She huddled in the corner of the couch into a small ball.

A face of panic, red lips slightly swollen, but also with a trace of blood, beautiful and enchanting appearance.

It seems that he is very frightened.

"I didn't mean to..." the boy was a little helpless and his voice was much lower.

He hasn't figured out what to do yet.

I heard a trembling voice with warm wine. "You didn't mean it! Are you stupid? You can say what you say. Do I look so easy to cheat?"

She's really been a good girl for too long.

If you don't fight back or scold back, it's all pretend!

In order to make a living in the imperial capital, they pretended to be a docile little sheep. They almost forgot to warm wine. They were never willing to suffer.

Today, I'll get this money back from Xie Heng!

She really endured too much for too long. She almost wanted to cry. Her apricot eyes were full of water.

At this time.

The boy stood in the hazy moonlight, his white slender hand gently carrying a lavender gauze curtain, falling all over with streamer, standing in front of her like a dream.

It's clearly a romantic color in the world, and it's like a guest from nine days in the hidden clouds of the moon.

He said, "I meant it."

Wen Jiu forgot that he originally wanted to cry, and his apricot eyes were full of surprise: "

If Xie Heng is not crazy, she is probably crazy.

Otherwise, how could I hear him say such outrageous things.

No ordinary madman can do such a thing.

But the young man smiled, his eyes rose slightly, his voice was arrogant and bright, but his voice had a tenderness rarely seen in ordinary days, "I meant it. Sneak here to kiss you while the bodyguards of the Nanning palace chased me."

When it comes to the last two words, the ending is floating in vain, with a smile of seven or eight points, and can't be pressed down.

Warm wine is angry and funny. He tilted his head and forced the water in his eyes to flow back.

She raised her hand and wiped her bitten lip.

To tell you the truth, it hurts a little.

Kui Xie Heng can be so proud.

She wanted to slap it.

There were more and more footsteps outside the West Wing room. The bodyguards with weapons crowded around here. Torches lit up the night, and the fire light lit up most of the room through the window.

The young man's unique face became clear.

Someone outside the door shouted: "check one by one, you can't miss any corner!"

"The Lord has ordered that if today's thieves escape, none of us can live!"

The sound from the outside continued to spread into the house, like a talisman.

Wen Jiu concentrated for a moment, frowned and asked, "what have you just done?"

"Kill a damned man." Xie Heng's tone was cool and calm. It seemed that he just broke a flower, rather than risking his life at any time.

The young man's eyes fell on the warm wine, which was very hot.

Warm wine took a breath: "you are so..."

Xie Heng can make her feel alive every time. God bless her.

Xie Heng said slowly, "old thief Gao is dead without a whole body. The soul of my Xie family is in heaven and can rest in peace."

The color of warm wine eyes is extremely complex.

I can't tell the taste in my heart at the moment.

Both resented his recklessness and distressed that he was carrying such a heavy national hatred.

Most 19-year-old teenagers are still distressed by writing Fu. Their biggest worry may be what kind of wife they want to marry and how big an official they will be in the future.

Xie Heng left the beautiful pavilion with elegant clothes early and became a frightening Xie Xiaoyan.

In a moment of warm wine and soft heart, I heard him say, "I really mean it this time. Those people are about to break in. I'm here to get on your couch, kiss you, hold you and do the happy thing of lingering lovers."

Xie Heng stood in front of the couch, looked at her with burning eyes and said with a smile, "ah Jiu, would you like to?"

He never had anything to ask for before he met warm wine.

And after meeting warm wine, all my thoughts were spent on her.

I can't hide it. As soon as she left, she was thousands of miles away, completely cleaning his dark thoughts.


He put everything in front of her and said to her directly:

"I just like you."

"What if I mean it on purpose?"

"I just want to sleep on the same couch with you!"

There are three thousand lethal knives outside the door. The half born boy can calmly stand in front of her bed and ask with a smile: "would you like to?"

"I'd like you, uncle!" Wen Jiu was really going to be blown up by his anger. He jumped up from the corner of the couch immediately. He didn't care whether he could stand firm or not. He grabbed Xie Heng's skirt and pulled him onto the couch.

Miss Wen can usually pretend to be one person. Now she has burst into foul language. She still feels that she can't vent her anger.

Don't bully people like this!

If the chopping sword in the hands of little Yama was not too sharp, I would not know how many times it had been hacked to death.

"You, be gentle..." Xie Xiaoyan looked motionless like a mountain on weekdays. Who ever thought that he would fall down in this bed.

She poured the warm wine on the couch. She was full of warm fragrance nephrite and hugged her tightly. Her chin was on her shoulder. The tip of her nose was full of the fragrance of the girl.

He said with a low smile, "what's your hurry?"

Wenjiu almost carried his breath away. He took off his clothes and threw them under the bed. He whispered, "don't talk!"

She thought she might not survive tonight.

Most likely, he will be killed by Xie Xiaoyan.

"I'll teach you a way." the young man attached to her ear, his warm lips almost stuck to her earlobe, and said earnestly and kindly, "as long as you use it, I will never speak again."

"What..." Wen Jiu regretted as soon as he asked.

Xie Heng rolled around on the couch with her in his arms, and the figures hugging each other were reflected in the tent. Their clothes were scattered in disorder, and their long black hair was tangled.

The young man looked at the warm wine with burning eyes. Then he put his palm behind her neck and pressed it down. Her red lips kissed Xie Heng's lips.

The warm breath intertwined with each other. In a moment, I lost my heart and soul

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