"Zhou Shizi?" Wen's eyes were slightly surprised.

It took only a moment to react.

Besides Zhou Minghao, who dares to take Zheng Pei to such a dangerous place as Yunzhou?

When he was in the imperial capital, he was also a cruel man who killed people without blinking an eye when he was masked.

Zhou Minghao said with a smile: "Madam Shao doesn't have wine here. No matter how good the wine is, it doesn't have a bit of taste. When will madam Shao return to the imperial capital?"

Wen Jiu went straight to the table and sat down. He said with a smile, "when the son of God gets married, I will go and ask for a cup of wedding wine."

It's far away.

Before she met Zhou Minghao tonight, Shizi was a very romantic and amorous person. He had been among thousands of flowers, but none of them was a long-term person.

When he will get married, let alone whether he will get married in Dijing.

Warm wine can always deal with outsiders calmly without leakage.

Zhou Minghao looked at Xie Heng and gave him a look of "you haven't coaxed people yet".

Xie Heng glanced at him and asked casually, "what did you bring Zheng PEI for?"

"It's a long story." Zhou Minghao felt out a white folding fan from his sleeve and shook it slowly. He smiled and said, "Zheng Pei remembers that Miss Jiang chases me every day and asks if there is any news about the third childe. You're in a hurry. When I changed my substitute, he just met me. I've known him for so many years, but I can't kill him."

Xie Yu said expressionless, "so you brought him to Yunzhou?"

Zhou Minghao said, "there's another use to bring him here. Old man Zheng has always been a wall grass and has been making peace for so many years, but his baby son is a love. With Zheng Pei, he can at least let old man Zheng stop."

Xie Heng thin lips light hook, "you are not afraid to force old man Zheng into a hurry and lift your bottom?"

"I'm scared. I'm scared to death." Zhou Minghao leaned and held Xie Heng's arm. "So I don't have to rely on you to protect me?"

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at them, then silently looked away.

Several lights were lit in the room. The night wind was a little strong and shaky.

She raised her hand to protect the wick, her face was heated by the candle, and her thoughts were messy.

Once there was something, they all gathered together to discuss. All the warm wine went into the house very naturally.

After sitting for a while, Wen Jiu realized that she shouldn't have come in, but it was a little abrupt to go out now.

It was hard to avoid being on pins and needles to hear them say those things in front of her.

Xie Heng clapped Zhou Minghao's hand, "don't move your hand if you have something to say!"

Zhou Shizi retreated a little, shook his fan and sighed, "this time he used so many flying lights, which will inevitably cause an uproar in the imperial capital..."

Xie Heng bent his fingers and gently knocked on the table, "don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Minghao paused for a moment and then said, "what's the charge you bear? Don't drag me into the water. I want to live a few more years."

Warm wine listened and suddenly knew it.

When Xie Heng was in the imperial capital, he took the flying lamp from Zhou Shizi. Of course, he only thought it was very novel, but he didn't know that Zhou Minghao made so many and came to the flying flower platform with Qingyi guards.

As for the noble son's virtue in the imperial capital, who would have thought that he still hid such a side.

It's true that people can't judge by appearance, and the sea can't be measured.

Xie Heng raised his eyes slightly and closed his hands into a fist.

Seeing this, Zhou Minghao quickly leaned against Wen Jiu. "Young lady, why don't you go back to Dijing with me? I'm afraid he'll send someone to assassinate me halfway."

The 18-year-old Prince smiled with peach blossoms in his eyes, folded his fan and whispered, "we'll leave overnight. He can't catch up."

Wen Jiu smiled. "Zhou Shizi should go back by himself. It's late at night. I'll sleep in another room."

She got up and left.

When he passed Xie Heng's side, he held his hand.

Warm wine looked back at him, and the young man in red under the candlelight was covered with warm color.

Xie Heng didn't speak. Her amber eyes were full of her.

He didn't let go, so he held her hand as if there were no one else.

Xie Xuan couldn't see it anymore. He put his right hand to his lips and coughed twice. "The nitrate mine secretly excavated by Zhao Li has been found. It's in Yuanyi county. The emperor sent many spies to Yunzhou to find it. Ah Jiu, how did you know that the nitrate mine is in Yuanyi County?"

That place is extremely remote, hidden in the mountains and inaccessible. Even the local people in Yunzhou rarely go, but Wenjiu directly told the location of Yuanyi County after knowing that there are nitrate mines in Yunzhou.

They all looked at the warm wine.

She looked up and asked with some guilt, "I said I dreamed. Do you believe it?"

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Zhou Minghao shook his fan and said with a dry smile, "let me tell you. It doesn't matter how young lady knows. The important thing is that now that the nitrate mine has been found, he can still be saved!"

The prince of the world closed a hundred folding fans and pointed to Xie Heng, "kill the king of Nanning. Well, kill a fan king who has a rebellious move. It's for the peace of the great Yan River and mountains. When the third childe returns to Beijing and quarrels with those old friends in the palace of politics, he can be more tough."

Xie Heng looked at her and nodded slowly.

The young man took the warm wine hand and said with a smile, "you see, you are full of me. You don't admit it. You even dream of helping me. ”

Warm wine smell speech, directly confused.

She said that when the nitrate mine was in Yuanyi County, she didn't know that Xie Heng would directly kill Zhao Li.

Dreaming of helping him?

Nothing at all!

The half born boy's eyes were full of smiles, and thousands of ice and snow were instantly melted by him.

Wen Jiu closed his eyes and didn't look at him. He closed his hands and went back to his sleeve behind him. "Since Zhao Li dared to dig nitrate mine, he must want to make a big deal. He has time to figure out how I know Yuanyi county. It's better to think about what he used the nitrate stone he dug before? Where did he transport it?"

Her eyes swept over Xie Heng and fell on Xie Heng.

The young man in front of us is both familiar and strange.

You can't avoid the hardships you have to experience. This time and next time, neither of them is a thing in the pool. One day, they will encounter the wind and cloud and take off for nine days.

Without her, it would probably be better.

When the sound fell, Wenjiu turned out of the room, closed the door for them, and slowly spit out a mouthful of turbid gas.

She smiled with some self mockery.

Fortunately, fortunately, the two teenagers were not abandoned by her.

Otherwise, how can we fight those old foxes in the future?

In the room, the three teenagers were silent.

After a long time, Zhou Minghao smiled dryly and said, "madam, you are really not an ordinary woman... You robbed me of everything. Brother Dongfeng and the third childe, where did you get the saltpeter before Zhao Li?"

Xie Yu said expressionless, "where Zhao Li wants to go most."

Zhou Minghao said helplessly, "can't you make it clear?"

The third childe ignored him.

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and looked at his hand. It seemed that the temperature of ah Jiu still remained on his fingertips. He gently closed into a fist and held it in the palm of his hand.

The young man slightly hooked his lips and said, "imperial capital."

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