Warm wine suddenly burst into a cold sweat, hurriedly retreated, slipped under his feet, and the whole person fell onto the railing.

It's also a big life. I just avoided those silver needles.

Jiang wucai just took the umbrella. As soon as he turned around, he saw the girl approaching warm wine. His face immediately changed greatly. He smashed the girl's head with the oil paper umbrella in his hand.

"Many things!" Pearl kicked Jiang wucai. The thin little girl was so powerful that she kicked people out of the pavilion and hit the tree heavily. There was no movement for a moment.

The oil paper umbrella fell at the foot of warm wine, and the water droplets rolled. She was surprised and quickly turned over the railing to see Jiang Wuxian's injury, "Wuxian?"

Fortunately, there is still gas.

The blood color on the warm wine surface faded, and everything in front of me was covered by the rain. I only vaguely saw the girl step down the steps and walk towards her step by step.

Pearl also held the half eaten sugar gourd in her hand and smiled: "I saved you. Now I want to take back your life, of course?"

I haven't seen you for a few days. Little stuttered.

Between lightning and thunder, Wenjiu saw the girl's face. It was carved in powder and jade without any defects. Her eyes were smart and cunning, which was very different from the person she knew before.

It was cold on a rainy night, and she felt cold at the bottom of her heart.

She still couldn't figure out how little pearl, which only knew how delicious sugar gourd was that day, could take life in front of the this joke.

Even if there is no fixed number of true and false in the world, she will not meet any demons and ghosts.

What a bad luck is this?

With a silver needle in her hand, the girl looked at her naively, "don't make senseless resistance. Warm the wine. I'll let you die quickly and won't hurt."

Her tone was brisk, as if she said "where shall I take you to play".

"Seriously, I don't want to die at all." Wen Jiu wiped his face and tentatively discussed, "why don't we change our game?"

"No." Pearl shook her head. "I've kept you for so long, and I can see what you deserve to be protected by others. You look OK, but you're not a country or a city. You're kind-hearted? Not necessarily."

The girl couldn't figure it out. She whispered, "I wanted to keep you for another period of time, but there are so many people who want to kill you. If someone robbed me first, wouldn't it be a waste of my time around you?"

Pearls almost talk to themselves. They don't need to warm wine to answer.

Wenjiu kept retreating until his back was against the tree. There was no way out. He had to meet the girl's eyes, sigh and say, "you killed me. Who will buy you sugar gourd in the future?"

It's probably true that Taoism is not enough. In the past two months in bafangcheng, she didn't see the difference between this girl and others.

The girl tilted her head and thought about it in distress. She didn't speak.

"Pearl." Wenjiu called her gently, and Wensheng discussed, "well, if you keep me for some time, there are still many things to do, such as getting you a hill made of sugar gourd. I promise I won't let others kill me. I'm waiting for you. Is it possible?"

The heavy rain hurt her face. There was no blood on her lips, but her tone was as calm as usual.

Many things suddenly appeared in my mind. When Wen wine first came, the girl pretended to be a stuttering pearl, took great pains to save her, and made up such a miserable life experience, which was beautiful for bitter meat.

Two months ago, they ate together, sat in the yard and looked at the stars, and occasionally came to her bed with a pillow in the middle of the night.

Although there is no flesh and blood affection, warm wine has a bit of sincerity to treat her as a sister.

But even the girl who looks innocent is also a person who hides an opportunity to kill.

She doesn't know what else in the world is true.

"No." the girl took out three pieces of silver from her sleeve, smiled and showed two little tiger teeth. "Anyway, I'll make you a puppet. You can also buy me candied gourd."

For a moment, warm wine turned pale.

The sound did not fall.

The girl raised her hand and stabbed it down from the top of the warm wine.

Two dark shadows suddenly flew out of the dark. The long sword was pulled into a streamer. One knocked off the silver needle in the girl's hand and tangled together in the heavy rain.

The other reached out and picked up the warm wine. "How are you, madam?"

Warm wine, the whole person is wet, the lips are white, and the legs are soft. Naturally, it's no better. He clenched his teeth and said, "it's okay."

Reaching out to wake up the sleepy Jiang wucai, he suddenly heard a bang. The Qingyi guard, who was tangled with the girl, was abruptly broken off his long sword and hit several silver needles. In an instant, he turned purple.

The Qingyi guard on the same side of Wenjiu said, "I'm afraid the silver needle is poisonous."

When the sound fell, the Qingyi guards had already flown away. A sword opened the girl's hand. There were thunders in the night sky. The sword light of the two people fighting in the same place flickered. There was no one in the wilderness, and the heavy rain covered up all the sounds.

Wen Jiu helped Jiang Wu to stand up and whispered, "that man is coming for me. If you can go, go quickly and find a hiding place to hide."

Jiang has no time to hold her hand.

Wen Jiu said helplessly, "I don't know what the girl is. If I go with you, it will only affect you."

"Shopkeeper Wen..." Jiang wucai spits out a mouthful of blood as soon as he opens his mouth. It can be seen how strong the girl's foot is just now.

"Keep something for later." Wenjiu pushed her out. "Let's go."

Jiang had no time to look back at her and said in a dumb voice, "I'll find someone to save you..."

Wen Jiuxin said: if you can run away, you can't come back.

She ran to the poisoned green guards, pulled out the silver needles, clenched her teeth, scratched the flesh with a broken sword and bled him.

The hospital is not open for nothing. I have more contacts with those doctors and drug dealers, and I have learned one or two skills.

Wen Jiu's hands were full of blood, but ignoring these, he asked in a low voice, "are there any other people around here?"

When she left Yunzhou, she said not to be escorted by Xie Heng's people. It happened that his people were protecting her at this time.

They are people in their twenties. Whose life is not life.

The purple green clothes guard took a small bamboo tube from his waist and handed it to her, "pull off the lead and you can send a signal."

The moment Wenjiu got up, the girl in the heavy rain suddenly sent several poison needles to her. She pulled down the bamboo tube guide, turned and fell in the muddy water, and the gorgeous fireworks rushed into the air, which was not obvious in the heavy rain.

The silver needle pierced her right shoulder and numbed her instantly.

"It's boring to call someone if you can't fight." the girl grabbed her and flew away with her. "Tell your master, I'll kill someone. If you want a corpse, come to me in person."

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