Wen Jiu's face was slightly stiff. He held the bowl in his hands, buried himself in the soup and said vaguely: "who made this rumor..."

Li Ying said on one side, "it was the childe who claimed to be the fourth brother of shopkeeper Wen."

Warm wine: "

She suddenly felt that today's soup could not taste anything. She calmed down for a while and said, "there's nothing wrong with you here. Go back to bed early."

Li Ying nodded quickly, "then I'll disturb the shopkeeper..."

The man only said half a sentence, looked up at Wen Jiu and Xie Heng, and hurried out.

The look in his eyes was clearly saying, 'shopkeeper, now that there are people around me, I have nothing to do.'

Wen Jiu didn't even have time to call him. As soon as Li Ying stepped back, he ran away.

For a time, only Wenjiu and Xie Heng were left in the side hall.

If one is buried in soup and full of stomach, he can't hold a word.

A seemingly careless, bent his fingers and knocked on the table, but in fact, he was surging in his heart and almost couldn't bear it.

No one spoke.

The wind and rain outside the door are shaking, and fallen leaves and flowers are flying all over the sky.

Not long.

Warm wine and two bowls of hot soup. I didn't see the boy move his chopsticks. I couldn't help asking, "why don't you eat?"

Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked at her, "you didn't say I could use chopsticks."

This is really a grievance.

I almost wrote on my face, "when you think I'm an outsider, I naturally can't be as casual as before."

If those people in the imperial capital heard this, they were afraid that their chin would be scared off. God is not afraid. Xie Xiaoyan has such a day!

Wenjiu was so flustered that he couldn't say anything, so he had to murmur, "move chopsticks."

There was nothing else to say.

"OK." Xie Heng didn't care much. Suddenly, he spared words like gold with the third childe and began to eat in a slow and orderly manner.

For a moment, there was no word again.

Those words of warm wine were hard to say, and they immediately got stuck in the throat.

After a long time, he said, "the fourth childe was taken away by Rong Sheng."

Xie Heng paused for a moment and then said slowly, "he's for Xiao Wu. You don't have to think about it."

In a word, I left warm wine with this matter.

Warm wine droops eyes, and the hands under the sleeves can't help closing tightly.

She suddenly remembered that on the day she left Yunzhou, Xie Heng stood among the peonies. Such a young man, beautiful and beautiful, asked her in a hoarse voice, "is this me you want?"

Since then, he really didn't mean to entangle at all, as she thought, and he carried "this is our Xie family's business, which has nothing to do with you".

After a while.

Wen Jiu suddenly looked up and asked, "do you drink?"

At this moment, she suddenly felt very clearly that she and Xie Heng would never have anything to do with each other from now on.

After dawn, he went back to his imperial capital. She took root in the bafangcheng. There was a vast sea of people. As soon as she turned around, she forgot the past.

Xie Heng was slightly stunned and said with a smile, "drink."

Tacit understanding is sometimes very cruel.

Knowing that they all hold the idea of no future, they sit opposite each other tonight, but they are silent.

There is no hysterical hatred gnashing teeth, and there are no tears after goodbye.

She thought that if she heard that Xie Heng had a wife and children thousands of miles away in the future, she would probably only wish each other with a cup of sake.

Don't meet in life, don't meet after death.

In this way, the person in front of me at this time is just such a gorgeous young man.

Tonight is full of joys and sorrows. Drink a pot of wine together. Yesterday's things and tomorrow's worries will be forgotten.

Wen Jiu put his hand on the table and stood up. "Wait here. I'll get the wine."

Without waiting for Xie Heng to speak, she stepped out of the threshold and hurried away.

Xie Heng leaned back on the chair, slightly closed his eyes and smiled at himself.

Sure enough, this can make her feel at ease.

He used to be shameless and tangled, and she avoided it more and more. Now she knows that he doesn't tangle anymore, but let go a lot.

What is hard to get, retreat for progress, all kinds of means in the Fengyue Bureau.

He only knew that if ah Jiu could be more cheerful, it would be all right.

Not long.

Warm wine came in with two jars of wine, put two wine bowls, filled with good wine, and did it without saying a word.

Everyone says that shopkeeper Wen is eloquent. In fact, many times, especially in front of Xie Heng, she always doesn't know how to speak.

First dry a few bowls of wine, and then you can have the courage to say what you can't say at ordinary times.

Xie Heng understood and drank with her in silence.

Wine is a good wine, but it always has less taste than warm wine.

Warm wine drank quickly. Most of the jar of wine went into her throat. She pinched the wine bowl, leaned against the back of her chair and shouted, "thank you, general."

Xie Heng raised his eyes to see her, "shopkeeper Wen."

You came and I went, each called, and there was no word.

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing and touched Xie Heng with his bowl, "thank you."

With just two words, he drank it himself.

Xie Heng didn't ask her what to thank. He drank all the wine in the bowl and saw her pour wine for him with a wine jar.

A girl in Royal robe should have embroidered flowers and fluttered butterflies in her boudoir. When she was first in love, she admired a young talent and looked forward to a happy and successful life.

But Wen Jiu, at his age, worked hard with others in the Shura field like the imperial capital, quickly emerged in the business field, and drank 300 jars of good wine over the merchants in the city.

She was not born an ordinary woman. How can she disappear from the crowd and be trapped by love all her life.

Xie Heng picked up the wine bowl and said to her, "thank you."

They come and go, not a word.

Outside the window, the wind and rain kept going, and the lights flashed through the door, bright and dark.

Warm wine, thank him for coming all the way to save her life, thank him for his protection, thank him... Have tenderly given her a person.

Xie Heng thanked her for having been in the same boat with him, for walking side by side, and for not even hating him.

Each other never broke, thousands of words in silence.

Two large jars of wine, a night of wind and rain.

Gradually, the day began to dawn.

The stewards who went out to do business came back and stood outside the door and asked, "shopkeeper, the cargo ships have been arranged. It's almost dawn. Can you let them leave?"

In a word, wake up a double who is half drunk.

Wenjiu and Xie Heng raised their eyes and looked at each other at the same time.

A moment later.

Warm wine, don't look at it, look out the door, hold one hand on the table, slowly stand up and whisper, "you should go."

Xie Heng got up slowly, lowered his eyes and smoothed the folds between his sleeves. His voice was a little dumb, "Xie Mou said goodbye."

When the voice fell, the boy turned and walked out without looking at her more.

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